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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. Different topic probably but I thoroughly enjoy what an unapologetically ornery fucker Jerry Seinfeld is. I really dig Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee. His misanthropy is supremely entertaining to me.
  2. The game is, I think, basically unfinished so they kind of wrapped it up in some half-assed way later where you repeat many missions on different settings. It's totally bizarre but gladly the game is otherwise so vast and good that it never made a dent in the package for me personally. Are you doing side ops and all that? I was doing way more side ops and all kinds of other side shit available consistently than main missions honestly. I also replayed main missions regularly for rankings and supplies/GMP...and well fun.
  3. Fuck, I still can't watch it tonight and I desperately want to get in on this drama.
  4. As in high or low? I don't really know in regards to your mission, the game is so open. I had like 20 mil at one point and tended to hover around 9 mil at my lowest later on on the game, can't recall earlier on. Always make sure to send your troops out and all that shit, fulton containers, build new platforms...it's all very beneficial.
  5. I stuck with pretty basic weapons as my go-to initially. Once my GMP went up and up through those auto-side-missions (I forgot what they're called, where you send your soldiers...) and things of that nature, I developed the shit out of everything just to try it. My go to was the Riot SMG with the silencer and scope (once you have the R&D to develop all those). I also really liked the fist/arm weapons. Sneaking up on someone close enough to then sprint and knock them out with a superman punch is very effective.
  6. The only thing I truly recommend is trying out a lot of things. There are so many toys to play around with and most of it is honestly useful in its own way. Replay old missions with a different loadout, try new approaches etc. you always tend to end up learning something cool. PS: There's a great double barrel shotgun in the game
  7. I didn't say that due to its length though if you're addressing my post, I don't give a shit about that. I'd rather play a tight-as-hell three hour game ten times than a tedious hundred hour epic once. REMake2 is one of my favorite games of this generation and it's very short. I don't like some of the comments in regards to it not being terribly difficulty despite not having difficulty options (I enjoy replaying games on harder settings if I like them), encounter designs and some other things that I know would irk me. I'll reference @SimpleG's post for example. Add to that that I just don't think their games have been very good since Max Payne 2 and hence my "wait for sale" crack.
  8. I actually thought the Hitler meme marketing was funnier than the actual movie trailer
  9. A small bottle of Bulleit bourbon with my, I think, about to be new girlfriend. It was incredibly enjoyable.
  10. Finally went to see this Saturday night. I didn't get it, nor care for it, until the ending hit and I was utterly surprised by how well it tied this movie together and somehow turned it all around for me. I found it to be oddly sweet and sentimental, in a good way, for a Tarantino movie and especially found the last few minutes incredibly endearing. I've read a lot about the particular case and have a specific loathing for media portrayal and the bizarre "cool anti-hero" culture surrounding it all so to see it deconstructed and brought it back down to earth in such a weirdly relatable way was very cool to me. I didn't care for the many little vignettes involving the TV work early on in the film as I thought it didn't help its pacing but I'll reserve ultimate judgment on that for a second viewing. Overall, I'm really looking forward to seeing it again actually with the end and overall feel in mind. PS: The Bruce Lee thing was pretty fucking funny.
  11. I'm planning on watching this some time this week, I'll share my thoughts then. I've been a massive Chappelle fan since his pre-Chappelle Show stand-up so I'm curious to see how this one fares. I actually didn't like his last set of Netflix specials (or is it regarded as one with two episodes?) on my first viewing a lot and found it a bit unfunny. I somehow had the urge to watch it a second time and it clicked with me and its format made way more sense. His story-telling abilities are great.
  12. I even like OG Tomb Raider a lot to this day, I just don't see the big problem with any control scheme as long as the action is designed around it.
  13. As far as I recall this mission, I created a distraction by parking a jeep in the middle of the road so they had to stop. I was hiding in wait somewhere behind them after placing C4 charges all over the road in the area they'd be stopping at and then blew them up. The rest of the damage I did with a rocket or grenade launcher. You can also stealth up on vehicles and stick C4 right on them. That, or if you have the fulton upgrade yet, you can fulton them and beat the mission that way.
  14. Does this mean I have to stop posting that hyper-douchey competitive vaping video to laugh at every time this shit comes up?
  15. I haven't played in a while so I forgot what the game actually calls this but "invading" others' motherbases is great and often a real challenge.
  16. Thing is, the gunplay is fantastic and satisfying so even going Rambo is really fun. However, you can always replay missions for better rankings and therefore more resources and bonuses. I started doing that and going for stealth-only runs when at first the stealth felt really difficult. Time is actually the most important thing in mission rankings weirdly enough. The game is very flexible though unlike most older stealth titles. You can easily go Rambo, let shit die down and switch it up. Also, you can get really creative, if you can think it up within the mechanics' parameters, you can probably actually do it. I've done stuff like put remote detonator C4 charges all over a Jeep, drive towards a camp and roll out at top speed, wait for Jeep to crash into camp and hit the detonate button. So many ways to fuck with enemies.
  17. Its utter failure at being a decent FPS with even attempts at encounter designs beyond spilling twenty dudes with guns into an arena infuriated me to the point I became a raging communist.
  18. MGS4 annoyed the shit out of me to the point I never even finished it and is the reason I refused to even check out MGS5 for several years. I just remember endless gameplay-less drivel. The earlier games at least struck a good balance despite sometimes stretching my patience. MGS4 though, jesus... I was so fucking happy to find out MGS5 is simply Snake Simulator and he basically shuts the hell up 90% of the time.
  19. So I played the demo last night and really enjoyed it. I ended up playing through it three times total and keep thinking about it. The combat and controls in general are really good and fluid and it most certainly doesn't suffer from that "beautiful 2D indie game with gameplay as an afterthought" syndrome. It very much reminded me of Demon's Crest back on the SNES mixed with a Castlevania somewhere between CIII and Symphony of the Night with more fleshed-out combat and the obvious Dark Souls-isms. OST is very, very good and atmospheric, animations and art in general are incredibly good in motion and the level and encounter designs are also good. A good amount of spikes, ladders, fireballs type of environmental hazards mixed in with combat.
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