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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. Uncharted's 90+ metacritic scores, that legacy can get lost too... ...get it?
  2. I've always bought consoles maybe two years or so after release but never considered this aspect, it's always been out of disinterest before a decent library of games builds up and the price drops.
  3. Infinite is a terrible game completely swallowed by its stupid pseudo-intellectual aspirations. I don't even think the first two are particularly good, the gunplay especially being kind of crap in the first one, but Infinite was so terrible, I traded it in after four hours.
  4. RDR 2 is basically a 5/10 video game for me, and it hurts to even be that generous, wrapped in 10/10 production values. Even I was enamored with its absolutely amazing world until it became crystal clear it's not even close to fun or interesting to interact with. It's a total mess. The mission design deserves a special place in video game hell and completely taken on its own is some of the most insultingly stupid shit I've played in ages. I can't even remember the early 3D GTAs being that obscenely restrictive. It's like Rockstar were so far up their own asses with their cinematic aspirations, they fail your fucking mission if you dare step out of the "coolest" angle...are you KIDDING me? I still vividly remember disgustedly quitting while doing that moronic mission where you have to steal the buggy from the fenced-in factory/storehouse with guards everywhere. The game decided to fail me over and over and over until I took the EXACT route it wanted me to take despite it being the most illogical way to go about it. I thought hey, maybe I'll wait it out until the dude takes the cart out, then I assassinate him and steal it! WRONG, MISSION FAILED DUHH MORON. Oh, okay... Fuck Rockstar for wasting that fantastic, intriguing world, atmosphere and soundtrack on such an abysmal turd of a game.
  5. I gotta say, I only came () for that killer thread title. Kudos @Jason, well played. There's a reason I like Puerto Rican girls.
  6. As an updated, I've been keeping Season 8 on randomly in the background while cooking etc. and it's actually impressively unfunny, depressing and overall just terrible. I'm just hate-watching in disbelief a few minutes here and there and then resume my tasks in the evenings sometimes. Andy being the manager and that California dude...just so, so, so bad.
  7. The combat looks exactly the same. I'm sure they've added a nuance or two but it's the same thing.
  8. I actually think MGSV is a great game for quick sessions. There is so much "make your own fun" type of shit to do from the Side OPs to just fucking up checkpoint bases to kidnapping superior soldiers and equipment to stealing resources. I also found myself replaying earlier missions for better ratings and rewards quite often and I'm usually not that type of player. Something about that game's loop was super addictive and fun for me despite being quite repetitive objectively. I did easily get carried away and find myself still fulton-ing sheep like 3 hours later
  9. You're all stupid. Jeffrey Dahmer's ghost killed him, he will not be upstaged. Case closed, you can all believe your respective nonsense again.
  10. This was in Orlando, near the airport. I lived down there for years and the amount of violence and general insanity was off the charts. I feel like I could write a book about all the shit that happened to my friends or myself, it's like the place is just a magnet for bad decisions and you can't help but get sucked in. Just...fucking Florida I guess, there's something to that meme 100%. I always remember there was an incident where some redneck shot another dude in his car while doing 70mph or something on I-4 near downtown. The car went over the side where I-4 is elevated and landed in the middle of some busy downtown street. It's almost comical how out of control that place is. Even I eventually bought a gun and I'm so not into that shit.
  11. My mother's husband is an ex-cop from Florida, retired recently, and claims these crazy Stand Your Ground cases happen much more frequently than reported on the news. According to him, someone shot and killed a guy during a parking lot fight at a bar near their house and got away with it claiming Stand Your Ground and it was mentioned in the local news only very briefly for example. Living in Florida these days would make me paranoid as fuck.
  12. Someone doesn't know about dat Life Call loooool
  13. It apparently doesn't have difficulty settings nor a NG+ mode nor online play. I'm definitely not a quantity over quality guy but that's kind of slim assuming the difficulty can't be all that high to begin with if everyone's expected to play on that and they're not From. Granted, I'm not very interested to begin with but still, a 10 hour game should provide some replay value in my book.
  14. Is this supposed to look 80's as fuck? Looks like something Deckard would have in his apartment cleaning his dishes.
  15. I actually don't think the sub-plots were bad or even uninteresting, just way too predominant in a season that was starving for a real direction and hook until Atlanta really hit. How much time was spent on Bill Tench's sub-plot was almost a bit frustrating to me at points despite being compelling in and of itself.
  16. My fucking car seems to have a never-ending fuel flow issue and I'm about to just send it driving off a cliff in a rage.
  17. French Canadians weird me the fuck out. How can you look like you're from Montana but speak some weird, archaic French!?
  18. Reviews are actually pretty strong for this one from what I've seen just now. Some low outliers but overall there are a few really high scores and many ranging from 8 to 9's.
  19. So after finishing S2, I do have to say I found it significantly weaker overall. It felt very...lopsided in that I felt like the first half was somewhat unfocused and then the truly exciting and interesting Atlanta portion ended up feeling rushed and abrupt in its ending. I still think it's a solid 7/10 season with amazing performances, fantastic cinematography, atmosphere, everything but the overall plot and writing felt kind of lost until the middle of the season. I also kind of didn't understand what Dr. Carr's rather lengthy relationship sub-plot added. I suppose they wanted to shift the main character focus from Holden's character maybe and since he had a relationship thing in S1, this was the counterbalance? In hindsight, I just didn't think it brought anything to Carr's character we didn't already understand from her relationship in S1. S1 was one of my favorite shows in a sea of great releases so overall I have to say S2 was pretty uneven, bumpy and possibly even felt slightly superfluous to me despite being objectively good. I think I really didn't connect with anything outside of the Atlanta segment and the BTK vignettes and related. A highlight for me was the interview with the BTK survivor kid in the pickup truck, amazing segment.
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