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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. It's funny that it popped up here, because I've been thinking about Lion a lot recently. I really loved it and felt deeply connected to the story, although the story of my own adoption was infinitely less dramatic than his. Like, if I wanted to find my birth mom, it would probably take like 2-3 phone calls, max.
  2. I guess I'm part of the problem, because there's a good chance I never would have noticed this change, and now that it's pointed out to me, I don't particularly care. I have at least half of the seasons on DVD that I could dig if I really wanted to honor the artists' original vision or whatever. I'll probably end up watching most of these episodes on my phone during my lunch break, which also definitely wasn't intended in the early 90's.
  3. I rewatched all of the Craig Bond movies over the last couple weeks. I don't have much of anything new or insightful to say about them. Casino Royale and Skyfall are great, Spectre is disappointing but still fun, Quantum of Solace is pretty much just a mess (understandable, given that it was a rush job during the writers strike).
  4. I laughed when I logged onto Netflix and Seinfeld was the first thing I saw. The day they released Roma, I had to search for it, but Jerry? Right there up top.
  5. I tried a little bit of Lemnis Gate. It seems like a really cool concept, but I had a really hard time getting the hang of it.
  6. At this point on the TV landscape, Law & Order Classic seems almost quaint. There’s no real hook, no special genius detective or elite specialist squad, just detectives and lawyers doing going through their routines.
  7. I downloaded it. I'll check it out sometime this week. I'm already rotating between like 6 games at the moment, what's one more?
  8. I have played so much of this on my iPad, and I don't know if I've ever gotten better at it. Any good run I have feels like total chance. It's still a ton of fun though.
  9. My voice has been called “tolerable” and “not as bad as you think”.
  10. Sounds good, but if this ever gets turned into an award-winning documentary, I want a percentage.
  11. Samurai Champloo is actually one of the very few anime series I’ve ever watched. That was back in high school, which is now entirely too long ago, but I remember enjoying it.
  12. Cowboy Bebop has been on my to-watch pile for so long. At this point, I might as well wait and watch this version first. I like doing things the wrong way sometimes.
  13. The first season following Joel and Ellie through more or less the first game is fine. If they go beyond that, that’s when expanding the scope of the show starts to make more sense, and might even become necessary.
  14. Six months ago, I would have said "meh, I don't care about remakes, I want new games!" But remakes/remasters are basically the only things I've played all summer, so now I say bring it on!
  15. Free Guy is totally different from Deadpool, because Free Guy knows he's in a video game, not a movie.
  16. I laughed when I unlocked the fist side of the character card for “Woman”. Gonna have to buy the full game so I can unlock the rest of her story! I thought it was kinda charming overall. I’m sometimes in the mood for a laid-back, simple RPG, and this might be a good one of those.
  17. Wait, now they’re back on Chrome/iOS, all three themes. Weird.
  18. I want it on record that I had the “s” in “Coen Brothers” crossed out from the beginning! I don’t know. I guess it’s less about him specifically, and more about old shit in general. I don’t know the history and I barely understand the language, so it often just feels impenetrable. It feels like I would have to really put in work to appreciate a Henry V or whatever. And I don’t feel up to it.
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