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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. Still chugging through ME3. It’s wild how little of this game I remember. I’m also dipping my toe back into Monster Hunter with Rise. At some point I’ll probably need to get more involved in the minutiae of it all, but for now I’m just running up to mofos and smashing ‘em with my hammer. Fun stuff.
  2. I like ‘em all, pretty much. The only time I’m ever disappointed with a fry is the sad little undercooked, unseasoned crinkle cut that I associate with shitty cafeterias.
  3. Love the "security" dude who shows up, hands his phone to someone, then just starts shoving people. What a shitshow.
  4. Y’all have never ridden the Turquoise Jeep before, and that makes me sad. What if I asked to Lemme Smang It, girl?
  5. I’m probably going to see it Monday or Tuesday. Don’t feel like fighting the crowds for this one.
  6. I’ll probably jerk it some time this evening. I can do it in your name, if you’d like.
  7. I order pretty regularly from a local place that is only a tiny step above a Panda Express, and orange chicken is my go-to order. Everything else I’ve tried from there has been disappointing, but the orange always delivers.
  8. My guy is really pushing for that Oscar. Just give it to him already so he can stick to making fun movies.
  9. I guess this is the month where I find out if I have a real data cap. Downloaded a bunch of random Game Pass stuff the other day, now 102 gigs for this fucker. I only have the appetite for like one racing game every couple of years. I played a lot of Horizon 3, but not much of 4. Can’t remember why. I’m looking forward to this.
  10. Joke’s on them. The country is actually being run by Satan, who worships pedophiles.
  11. Spending a week doing overnights to set up the Halloween section at Target is what really killed it for me. Spending the bulk of my 20’s in retail ruined a lot of things for me.
  12. "This town galaxy deserves a better class of criminal, and I'm gonna give it to 'em" - Boba Fett
  13. And chocolate covered potato chips are amazing. I’ve never mixed PB and chips before, but this makes sense as a package.
  14. The plan was to shift to something different after finishing ME2, but I couldn’t focus on anything else, so I’m several hours into ME3. Man, after the intro scene, I remember nothing about this game. At first I thought the combat was really easy because I imported a character and started at level 30, but after a few missions I checked the difficulty, and somehow I was on Casual. I hate that they changed the journal to put all missions on the same page, and with no good way to sort through the junk/minor stuff.
  15. He started to turn around for me almost immediately after I posted that. I just finished season 1. Now that he can have a conversation without staring at the floor and muttering nonsense, I like him a lot more.
  16. I might need to check out RE4 before I dismiss this, but I have a hard time getting excited for these big games in VR. As much as I like it, VR is something I can really only do for like 15-20 minutes at a time.
  17. I’ve finally started watching this show. I’m only a few episodes into the first season, and it’s obviously very well made, but I can’t handle Cousin Greg. Every time he pops up, I’m reaching for the +15 seconds button. Sometimes I feel like a large sack of Awkward just bumbling around, but this motherfucker puts me to shame.
  18. I don’t know if I ever realized that the first time we see George’s mom is in The Contest. Great stuff.
  19. Carrots and hummus. Fight the gamer stereotypes!
  20. Hell yeah I paid! Paid for AMC A-List, that is. $20 a month got a whole lot easier to justify when this IMAX ticket was $17 on its own.
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