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Everything posted by heydude93

  1. i'm not sure he 'd go for much manga either so far Question for anyone who knows a lot about anime: might be a dumb one, but other than Grave of the Fireflies, how slice-of-life does the medium actually get (as the term is often used when describing films: Dazed and Confused, Mid 90's, Boyhood, etc.)? Is this a western-centric question? Asking honestly, since I don't watch much of it and almost all of it I've been exposed to seemed about as far from reality as anything could possibly be, especially with how human relationships are portrayed. Most of it seems pretty stylized to say the least.
  2. Finally getting around to completing Yakuza 0, replaying Oddworld:NaT, then Soulstorm, later on at least one more attempt at finishing that last Tetris Effect level.
  3. Obligatory mention of the final chapters in Bioshock 1 and Half Life 1, the nightmare chapters in Max Payne, blade towers in God of War, that one part in Mario Sunshine where the camera becomes too janky, stealth scenes in Wind Waker, meat circus in Psychonauts. Also: - the puzzle in The Last Guardian where you fall through a hole into some water and gotta climb Toriko's tail to get out (with luck and a lot of patience) - The removal of Ninja Dog mode and puzzles in Sigma, the Rachel chapters, the fact that you can't get nunchucks in hard mode, and the addition of mandatory help items in all difficulty modes that make the game easier across the board. - The wolf chapters in Twilight Princess - The shipwreck in RE7 - The Island chapter in RE4 is too long - The INSANELY long tutorial starting off Okami, and the degree of exposition throughout much of that game. It seriously makes me never want to play it again, and it's a textbook example of how low the expectations of audiences were at that time.
  4. Don't have a next/current gen console yet, but from what I've seen Demons Souls and Rift in Time have more graphics than just about everything else at the moment, as expected. I played RDR2 for the first time in years and was floored by how Rockstar managed to pull off an open world game with those visuals on last gen hardware. Same with Remedy's Control, though I doubt the animations in cutscenes will hold up too well. Ghosts of Tsushima's visuals are nice with how alive the world feels and how much motion everything on screen has at all times. The Last of Us 2's attention to detail, the quality of the animation and everything else make it stand out. Rez Infinite...it might not be the best example given the minimalism of its art style, but I genuinely believe it's visuals might never feel antiquated in our lifetimes. The infinite levels are downright spellbinding when covering an entire wall via HD projector. Kena might be a contender for one of the most emotive 3D art styles out there, showing how close the industry is to genuinely achieving interactive Pixar movies.
  5. In that interview he says things that 1000% wrong, like Bruce Lee claiming he could beat Ali in a fight when he's on record saying the complete opposite.
  6. Rumor: Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver Remaster in Development WWW.PLAYSTATIONLIFESTYLE.NET New rumors have surface that a Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver remaster is in development, and that it could be announced this year.
  7. Bo Burnham - Inside. Definitely not the revelatory work of genius brought down from the heavens that a lot of reviews make it out to be, but as a personal, emotionally impactful and unique work that comments on & encapsulates a lot of what's happened in past few years, I loved it. Content, Comedy, White Woman's Instagram, Sexting, WTTI, All Eyes on Me and That Funny Feeling are bangers. 8/10
  8. For anyone interested, this youtube/twitch channel rules - puts a spotlight on police interactions with the public, frequently covering stuff that doesn't make headlines with added breakdown/analysis to help boost constitutional awareness in interactions with cops:
  9. Can't be overstated, the most redeeming thing about Liefeld's art is imagining what Stan Lee's critiques of it would be
  10. I'm down if it really does play like the recent REmakes. Those games feel SO damn good and are absurdly tight from a gameplay standpoint. And hopefully like the REmakes it's not just a graphical and sound improvement.
  11. just finished this: since it adds vital context to the main course that I'll be diving into shortly:
  12. What stuff do you collect? I've got this artpiece designed by Tony Riff that's therapeutic to stare at: Rare psychonauts figure: Cuphead set, and a magnetic Katamari: Rare Neca Big Daddy: And dinosaur figures. There's never been a better time to be into 'em. A few years ago companies started putting more care into making them as accurate to paleontology as possible. Two companies to follow are PNSO: And Beasts of the Mesozoic: I only own a few PNSO and BOTM figures, but having any of them is like having a natural history museum-quality dinosaur sculpture in your home. Pretty neat! What's in your collection, if you have one?
  13. Wow, haven't thought about this game in a hot minute. It was a Sega Channel staple back in the day.
  14. Well damn. Guess I'll finally be trying this when getting groceries next week! Thanks duder ^_^
  15. Oatmilk seems like it might taste better than almond. Wish it wasn't so calorie and carb-heavy.
  16. The novel's out. It gives a lot of backstory for characters, especially Cliff Booth. Tarantino's making interview rounds promoting it right now and is dropping tons of interesting tidbits. Joe Rogan, fuckhead that he is, has one of the more interesting interviews w/ him on his podcast right now.
  17. Apparently GTA6 is still four years away, but I guess this also might be true of Elder Scrolls. With the amount of talent and labor needed to realize current gen digital worlds and the scrutiny on crunch, the days of three-five year turnarounds for large-budget open world releases might be over. Until tech makes things significantly easier (more advanced AI, procedural generation, improved photogrammetry scanning, etc) who knows how long it'll take games like these to be finished moving forward (and I'm ok with this).
  18. Somewhat necessary Wall-o-text response: it's not new information that every seasoned political streamer makes fun of debate bros (debating for debate sake/points) and recognizes the distinction between that and debating effectively to demonstrate the utility of viewpoints that increase fairness in society, etc. Fyi Hasan's under a lot of scrutiny lately btw for insensitivity and letting misinformation and dumb takes in his political commentary slip by him often. Sometimes it seems like he cares more about getting rich and fucking pornstars than being a reliable source of information, but in his defense he's worked wonders at popularizing leftist politics. This might be influencing his viewpoint in the above interview, but not sure, time will tell. But the team sports critique is on point. It's a problem most streamers with goals of making serious political commentary are running into: the amount of viewers watching for reasons intended vs hatewatching, watching for the reality tv drama meymeys, looking for an echo chamber, to only see someone win/lose, etc. Hence why I respect Destiny and Rele - Destiny's goal appears to be minimizing bias and any unjust impact from any source + maximizing personal freedom + being as comprehensive and fair as possible in his arguments, and seems more concerned than most w/ getting to the heart of what someone he disagrees with believes, seeing how well it holds up to scrutiny and making them reveal their authentic selves vs beating them at their own game. As far as I know Rele's not the most sensitive or levity-inspiring guy - in some ways he might seem like another typa bro - but so far he's shown a bonkers amount of credibility in his arguments (very few misses, and any time he does he seems interested in course correcting asap) and he's the most untrollable content creator i've ever seen and will regularly take any chatters to task by initiating a "discord or ban" ultimatum, forcing them to mic up or touch grass. Seeing political commentators who you feel represent your views put their perspective in action every day via live broadcasts where they can interact with viewers might be the future of some types of programming we consume as podcasts, articles and tv shows can be helpful in learning how to deal w/ bad faith manipulation and grifting attempts directed at you on the day-to-day. If nothing else it exists as a public service that helps make ethical/fair application of direct action (enacting a just response on anyone perpetuating shit ideas instead of just the most blatantly shitty people) increasingly viable and effective. ^_^
  19. This probably won't contribute to an increase in conspiracy theories
  20. "I'm trying to be a legit academic for god's sake, why am i getting so much shit these days for honoring Hagel" lololololololololo
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