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Everything posted by heydude93

  1. Is this and TFAWS viewer-friendly for someone who hasn't kept up with any MCU stuff since Endgame?
  2. Someone compiled screenshots before a lot of the threads on his subreddit were deleted. Saying they were coping would be putting it mildly.
  3. Gregg Deal talked about similar boarding schools in a podcast interview. Fucking horror shows, and even crazier is some of them were STILL in operation as recently as the early 2000's.
  4. Kinda. There's maybe five or six new releases this year I've tried. I'm definitely gonna play and finish Kena:BoS, Psychonauts 2, and Elden Ring though.
  5. I get it. What can I say: before watching certain people trash themselves into the bin permanent irrelevancy I can't help but indulge in my base impulses for schadenfreude via seeing examples being made of them sometimes. I'm a bully like that ^_^
  6. I haven't watched much H3H3 content yet but regardless the clip is hilarious. i can't tell if you're doing a bad faith advocacy persona rn or somethin
  7. Once it gets to a point where it can be effective? Exactly. As the video in the OP shows. ^_^ Agreed 100%, if only everyone had the luxury of simply getting to avoid harmful/stupid/sociopathic/etc people like Crowder and his fans (and anyone with similar beliefs and social or political power who actually CAN debate at higher levels). And as someone who can't fight with my fist and feet effectively enough, using words to the best of my ability and objective evidence devices like cameras and audio recordings to harm their quality of life before they can harm mine is preferred ^_^
  8. Also anyone who genuinely thinks argumentation skills (though not relying in debating) aren't important when applicable has most likely been living in privilege, protected from having to deal with high functioning sociopaths, isn't effected by them, etc. It's a take on the level of "knowing philosophy isn't important, man, the golden rule is all you need". Someone like Crowder might be easy enough to deal with when you see through his shtick, but effective good faith discourse when talking about important topics that impact lives is still important if you don't want to be impacted by people causing harm. I guess this actually needs to be explained
  9. Did you actually watch it? You think footage of Crowder being karma-punched is a waste of time? Why?
  10. The beautiful thing about this (for anyone who didn't watch the clip or is out of the loop) is over the years Crowder's always fashioned this perception of himself in the minds of his audience as a debate king soley because he confronts freshman college students and anyone else who's inexperienced talking about politics who doesn't know how to prove his bad points wrong as well as he can argue them. Seder's always been like "why not debate me, then?" and Crowder's always gone out of his way to dodge it because he KNOWS he'll be publicly flogged as the fraud that he is when he talks to someone not in his echo chamber, anyone who's actually knowledgable. So when he and Ethan Klein (who Crowder agrees to debate for being a lesser-known youtuber who doesn't talk much about politics) hatch the prank for him to pop on his stream unannounced, and THAT's the reaction he has (childlike fear, anxiety, cowardice, and some vague anti-semitism at the end), just from Seder appearing and TALKING to him, we're looking at one of the rare instances that a prominent conservative douchebag gets genuine comeuppance. His fans on his reddit page went apeshit when it happened. He won't be living this down any time soon
  11. Possible hot take: If someone was only now getting a vaccine and said they had covid and were quarantining (using masks and hand sanitizer) since contracting it and waiting for the side effects to go away before getting it, and their second reason was waiting to see if any later batches might be more effective at curing some long term symptoms, how ethical or not would you say their actions were?
  12. I genuinely can't tell if I'm getting more skilled at Virtua Fighter or if everyone else is just that bad (or inexperienced, this one seems to be the first time in for many playing it). Started RE8 and digging it so far (and what an opening hour, holy fuck). Serious Sam, to scratch that fast-paced first person shooter itch. And Ninja Gaiden 3:RE. Pleasantly surprised by it so far and don't think it's nearly as bad as a lot of impressions I read made it out to be.
  13. EDIT: since some feel that h3h3 is a grifter and I'd need to be a more frequent viewer to know if that's true, editing in some confirmed non-grifter twitch vods covering it for you guys to click on ^_^
  14. If the next Kojima game is indeed on xbox, I wonder what it'll be (the horror game?) and if it's a timed exclusive or not. I'm starting to miss the simplicity of last gen when most of the stuff I wanted to play was on one console.
  15. Good point with Earthbound. Yeah, this game would probably be a smash hit on a nintendo platform so it's strange that a switch release was never in the cards at first jump. Guess it's because it started development two years before Switch's launch day, who knows.
  16. I don't have this game yet, but seeing the in game rift-shifting mechanic at a friend's house yesterday knocked me the fuck out. It's like Portal amped up to eleven
  17. Oddly enough, it might be fair to point out the original Psychonauts wasn't quite as geared towards younger audiences as it seems. A lot of the humor was fairly cerebral and idiosyncratic, having more in common with prime time animation, 90's nicktoons and adult swim than something you'd expect to see saturday mornings on the disney channel. If you explored every nook and cranny of some mental worlds you'd even stumble across some hella dark secrets of a few characters. But you're probably right that it would be a smash hit on nintendo consoles being that it's a platformer with tons of creativity, vibrant art style, etc. It's still coming to PS4 (and PS5 via backwards compatibility) because it was promised to backers who funded the game. It could still be released on Switch, like Ori and a few more games have. Also the whole console exclusivity thing for studios isn't always permanent.
  18. I guess it's the difference between watching cable TV, going to curated screenings, live premieres, etc vs streaming networks where you consume everything at your convenience. Which do you like most? If you prefer the second (most probably will), are there any instances where you miss the former, or even prefer it? Do you think there's something positive to be said of that experience, or do you think the netflix queue approach is better entirely?
  19. I don't really reminisce on earlier periods of my life, possibly because I lost the ability to feel nostalgia several years ago. In some ways things are worse, some better, etc. ^_^
  20. a: The game industry! So far at least. The developer's doing some bonkers stuff with AI programing recently though. Maybe something will happen soon ^_^
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