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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. I think I got Watch Dogs Legion on a digital sale for about $12 like, a year ago. I still haven't played it. ...I haven't played Watch Dogs 2 yet either, for that matter. I would've totally jumped on Nioh 2 but I keep forgetting about this damn sale. That's really the only one so far...
  2. CHOMPS are pretty good. It's getting harder and harder to find jerky sticks that don't have a lot of bullshit in them like dextrose or MSG. I particularly like the sticks with the venison and beef.
  3. So I bought Asterigos a while back and have never actually booted it up until last night. So we'll start there I guess.... ASTERIGOS BEGINS NOW. well, not now. But when I get home from work.
  4. Woot, Backlaugust is here! Luckily I keep a spreadsheet of all the games I own across all the platforms. Let's see what it's up to now....
  5. I used to think I wanted a story mode in my racing games. I loved the original GRID and it had cutscenes and all, and it was cool. But then we got that latest GRID where they tried to be all dramatic and have interviews and shit and it was just cheesy. I do want a rags-to-riches story mode though; I want to SEE the fruits of my labor, not just a screen with a list of cars and a "collector rating." I know that garages have been a thing in racing games for a little while, to varying degree of customization, but it would be really nice to not just buy a nicer garage, but take the garage you have, accessorize it, expand it, etc. Kinda like how cribs was in NFL 2K5.
  6. Because the lesson we've all learned this past year is that you absolutely should listen to the FTC.
  7. I could have told anyone before this game even released, that there were going to be multitudes of balancing patches for at least the first six months. Not saying it doesn't suck, but it's just expected at this point.
  8. Anybody playing this and getting upset about balancing changes and nerfs has obviously never played an mmo/live service game, ever. If you think you've made the "perfect build" and that it will exist two months from now, you're just setting yourself up. it's the nature of the beast. Devs make a game. Players find ways to make game-breaking builds. Devs nerf game-breaking builds so that no longer break the game. Players find new ways to make game-breaking builds. It's the eternal conflict, fuck the angels and demons. To play a game like this is to understand that your build will not be viable forever.
  9. Oh, Microsoft. They probably could be the market leader if they didn't keep tripping over their own feet. I'm primarily an Xbox gamer but it's like watching your kid play baseball and he finally hits the ball but runs the wrong direction around the bases. At this point as an Xbox fan I've just learned to take a deep breath and say "yeah... that's mine..."
  10. i think its the top tier. I'm still grandfathered in from when it was PS Now.
  11. Bread is 100% unnecessary to survive. Grains are inflammatory, lead to digestive issues, cause things like irritable bowel, acid reflux, etc. etc. The list goes on. If not eating grains makes you feel better, then don't eat them. Don't let all that Food Pyramid shit tell you otherwise. It's all just fiction anyway. When I stopped eating them, my acid reflux issues of over ten years went away completely. I also noticed that my energy levels increased and my nasal issues improved quite a bit (i used to have an indefinitely stuffy nose.) A lot of "allergies" that we have are actually just prolonged inflamation and auto-immune responses to the garbage we eat.
  12. As a bit of a fan of the Tales series, I found the battles on Arise took way too long. Most of the fun with Tales combat was that it literally took seconds. In fact, the faster the battle, the more points you got. Arise had grindy battles where it really did feel like you were just chipping away at health bars while waiting for your gauges to fill.
  13. yay a sequel to what was probably the worst movie in the Conjuring-verse.
  14. I still have my GBA so technically I should be able to play it. Cuz that was back when Nintendo was cool and let you play your old shit.
  15. They said this was going to happen last year. I'm surprised they waited this long.
  16. I'm having a difficult time getting into the campaign, mainly because some of those quests can get pretty long. Anything that requires going into a dungeon makes me check my watch first to see if it have time. I realize that's a 'me' problem but I've never had this problem in a Diablo game before.
  17. I don't think Square Enix understands the purpose of a demo anymore. I remember the old FF demos back in the day and they'd drop you in mid-game into an exciting scenario and let you fight a cool boss or something to get you hyped. Forcing me to play the long, drawn-out intro in a scenario when we just want to get a feel for the game is not the way to go. I don't care about stories in demos. I save that for the final release. I ended up skipping a huge chunk of the cutscenes just cuz I wanted to, ya know, PLAY THE GAME. I get bored with FF's "war between two nations" backdrop that they keep revisiting for some reason. Also, anyone else get Godzilla vibes from the Titan/Shiva battle? The characters were like "Oh it's Titan. And looks who's here to meet him." Then they watched the battle from a mountain like literally every old Godzilla flick ever made. I laughed at that. I have FFXVI wishlisted but eeeehhh... I might wait for reviews to see if it's a good story or if it's a bloated mess.
  18. Avatar Cry looks like it could be good. The Star Wars game was intriguing but had me sold the second I saw space combat.
  19. I played through it on the 360. I enjoyed it. But the final boss battle suuuuuuucks.
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