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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Splatoon is one of those odd sleeper hits where most outlets don’t talk about it but it does extremely well.
  2. Can a pipeline truly exist if it’s less than 1mm long?
  3. On the one hand that is a shockingly low amount for those actors now. On the other hand, I think they’re voicework for the first movie would have probably been damn near less than five minutes each. It’s also not as if they wouldn’t be easy to replace.
  4. Replace every drop of that man’s bodily fluids with the local tap water and keep doing that with every one of his successors on a weekly basis until the problem is fixed.
  5. Awful. Given his constant health problems I always imagined it was only a matter of time, but still so sad to hear.
  6. Probably scrambled eggs. There are enough varieties in terms of preparation/condiments that you would have a decent enough variety to never truly hate it.
  7. I’ll be interested to check this out. I love System Shock 2, one of my favorite games of all time, but checking out the original system shock is much harder. It’s like ARMA but clunkier. Do you want to be standing, leaning, on tip toes, slightly hunched, kneeling, fully prone? If I remember right it did t even have traditional mouse aim yet, if you wanted mouse aim you needed to toggle between aiming mode and using the UI mode and if you got caught off guard good luck. The descent style 3D cyberspace levels, the endless sudden traps and bullet sponges enemies, it’s all ripe for change. If they can capture the vibe but not make it feel like homework, I’ll be pleased.
  8. GB and other podcasts have discussed this sort of thing already, it doesn’t serve either audience for them to talk about these things in any length. A general audience doesn’t want or need constant GTA online updates unless it’s particularly weird, and people who want discussion of GTA online don’t want to hear all about Stray or Rollerdrome. You do a bad job of catering to either audience. People who are really into things like Star Citizen, GTA, Roblox, Fortnite, Minecraft, whatever can find dedicated podcasts and sites that cater to what they want and the generalists can stay the generalists.
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