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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. To be fair, I’ve seen enough absolute dipshits on the water that there should be some kind of lesson/test for those things.
  2. There’s a lot of anime blu ray weirdness. I don’t think the original Berserk series has ever been released in the US on blu ray either.
  3. I’ll be interested to see how it turns out. I loved the original Trigun but that show looked really rough a lot of the time.
  4. The Switch sells like a motherfucker and while I thoroughly enjoy my PS5 this generation is not a yet a dramatic increase over the last one. I’m not an industry analyst or anything, but I imagine the next switch is further away than we think. Besides, why even start thinking about pulling that trigger until microchips are falling out of the sky again.
  5. I’m too depressed about the state of the law to even curiosity google the dissenting opinion. I’m sure it’s a fucking dinger.
  6. Awesome, thank you as always for these contests. Mario Strikers Battle League would be excellent if you please.
  7. Apparently YouTube won’t let me embed the “god damn america” speech. Lame
  8. It wouldn’t work. You would essentially never be able to sue anyone as an individual, which would effectively deny you access to due process. Trust me, the bar for not being allowed to represent yourself in court is HIGH.
  9. Inscryption Until Dawn Miles Morales Bloodborne Mundaun Castlvania Collection Elden Ring —————————— Doesn't really count as beating it because you can’t but… Evil Dead I was not prepared for the possibility that an Evil Dead game could come out and be… good. This has never happened before. Not only is it good, but it sold well and has a decent audience so finding a game is easy. I won’t lie, there’s a fair bit of jank at play here. There’s no jumping and the vault option is weird so you’ll find yourself trapped behind a shin high rock sometimes. Yesterday I lost a match partially because after marking an item it became impossible for me to move for about five minutes. The joystick worked for everything floor menus, and I could do any other action, but no walking. Vehicles feel completely wrong and it still feels tilted in favor of the demon. Still, it’s a lot of fun and just the right amount of fan service to have a lot of charm but not feel like it’s an evil dead soundboard beating you over the head for half an hour. It’s impressive that they managed to get almost all of the old actors back in to do some voice work. Overall a surprisingly fun time.
  10. It’s a f2p gacha game full of anime waifus. From wants to get rich for 1/999th of the effort.
  11. Inscryption Until Dawn Miles Morales Bloodborne Mundaun Castlvania Collection —————————————— Elden Ring Holy hell, I’ve never liked a game this much before that I was so unbelievably ready for it to end. I didn’t even approach it as a completionist, I’ve barely scratched the surface on quests, characters, lore, etc. I acquired all of the great runes, got an ending, and bounced. I don’t know why I felt the length of Elden Ring so much more than other similar games, I sank an equal amount of time into BotW but it didn’t feel like a chore. Maybe it’s the inability to zone out, maybe it’s the absolute lack of any coherent thread I could grasp onto, I don’t know. I was absolutely yoked, but the last handful of bosses I just did not give a shit and used a fully upgraded mimic tear to make my life easier because I couldn’t be bothered to try and learn the boss anymore. I watched an ending I understood none of and walked away. It will be a game I remember the opening 20-30 hours as being magical only to be increasingly ground away into progressively less memorable locations and enemies. Instead of being excited every time a new area opened up I just rolled my eyes because fucking of course the game isn’t over, there’s a new landmass that wasn’t even on the map before. Not even covered by fog where I knew something would take it’s place, just a new spot where there was previously drawn in emptiness. I still very much enjoyed the game, and the combat was mostly gratifying until the end, but god damn I could have used 33% less game.
  12. People arguing over codifying abortion rights are missing the forest for the trees. You’re acting like the majority of this court gives even a single wet fart about the legal pretense they’re using. You think that if Obama or anyone had actually passed a law preventing the outlawing of abortions that these chuds wouldn’t also just declare that law unconstitutional as well?
  13. I’m not saying I support violence, I’m just saying that when a gilded minority reigns over everyone else and gives them no peaceful way of changing things, it’s the only foreseeable outcome.
  14. Honestly, I just kind of want him to die a normal medical death. Have a heart attack or something. Just fade into nothing.
  15. Real men don’t eat quiche? It’s a fucking bacon egg and cheese pie in a buttery crust. It’s so calorie dense that every bite makes the grim reaper shake a little more sand down your hourglass.
  16. I never said that a total ban on tobacco would work or be a good idea, don’t know where people got that idea. Also, these may be loose terms, but it seems like a lot of the discussion is about a grey market for cigarettes and not a black one. Legally buying cigarettes in one tax zone and smoking them in another isn’t what I’d think of as a black market, and reselling them is more of a grey market. These aren’t outlawed items, it’s tax avoidance.
  17. I don’t know, I feel like a cigarette black market would be harder to get going. People who do illegal drugs always had to deal with an illicit sale, your average cigarette smoker just picks them up with a morning coffee. I’m not saying zero will turn to other means, I just imagine the number will be far lower.
  18. It’s not a welfare state, because as far as America is concerned anything even vaguely related to right wing grift isn’t welfare. Billions of dollars going to weapons? Not welfare. Thousands of dollars going to pay for a child’s lunch somewhere? Welfare.
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