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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Being ignorant of the broader politics of it all, does that proclamation really effect how people inside of Brazil will react?
  2. I do wonder if Trump will refuse to come back because it would seem like him admitting his own dumb ass social media platform isn’t as good.
  3. Given that the writer/director is the gallon of pcp guy, my guess is the justification for some of the more out there choices is that they would be funny. It was a good entertaining horror movie, but it is darkly comic in a lot of ways. I feel like a lot of the fridge logic is the same thing. Who cares if it makes sense, it’s a horror movie, they never make sense.
  4. Sadly, I have 23 out of 25 of those games, I’m only missing Life is Strange and GTAV, unless you count redeeming it on EGS and never touching it. Of the 23, the only one I haven’t beaten is Hollow Knight. At some point I lost the thread and just never came back. Some of those are weird though. Amnesia is not a long game, nor is Life is Strange. The super long RPGs I get but short of not liking them who doesn’t beat half of these games?
  5. Twitter Asks: Where Have All the Tweeters Gone? GIZMODO.COM Plus, cryptocurrency and porn are reportedly the fastest-growing topics of interest on the platform, according to the company's own internal research. Musk might not even have to put a dagger in the company, it’s already bleeding. How appropriate that Musk is going to spend billions to own the biggest platform of cryptobros yanking it.
  6. Here I was thinking this would be so long because there would be arguments over JK Rowling. Stupid of me in hindsight.
  7. Inscryption Until Dawn Miles Morales Bloodborne Mundaun Castlvania Collection Elden Ring Evil Dead Yakuza Kiwami 2 Splatoon 3 Hitman 3 Resident Evil 3 ———————————————— The Quarry I enjoyed Until Dawn and have watched Nextlander play through a bunch of the Dark Picture anthology games. October is a good time for a spooky game or two, and I figured why not? The Quarry either solves the broad stroke problems with Until Dawn or proves that some of that perhaps some of those restrictions were for the best. Until Dawn really didn’t have a ton of meaningful choices to make for the vast majority of the game and most of them happened at the very back end of the game. The Quarry manages to take advantage of the fact that people who have been playing games come to expect a supernatural element and it slightly manages to sidestep that with some fun red herrings. The issue with having more branching possibilities, or at least the appearance of more branching possibilities, is that you can screw yourself seemingly early on. Maybe the overall story is patchy, and maybe I just cut myself off from huge chunks of exposition? A character was introduced late in the game that seemed pivotal to the entire background and then was dead literally the next scene they appeared and not from a gameplay failure on my part. Come he’ll or high water, you were getting most of the plot of Until Dawn if you wanted it or not. I feel like I’m missing some fairly important details. In a vacuum this isn’t bad, but it leads to two friction points for me. I had one character die relatively early on, and what I assume is their story counterpart was basically dead weight the rest of the game. They basically did nothing, had no plot impact, and just kind of stood around. That feels true given the nature of their relationship but it also feels pointless to play as them from that point on. The other problem is that this game feels longer than Until Dawn. The main game is about two hours longer, but if I wanted to do a “perfect” run I’d have to start back way earlier and I don’t have clear ideas how to fix some problems. Characters ended up dead through no obvious choice on my end and I truly don’t know what random choice I made that brought me there. Still, it was exactly what I wanted when I started. Campy, gory fun with a tongue firmly lodged in the cheek. If you liked Until Dawn, you’ll like this.
  8. In fairness, TloU lost out to three sports franchises, one of which is to my knowledge the highest selling game franchise of all time. If Sony thought they were going to outsell FIFA the month it came out, they were high.
  9. Twitter is teetering on the edge of the Facebook problem where without judicious use of the muting and blocking, it becomes borderline unusable and insufferable for the average user. What most chuds and libertarians fail to realize is that these platforms are also a business and letting it be the unmoderated Wild West drives away a huge portion of the market, and all the other conservative alternatives don’t have enough market share to justify their existence.
  10. Honestly? Let him buy it at that point. Slash staff, make your terrible changes, render the platform an even more unusable hellhole, drive your audience away even more than the next big fad taking over, crater the company, lose billions.
  11. RE4 always had crafting, it was just limited to health items. Every RE since 7 has had some limited ammo crafting. I don’t feel like it’s the end of the world.
  12. I don’t claim they’re endorsing it, I actually said the exact opposite and that they stumbled into that by accident.
  13. I get what you’re saying but first it’s textual in The Medium that the death of the girl would cause the death of the monster. Yes the ending is ambiguous as to who ultimately takes the bullet, but it doesn’t mean the option wasn’t there all along and it doesn’t change that this girl surviving her assault is what causes a rampaging psychic monster to murder people. As for people “deriving meaning” from it, you can’t make that argument when it’s the actual plot of the game. Girl gets sexually assaulted, that sexual assault creates a psychic monster that murders people, that girl’s death would eliminate the monster. You don’t have to derive a meaning beyond that, no one is making the argument that what Bloober actually meant was a generalized statement that applies to all victims of sexual assault, but it still means that in the story of The Medium there are only two possible solutions to the problem. Both involve the death of a woman who has ultimately done nothing wrong, and one of which was assaulted.
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