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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. The fact that Florida is aware of this fact and does not change it tells you everything you need to know about Florida.
  2. I stand by my stance that Westworld went off the rails before season one even ended. As for a fallout series, sure, why not. Fallout isn’t anything more than an aesthetic at this point, the games themselves have essentially abandoned their storyline. It’ll probably be overwrought sci-fi drama where someone wears power armor and there’s nuka cola bottle caps.
  3. Looks good. Also weird that the trailer says May 20, then ends with “coming soon.”
  4. Given that they found it in such a large portion of the sample, I’m just assuming it means they’ve never looked before.
  5. Dude sounds like he’s doing a lot of emotional labor as opposed to nothing, honestly I couldn’t do that for a living.
  6. Does poison tasting even work? I have to imagine there are slow moving poisons, or does someone wait 24 hours before eating something? I don’t get it.
  7. Not to be an even more crotchety old man but does anyone actually have firm numbers saying fewer kids walk to school, or is this all anecdotal stuff? My school district won’t even give you the option of taking a bus if you’re within a certain perimeter of the school and tons of kids are on their bikes every morning.
  8. It’s hard to predict what will happen, even if fewer kids walk to school, pedestrian fatalities are up and rising. Reckless driving rates are high, and when you combine that with the average hood height on American cars being in low orbit, it’s a bad combo.
  9. Can someone give me the tl;dr on if and how war tourism or whatever the hell you want to call it is legal or if it’s actually legal at all?
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