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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Even rats won’t push the lever that punishes them with this much gusto.
  2. Seriously people, the scene where he goes “I’m sorry, I can’t watch you go through this. I’m sorry, I thought I could but I can’t” as he walks away is RIGHT THERE.
  3. Around me it’s been the mildest spring in years. The past five years or so we got a single day of spring then it just went straight to 90 degree summer with 100% humidity all the time.
  4. I don’t believe we can cure cancer is it’s a broad category of things and not just a thing. I do believe that treatment will get exponentially better though.
  5. As a complete and utter moron and layman in the field, I still find it weird that people would assume that an AI, if it ever did become sentient, would basically be a human being but also a computer. It’s like the old idea of a lion could speak we still couldn’t understand it. It makes no sense that a sentient AI would think, feel, or perceive anything remotely close to how a human does.
  6. Everyone look at the landed gentry flaunting his ample property for corpse disposal.
  7. Rob Zombie Narrows Exhaustive Search for Star of New Movie Down to His Wife THEHARDTIMES.NET Rob Zombie completed an exhaustive search of over 1,000 actresses to star in his latest film, ultimately casting his wife Sheri Moon Zombie in the lead role.
  8. I think it’s a matter of judgment. Sure, I say and mock far darker things here than I would elsewhere, but none of you know who the hell I am and the very few that do also wouldn’t bother to do anything with that knowledge. You can bet your ass that if my account name were my legal name and it linked to my actual employer, I’d be whistling a different tune.
  9. If it’s any consolation I’m sure the right will use him up and grind him into paste just like every other flavor of the week in order to keep the outrage machine going. Kid is going to have a seriously warped idea of what his future has in hold for him meeting a former president and speaking at the RNC, only to fade into utter obscurity the next time they need some dipshit to champion.
  10. I feel like editorial control has been MIA in Giant Bomb for years now. The last written article on GB that isn’t a community spotlight is an announcement article for the Jojo’s rewatch podcast in February. There hasn’t been a review posted since Halo infinite in December. The editorial voice of GB has been nothing but whatever personality they have going for them for a long time now. The original few years where they still regularly wrote articles and reviews felt like there was a GB “style” for lack of a better term, but once it became all video all the time it that went away too. The “voice” of GB became whoever was hosting the video or created the concept for that show. Each new member brought in their own flavor and idea and you knew what you were getting based on that instead of the banner over the sight. That isn’t to say it’s bad, Giant Bomb in a lot of ways pioneered the path of the modern internet, the problem is other people came along and refined that and they stayed where they were. Even before staff started leaving in droves GB as in institution was growing stale with lots of newer ideas behind paywalls and some of the more fun ideas limited to short episode runs. The Vinny/Abby scary games videos are some of my favorite stuff they ever made, but it was niche content limited to a few weeks a year. In a lot of ways, GB is kind of the roadmap for the current internet culture. Early internet felt like the site mattered more and now it feels like the personality matters more. If writers came and went from IGN people stayed loyal to the site. Now if GB loses all of the people that viewers wanted to see, there’s almost no reason to stick around. The same thing happens to lots of sites, the AV Club is a shadow of its former self, the Cracked crew people fell in love with all split up and went their separate ways, the Deadspin writers becoming Defector, etc. Blatant speculation but I feel like Jeff has taken a less active role in everything as the years have rolled on. He appears in fewer things, hosts fewer podcasts, and all of the new GB stuff seems to feature him less and less. Whether that’s him being pushed out or him having less interest in the new direction who can say? He’s spoken openly in the past that the site was built on a foundation that made more sense ten years ago but would be made totally different if they started today.
  11. I think that’s not an entirely fair explanation of her stance. It’s not that the game doesn’t have handicapping, she would prefer a mode where the handicapping is automatic to make it more enjoyable for people who aren’t savage at the game, like the game would in and of itself realize that player four is just getting savagely dunked on and help them out. Think the Mario Kart item system but for Smash as opposed to having to tinker with handicap settings without really knowing what the proper balance is.
  12. I feel like Beyond Good and Evil 2 will come out, but only in a Prey 2017 way where they just took a game and slapped an existing IP on it for reasons.
  13. I know the odds of it happening are slimmer than an atom but my god can you imagine this stupid ass Twitter deal being the thing that ultimately breaks this chode?
  14. I own that position. Why not? Any position you hold will have consequences foreseen and unforeseen that the viewer will find repugnant. I believe alcohol should be legal, that belief will cause uncountable deaths and human misery. I believe the personal ownership of firearms should be severely limited. Someone, somewhere will die because they can’t defend themselves. The existence of fringe abortion scenarios I’m personally uncomfortable with does nothing to negate that fact. The only reason people don’t want to cop to that fact is it’s a ludicrous gotcha for chuds.
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