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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. I have to say the trend of JRPGs where on the lines where there isn’t VA so they just have the character say 1-2 words that sort of convey the tone of what they are actually saying is one of the most annoying things in video games for me at this time. It just grates on me so much.
  2. this is nostalgic of the old console war games for me. But yes they do make a few games in third person.
  3. If it's slightly off, do not notice, do not care. If it's a lot off, might notice, given on my mood might think something judgmental about them or not care. Probably one of the farthest things from my mind, but TBH I do not really pay attention to other people in public all that much.
  4. I’m not a very picky eater at all. I’ll eat almost any kind of pizza and love it. I would say I am not big on anchovies. And I like a simpler pizza rather than a mountain of toppings. Favorite is probably straight up pepperoni or pepperoni mushroom or jalapeños. I also love love cream cheese on a pizza, or give me weird sauces like mustard for a cheeseburger pizza or really whatever - I’m in.
  5. Yeah this has been announced for a long time, but nice to have a release date.
  6. Ohhhhhhh I think he’s off there. I’d say the vast majority of people who play just play with their buds and don’t think about it all that much.
  7. So if she is telling the truth and was never warned about her conduct on social media, I understand the argument that firing her was a step too far, and I understand the potential message this sends to the twitter mob - hey we can get people fired. Austin Walker discussed on his podcast the danger of a binary approach to this - that the only consequence for her is to fire her. I think she could have apologized to the very reasonable twitter user that seemed to set her off, even if it was couched in language discussing the harassment I’m sure she does get just kind of explaining that that’s where her head was at. And really even without an apology I think they could’ve just sat her down and discussed handling these things better in the future and if she doesn’t she might face worse consequences. But even with all that said I also still feel like she just totally shit the bed with that interaction, and I think anyone in any position at any job is risking their job to speak to someone like that. And I don’t feel like it’s necessarily enabling assholes on twitter to fire her.
  8. I think the battle system is fantastic. It is linear, but it is open enough and there's enough to go back to that it works for me. I actually thought the music was pretty good. X is a lot of people's entry point to the series, so it had this contingent of people thinking it was the best thing ever, which I do think turned off a lot of long-time fans. Sorta similar to how people reacted to 7. It's such a different game than the fantastic IX though, so I can see how it would turn people off.
  9. X is good, but very flawed. If it didn’t have the awful VA I think people would like it more (when I say people I mean fans prior to X). XII is actually very good as well, it’s just a huge departure. It’s not until XIII until the series goes to utter shit. And man, what a shit game.
  10. Yup unfortunately that’s how a lot of this cross platform stuff is going for me. Minecraft for instance I’d love to be able to start a game on my pc and go finish up some stuff later in bed with the switch, but the functionality just isn’t there. It’s actually a theme with a lot of tech for me lol. Cool ideas that are like only 1/3 of the way there. I bought an Apple Watch and it blows my mind that if I wanna go for a jog and listen to Spotify, I have to take my phone with me. They don’t even have a fucking podcast app specific to the watch, so you have to take your phone for that too (which they are finally fixing this fall). If we’re gonna live in a dystopia, I’d like the tech to at least work the way I want it to, damnit.
  11. If you can play on PC, transfer character and progress back and forth to switch, I’ll give this game another shot.
  12. But this is sort of the logic people are using for why you can't fire her - that it fuels the fan base to then harass others in the industry in hopes to get anyone they disagree with fired. I don't really agree with either. For the record, I don't really think she harassed the guy directly, nor did she set the mobs on him. But she certainly flipped out over an extremely leveled and non-aggressive response to her tweet, and when he responded in another non-threatening way, she acted even more inappropriately and obtuse. Austin Walker made a few points that I considered and at least understand where he's coming from. But on its face he still feels the firing is completely out of line, and I just don't agree with that. I would consider changing my opinion if I did learn that this was like the first time she has ever been approached by the company to change the way she interacts with the public. But I do find that hard to believe after she was spitting on a dead guy on the same forum.
  13. Probably PS2. It was my heyday of free time, and it has arguably the best library of any console ever.
  14. And for her specifically, today (if she didn’t feel this way before) instead of feeling like she messed up and she needs to handle that differently next time, she’s probably feeling ever more unfairly victimized.
  15. Right, but here we are the morning after and my twitter feed is filled with people I respect saying how horrible and unfair this is. I’m not a centrist, but I do think there is nuance in the world. We can have a world in which there is awful misogyny and sexism and man-splaining and I’m sure this woman was subjected to an absurd amount of that, but she isn’t immune to going over the line either, and as a public figure, even if it’s not like she’s a big star or something, you have to pick your battles a little better. This is just disheartening to me. I’m just tired of it, the hopelessness that each “side” conveys about the other.
  16. It's too bad, because sexism and misogyny are problems, but I do feel like we are tilting on over-using the accusation. It's to the point where I'm even slightly afraid to post that, in fear that someone might find that offensive too lol. I think we need to assume people are arguing in good faith until it's clear that they are not. She jumped the gun.
  17. I’d have to look at the DS lineup, but taking BC out I just can’t imagine the 3DS holding up against the greats. It’s fine, but come on.
  18. Well it’s not recent but Diablo 3 is an amazing podcast game. Hot Shots Golf, any racing game...
  19. Disregarding re-releases, it’s god of war by default for me. Monster hunter was good but it didn’t blow me away. To be honest I feel the same about god of war, but like it a little better.
  20. I think if you ignore BC but count ports, it’s the gameboy advance and I don’t think it’s close.
  21. I don’t remember there being an inordinate amount of hype for Titan Souls. I can get behind Celeste tho. Good, not great.
  22. Something something white straight men are unable to say LGBT without repeating the whole alphabet as a "joke"
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