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On 12/20/2019 at 1:37 AM, Derek said:

Looks interesting. I believe I read that this is the first mainstream movie to have an African American as the lead role. Kudos to you, Mr. Nolan.

The first? I don't think so. There have been plenty of mainstream movies with black leading men. Do they mean first British mainstream movie? But I do think it scratches the itch for those wanting a black James Bond.


It’s probably the highest budgeted movie at, I believe, $225 million with a black lead.


But, uhhh, Black Panther came out like two years ago and is decidedly a mainstream movie amongst dozens of others. But that was kind of a big one recently :p 

21 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

I saw the Prologue prior to my IMAX showing of The Rise of McGuffin and the sound mixing was downright AWFUL!


So...completely standard for Nolan. TDKR was originally horrible until they redid the Bane dialogue (and still wasn't great), and Interstellar was awful.


I'll reserve judgement until after I see it, but I'm disappointed that Nolan seems to be going back to the sci-fi expositionverse after the lean and incredible Dunkirk, which I consider his best film.  This trailer reminded me of Inception, where the characters explain the plot of the movie for an hour before the movie really starts.  "What's limbo?"  *Joseph Gordon-Levitt walks into frame* "Unconstructed dream space".  :facepalm:

  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/21/2019 at 2:23 PM, ShreddieMercuryRising said:

I'll reserve judgement until after I see it, but I'm disappointed that Nolan seems to be going back to the sci-fi expositionverse after the lean and incredible Dunkirk, which I consider his best film.  This trailer reminded me of Inception, where the characters explain the plot of the movie for an hour before the movie really starts.  "What's limbo?"  *Joseph Gordon-Levitt walks into frame* "Unconstructed dream space".  :facepalm:

I agree that Dunkirk is his best film, and I think it'll probably always be. It feels to me like the movie that only he could or would make, and I think its economy of character helped curb his worst impulses.


That said, I really like his sci-fi nonsense. I think Inception and Interstellar are both great, and if he can take some lessons from Dunkirk and slim down another original sci-fi blockbuster, maybe he'll get better.


I also saw the IMAX preview, and I enjoyed it. No sci-fi stuff yet, just very TDK opening like action.

  • 2 weeks later...

That's what doing everything the hard way and shooting it all on 66mm/IMAX film will do. It's also the kind of trust you get after having Nolan's track record and fan base.

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