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A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: 5/10


After a huge commercial success of the original Nightmare movie, this came out in less than 10 months after. It had a completely new cast and the story went against the lore of Freddy Krueger. 


It might be...scratch that...it is the GAYEST movie I've ever seen and I've mistakenly watched a gay porn clip back before the tech today. It turns out that the lead role was a guy that eventually came out that he was gay. The coach in the movie came out as gay, too. Absolutely nothing wrong with this, but I have a better understanding in why the movie was the way that it was. 


The movie has one death that is pretty brutal compared to anything else. The story is laughable and it ends well enough. It's a movie that is so bad that it can be good at times. I love the 80s style it had and Freddy is one of my all time favorites.


I still love this franchise and I've met pretty much the entire Nightmare on Elm Street cast at a variety of shows. I got to sit down with Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger) and ask him a few questions. He then called my friends fiance and told her the wedding was off....I have Michael!


The movie is actually so weird and different than the original that I found it just as creepy as the first. 


Anyway, this an awful review and it has no structure like @Keyser_Soze has. :lol:



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6 hours ago, best3444 said:

I found one scene from part 2 that solidifies what I said above.



I remember seeing the movie in the theater back when it came out, and thinking that the main actor seemed like an odd choice for the lead character role since it was obvious that he was gay unconvincingly playing straight. The relationship between him and his girlfriend was cringe-y for that reason. He was a poor casting choice for the character. I still liked the movie, but it would have been better with a different actor playing the main role.

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7 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

I remember seeing the movie in the theater back when it came out, and thinking that the main actor seemed like an odd choice for the lead character role since it was obvious that he was gay unconvincingly playing straight. The relationship between him and his girlfriend was cringe-y for that reason. He was a poor casting choice for the character. I still liked the movie, but it would have been better with a different actor playing the main role.


That's so dead on. The main character is Mark Patton and is a terrific guy. But you're correct, he was basically playing a female role. So the dynamics between him and the gf was so awkward. It's a creepy movie though and Freddy doesn't joke around like he started doing later in the series. 

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4 minutes ago, best3444 said:

It's a creepy movie though and Freddy doesn't joke around like he started doing later in the series. 

I didn’t like any of the movies after the second one except for New Nightmare. The first movie is one of my favorite horror movies of all-time.

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23 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

I didn’t like any of the movies after the second one except for New Nightmare. The first movie is one of my favorite horror movies of all-time.


Part 3 was really good. I say that's second best behind the original. 

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5 hours ago, Phaseknox said:

I remember seeing the movie in the theater back when it came out, and thinking that the main actor seemed like an odd choice for the lead character role since it was obvious that he was gay unconvincingly playing straight. The relationship between him and his girlfriend was cringe-y for that reason. He was a poor casting choice for the character. I still liked the movie, but it would have been better with a different actor playing the main role.

Unless I am misunderstanding you the character was obviously supposed to be a closeted gay teen , his interaction with his GF is dead on since hes out of his element. His "unconvincingly played straight" was on the money.

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50 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

The character was gay so why is this an issue?


So the character is actually supposed to be gay? I thought it was Mark Patton that was really gay but had to pretend he was straight in the movie. It came off awkward to me...

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4 hours ago, SimpleG said:

Unless I am misunderstanding you the character was obviously supposed to be a closeted gay teen , his interaction with his GF is dead on since hes out of his element. His "unconvincingly played straight" was on the money.

It wasn’t obvious to me that the character was supposed to be closeted gay back when I saw the movie when I was 15, but perhaps watching it now it would be. Discussing it now has made me want to watch it again.

3 hours ago, best3444 said:

So the character is actually supposed to be gay? I thought it was Mark Patton that was really gay but had to pretend he was straight in the movie. It came off awkward to me...

That’s what I thought as well, but perhaps watching it again now after so many years it will be clearer to me that it was intentional.


8 hours ago, best3444 said:

Part 3 was really good. I say that's second best behind the original. 

3 hours ago, SimpleG said:

3 is pretty damned awesome, its more action/horror but its got some signature freddy lines in it.

I remember not really liking it back when I saw it, but perhaps I have it confused with one of the stinkers that came after it. It was 35 years ago that I saw it after all.

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4 hours ago, Phaseknox said:

It wasn’t obvious to me that the character was supposed to be closeted gay back when I saw the movie when I was 15, but perhaps watching it now it would be. Discussing it now has made me want to watch it again.

That’s what I thought as well, but perhaps watching it again now after so many years it will be clearer to me that it was intentional.


I remember not really liking it back when I saw it, but perhaps I have it confused with one of the stinkers that came after it. It was 35 years ago that I saw it after all.


Lol, I'd watch part 3 and 2 on your next horror movie watch.

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6 hours ago, SimpleG said:

Yes the character is gay. Mike Patton is gay playing a gay teen pretending to be a straight teen.


Since its release in 1985, A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge has become a homoerotic icon in queer cinema.  As part of my series on Queer Hor...



Interesting. Well regardless, Mark actually did have a pretty impressive performance. Thanks for the clarification.  👍 

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On 8/13/2022 at 4:09 AM, Keyser_Soze said:



Lone Survivor: 7/10


Lone Survivor is based on a true story of Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell. You could probably glean from the title that Luttrell is the only one to survive the operation. It is written and directed by Peter Berg and it feels like Peter Berg the movie. The film shows off all his distinct characteristics, the shaky cam, the Explosions in the Sky soundtrack and well I guess that's everything. It follows a military operation of four SEALs sent to capture Ahmad Shah, a Taliban militia leader (at least in real life) but the operation goes wrong when some goat herders find the four SEALs in the mountain and Taliban soldiers engage them in battle.


The film rings a big hollow for me. It seems to be an overall celebration of the SEALs and survival leaving the "politics" of the situation at the doorstep. Right off the bat the film begins almost like a propaganda piece showing how Navy SEALs train, are we supposed to be impressed here or repulsed? Of course the SEALs are very proud people and the movie shows off that kind of spirit. However, it never takes a hard stance on the war as a whole. It doesn't really go beyond these guys are fighting for each other to get out of here. A lot of it feels conveniently Hollywood as well, while it is based on a true story, it is hard to believe that these villagers went out of their way to fight the Taliban at the kind of scale that is shown in the movie, along with a lot of things towards the end. This part also feels like a "see not all these people are bad people" type of moment while conveniently placing the blame  on the goat herders at the beginning for ratting them out. Supposedly, a lot of this did not happen IRL. In any case Lone Survivor shines in it's brutal depiction of a battle but lacks any sort of bite in any other area.


This is a tough one

I was looking forward to the movie because I enjoyed the book.. but the movie itself deviates so much from the book that it becomes even more stupidly over the top jingoistic..,

 Whats worse as time has gone on more facts and reports pop up that put the account of what really happened into question… its not so much a heroic stand against overwhelming numbers as it is bad execution and cover ups to protect the Navy Seals brand.


I had high hopes for the film since Peter Berg did such a great job with the Kingdom 


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Spiderman 2: 9/10


I saw this at release and at the time it was my favorite super hero movie ever. Surprisingly, visually it doesn't hold up with pretty bad CGI. I have to remember this was almost 20 years ago. The heart of the movie is still excellent and it was just really well done. 


P.s. I'm not a fan of Tobey Maguire and I think he was a pretty bad pick overall. 


I never checked out any newer Spiderman movies. Any of them you guys recommend?

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I've never liked a single sequel to Nightmare, even when I was younger. Maybe 2 is worth revisiting after this thread but I sure remember thinking it was boring bullshit back in the day. 3 is a bit of a guilty pleasure type watch for me, it's already obnoxious with the Dokken track and all. 

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42 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

Halloween 2 on the other hand, I actually really like that movie by now. Every time I revisit it, I like it more. 


I don't think I've ever seen Halloween 2. I might have to check it out. Part 1 was a classic so I'm kinda surprised part 2 is that good. Usually the sequel to horror films suck. Generally speaking. 

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25 minutes ago, best3444 said:


I don't think I've ever seen Halloween 2. I might have to check it out. Part 1 was a classic so I'm kinda surprised part 2 is that good. Usually the sequel to horror films suck. Generally speaking. 

I honestly don't think it's "that good" or anything, I just personally really enjoy it for a very specific reason. It's set all at night and in an isolated, very moody location. The hallways of the hospital at night and all are very evocative to me. It's nowhere near as good of an actual movie as the first one, I just have a huge soft spot for the mood and eerie hospital at night thing.


Fully agreed on the sequels front.

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Azumi: 7/10


Azumi is a film about a group of assassins, one in particular, Azumi, is the best one of the group. Following training in the mountains their mission is to then assassinate some targets (seems pretty obvious given that they are assassins). So the film takes us on a journey of not only assassinations but the young assassins questioning if the assassin way is something they jive with or not (doubts about only killing targets, who the targets are, etc). The star of the show is the balls to the walls action establishing Azumi as the most bad ass swordswoman to be depicted on film. Ueto Aya plays Azumi and I had only known her as a J-Pop singer but I guess she fit some acting in too. The movie is directed by Ryuhei Kitamura the man who brought us Versus, The Midnight Meat Train and director of MGS: Twin Snakes cutscenes! So you can expect tons of gore and over the top action with probably some cheese piled on.


The film is a bit of a mixed bag like a lot of Japanese movies from the early 2000s (and Versus too) the production values are a bit iffy. Versus and other movies from that time kind of felt like it was filmed on a handicam rather than a film camera which gives the movie a low budget look. I would say Azumi is a step above this and looks alright but there are some iffy spots, like really weird green screen looking parts. The film opens with a bunch of crows and the effect looks about as good as the movie Birds which predates this movie by 40 years! But as the movie progressed it relied more on practical effects than anything so it didn't look too bad. You can tell this guy is obsessed with the Matrix because there is a shot later on that is very Matrixesque. The tone of the movie is all over the place though. It's semi serious, some poignant moments, but there is a guy that is straight out of an anime, sadistic but very feminine and carries around a rose, but maybe that's in the Manga and it's true to the source. There's a guy who looks like a monkey (not exactly like one) and yelps like a dog, very strange. The fight choreography is kind of all over the place. That being said, overall towards the end, the movie delivers mostly positives and irons out the kinks to deliver an entertaining time

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Blindness: 7/10


A pandemic breaks out, people have to isolate from the public, the government is kind of shitty. Tell me if you've heard this one before. In the case of the movie Blindness, rather than a disease that stops your breathing the disease is going blind. Early on a man goes blind in rush hour traffic. A good samaritan (that later turns out to be a POS who steals his car) takes him home and then the next day he goes to an eye doctor but after the visit everyone the man has been around goes blind as well. There is a panic and everyone who is infected is thrown into a dilapidated building isolated from the rest of the world. Basically anyone who is not infected is too afraid to help and these people have to fend for themselves and create their own rules. The eye doctor (played by Mark Ruffalo) is there to keep the peace and his wife (played by Julianne Moore) insisted she come with him, even though she was not infected. She was the only one in the whole place who could see. So the film is a character study of sorts of how these people change in the face of adversity, some get better and then some just end up being terrible people.


Now at the time (2008) this film seemed to be very divisive. Like this is totally outrageous! But having lived through this only a couple of years ago, perhaps it was not too far fetched at all. Some people are good during a pandemic and some are downright pieces of shit. Now this movie goes to some dark places so it may be a bit hard to watch for some people. That being said after the COVID-19 thing I WISH it was blindness, that way people might have taken it a bit more seriously. I think my biggest issue with the movie is that there were only subtitles for when the Asian couple spoke Japanese, while that's nice, how about subtitles for the rest of the movie? In any case I don't think Blindness is a bad movie. There are some good performances all around and it's from director Fernando Meirelles who brought us The Constant Gardner and City of God but the movie might be too bleak for some.

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Everything Everywhere All at Once


I often complain that A24 films are weird for weirdness sake and the strangeness does little to advance the plot or help the movie in anyway, this movie is the opposite. The movie is completely built around and supported by the weirdness and boy does it work. Only complaint is that the last act goes on too long, if they shaved 10-15 minutes out there it would have been perfect.



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