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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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2 hours ago, Amazatron said:

Went on conservative Reddit for the LOLs, found our good friend being downvoted to shit…



Ah yes trump, the high minded man of policy, and not an egomaniacal grifter on his next fraud. I can’t* believe he’s sucking off trump for free like that





*I can 

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16 hours ago, Amazatron said:

Went on conservative Reddit for the LOLs, found our good friend being downvoted to shit…




OMG. What a mush brained demented loser he is. He is truly a broken person. This could seriously be one of the most pathetic things I've ever read.

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40 minutes ago, ort said:


OMG. What a mush brained demented loser he is. He is truly a broken person. This could seriously be one of the most pathetic things I've ever read.

Give me an hour to find the screenplay I wrote for Terminator 3 when I was 7 years old. 

Terminators in the Wild West.

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15 minutes ago, stepee said:


lol he’s now mad at r/conservative for not being far right enough after trying to pretend that he was in the center here 


He’s apparently a moderator in a couple Israel related subreddits, and there is not enough money on god’s green earth to make me click.

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5 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


He’s apparently a moderator in a couple Israel related subreddits, and there is not enough money on god’s green earth to make me click.


He probably started his own special Israel boards. If it's anything like his twitter page, it's him screaming out into the void at no one. He literally posts these 20 tweet long diatribes about this or that and not a single other person comments on them. No one comments on anything he does.


We might be his biggest audience.


As demented and lacking in any self awareness he was back when he was on here, it appears to me like he's gotten 10 times worse.


He either honestly thought that those trading cards weren't the big announcement, or he was lying... and either is just so fucking sad.


He's a frog, sitting in a pot of rapidly boiling water trying to tell everyone that it's just a little warm as his internal organs are being cooked. The amount of mental gymnastics required to continue to have Trump represent anything other than a con artist who believes in nothing is staggering. He is showing everyone exactly who he is, and who he was. He was always a tacky, insane narcissist trying to make a quick buck. Anyone with a functioning brain saw it from day one. People like heyyoudvd, literally believe in nothing bu trying to dunk on the other side and "own the libs" or whatever other demented shit he tells himself at night to allow himself to continue supporting these demented fuckers... I mean. remember when he was the "most anti-Trump poster" on this board or whatever? Dude believes in nothing. His brain is a white board waiting for orders from an increasingly ridiculous right wing talking point machine.

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3 hours ago, ort said:

Apparently he sold all 45,000 of them in 12 hours.


Gotta hand it to Trump, if there is one thing he truly understands better than anyone, it's just how unbelievably stupid his fans are.

It’s probably a money laundering scheme. The Saudis “bought” all the cards to fill his bank account. 

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22 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Sure, it’s the Young Turks, but the one guy did a hilarious write up on the images themselves and how badly photoshopped they are:



Ex-president's "digital trading card" is his strangest grift yet



Look at how yuge they made his hands. :lol:

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32 minutes ago, CastletonSnob said:

There's a lot of naïve people who think you can just vote out fascism.

Like, if fascists get fewer votes than their opponents, they'll just snap their fingers, say "Oh, man!", and walk off like Swiper the Fox.

The fact that you’re using a Dora the explorer reference to explain your view here is appropriate 


what was 2020 if not voting out the fascists?

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I think for me it’s the fact that Trump has YET to receive any type of punishment for the failed coup. 

Yeah, all his handpicked candidates outside of JD Vance lost their elections, but he’s still walking around a free man two years later and has already declared his intention to run for President again. The moment Biden was inaugurated the feds should have slapped cuffs on Trump, put him in jail and let him write Mein Fart.

  • Halal 2
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1 minute ago, CastletonSnob said:

My point was that Trump didn't just quietly stalk off after he was voted out like some people thought he would.

Once his putsch failed he did


and it only failed because of law enforcement not going along with it. nothing to do with on the ground anti fascists or voting or not voting or anything in between or outside of that. 

the only thing that could have kept him from running again was impeachment and because we* waited a whole ducking week to impeach him and then another nearly two weeks to send the article of impeachment to the fucking senate. It should have been done that day! But even still, a vote would have kept him from power. 

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5 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Once his putsch failed he did


and it only failed because of law enforcement not going along with it. nothing to do with on the ground anti fascists or voting or not voting or anything in between or outside of that. 

the only thing that could have kept him from running again was impeachment and because we* waited a whole ducking week to impeach him and then another nearly two weeks to send the article of impeachment to the fucking senate. It should have been done that day! But even still, a vote would have kept him from power. 

Even if we sent the article of impeachment to the Senate the day of Jan 6, there's no way the Republicans in the Senate would have voted to convict Trump.

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10 minutes ago, CastletonSnob said:

Even if we sent the article of impeachment to the Senate the day of Jan 6, there's no way the Republicans in the Senate would have voted to convict Trump.

Got ten after a whole month to cool off. May have gotten more if emotions were still running high! We will never know!

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