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~*US Federal Government Shutdown Watch - Fiscal Year 2024 Edition*~

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2 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

This would be funnier if we weren’t a few weeks away from more debt ceiling bs, but.. still…



The debt ceiling isn't going to be an issue until 2025.


We're exactly one month away from the Continuing Resolution Authority running out though which would lead to a shutdown.

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3 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


The debt ceiling isn't going to be an issue until 2025.


We're exactly one month away from the Continuing Resolution Authority running out though which would lead to a shutdown.

Yea, whatever they did that got McCarthy ousted. I thought it was debt ceiling but whatever the funding nonsense they argue over is this time :p 

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25 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

We're exactly one month away from the Continuing Resolution Authority running out though which would lead to a shutdown.


Apparently shutdowns didn't even happen until the 1970s when some DOJ opinion said they should.

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So how long before “Air” Jordan and his Repubs reconvene without telling Dems, lock the doors, vote Jordan in based on the majority present, tell those that object to pound sand, and then just do whatever they want like usual? 


We are at the rules are optional part of our history right? Again, they work with FOX propaganda machine and paint any protests as part of the deep states plan

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2 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

California doesn't escape blame for this either.


New York more though. Hochul and Newsom barely campaigned and it cost downstream races, but Hochul also rolled over on the NY gerrymander map being ruled against while red state governors ignored court rulings on theirs. 

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