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3 hours ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

I have received further clarification of the situation:

They would be subject to non-EU resident visa stay requirements.

Ah, that's kind of what I was looking for. Maybe I'm being too naive, but its crazy to think that a British citizen would just expect to keep all their European privileges post-Brexit. Like what did they think the point of Brexit was?

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10 minutes ago, ThreePi said:

Ah, that's kind of what I was looking for. Maybe I'm being too naive, but its crazy to think that a British citizen would just expect to keep all their European privileges post-Brexit. Like what did they think the point of Brexit was?

If there is one thing that the entire Brexit debacle has proved, it's that the English are really kinda dumb.

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12 minutes ago, ThreePi said:

Ah, that's kind of what I was looking for. Maybe I'm being too naive, but its crazy to think that a British citizen would just expect to keep all their European privileges post-Brexit. Like what did they think the point of Brexit was?


Given how much of it seems to have just been xenophobia, I'm assuming they figured that they'd get taken care of since they're white.

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2 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

If there is one thing that the entire Brexit debacle has proved, it's that the English are really kinda dumb.

I know "Leopards Eating Faces" and all that, and its fun to laugh at these people, but I'd really love to just see them sit down and try to logically explain why they didn't think they would be affected.  

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From his Wiki page:



Sakurai lives with his mother in Shinjuku, Tokyo, where he co-manages a Family Mart convenience store part-time.


edit - While on the topic of weird Japanese politics, this is something I may have posted on this site before, but I wrote it up years ago. It was the first full day of my first trip to Japan and was about my interaction with a dude in Ueno Park. His name is Hideo Asano, you can Google him up, I'm not the only person to have one of these interactions. I'll remember his name and remember this conversation for as long as I live.



I'm in Japan, walking through Ueno Park on my way to Ueno Zoo when I heard someone call out to me from behind. There's this old Japanese guy leaning against a railing with a bag and camera. I go over and he asks me if I'm Australian, I say I'm from America. He then asks me what state, which is weird because I wouldn't expect many Japanese people to be well versed in that info. I tell him Illinois, and that I'm from Chicago.


What comes next is relatively light conversation about American history. He knew Abe Lincoln grew up in Kentucky but lived and practiced law in Illinois. He made a weird comment about Lincoln not having much formal education but learning a lot of from reading the Bible. A cursory Wikipedia search indicates there is at least some truth to this. This obviously set off a panic alarm in my head, but in reality his comments on Christianity and the Bible ended up being very mild and largely inconsequential to this story.


The weirdness came when the conversation segued into the American Civil War. I dug deep into my high school American Studies class to try and answer his questions without making too much shit up. Mostly innocent stuff, he know of Robert E Lee, but didn't know of Grant, which states were on what sides, why the Union won, etc. But then he starts talking about the reason the war started and whether it was avoidable. Basically goes into "War of Northern Aggression" territory here. He says that slavery was just an excuse for the North to attack (at this point I'm looking for an out, and not a debate so I hold my tongue on Fort Sumter). He then asks me why I thought the Civil War happened, and I trot out the whole "state's rights" line and all that. And he gives some nonsensical argument about the South moving away from manpower and into machine production and the North wanted to stop that, and I lost him at this point.

Then he goes on talking about how, like slavery was an excuse for the north to start the Civil War, 9/11 was an excuse for the War on Terror when it was actually about oil. Not something I'd totally disagree with, its a lot more complicated than that but obviously the War on Terror was pushed forward under questionable circumstances.


But that all leads into him then talking about the "police state." And I'm thinking he's talking about the American "police state" which would make sense given the recent cop shooting stories. But no, he's talking about Japan. And things really start to get off the rails here. He talks about how the police are not your friend, in any incident whoever calls the police first will be ok and the other guy will get arrested, they don't let lawyers argue cases, kangaroo courts, etc. Kept referring to me as "brave" for visiting a country that I don't know the laws. Mentions all the foreigners that are imprisoned for years because they can't defend themselves in court. Said Japan is 100x worse than North Korea. He then talks about how he hates monks more than the Yakuza (we're in viewing distance of a shrine) because they drive around in Mercedes. And that he wished the US didn't stop and Hiroshima and Nagasaki and that they should have dropped bombs on Kyoto and Nara as well to destroy all these old shrines. Then a few more comments about how Japan doesn't have any Christians, but never gets preachy in that respect.


Then he brings up his "books." I use the term loosely because they're just printed pieces of paper folded and stapled into a book. And of course, he asks for a donation. I try to weasel my way out of it by saying I'm an American, and American's never carry cash (which is a total lie at this point I got tons of Yen on me). But eventually I give in and grab some coins out of my pocket and give it to him. Which was a huge backfire because in America loose change might as well be worthless, but Japan has larger denominations of coins and I think I ended up giving him like $8.


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I won't make a thread cause I doubt it's of interest to anyone but me. The mayor of Seoul committed suicide tonight. Apparently his secretary filed a criminal complaint of sexual harassment against him yesterday. He was considered to be next in line for the presidency. He went missing a few hours ago, they just found his body 10 minutes ago.

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4 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

I won't make a thread cause I doubt it's of interest to anyone but me. The mayor of Seoul committed suicide tonight. Apparently his secretary filed a criminal complaint of sexual harassment against him yesterday. He was considered to be next in line for the presidency. He went missing a few hours ago, they just found his body 10 minutes ago.


Jesus christ...



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