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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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7 minutes ago, Anathema- said:

Wow, disgusting paternalism. Put your ego in check, pretty boy, just because you've convinced yourself that your preferred policies would help black America the most they have their own votes to cast.



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2 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

The angry people at the convention should be the Bernie folk, but Ana's playing role reversal as the angry winner.



The Bernie people that I've seen angry have been angry at being ignored and at their pointing out the problems in our system being shot down. 


The Biden/centrist people that I've seen angry have always been angry at the existing structure being challenged. 




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Just now, CayceG said:



The Bernie people that I've seen angry have been angry at being ignored and at their pointing out the problems in our system being shot down. 


The Biden/centrist people that I've seen angry have always been angry at the existing structure being challenged. 





I feel like Bernie supporters were the angriest and feistiest in the 2016 convention (which was not identifiable to those of us watching the videos). The centrist people always being angry is nothing new -- they weren't kind to Dean in 2004 for his anti-war stance -- but usually they're happy at the convention because their person won.

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I don't think this got any talk here, probably because of all the COVID news. Two weeks ago, Trump endorsed Jeff Sessions' primary opponent.






Trump’s tweet was a blow to Sessions, who has campaigned on being the candidate most aligned with the president’s values, pointing out that he was the first sitting senator to back then-candidate Trump’s campaign. But the former attorney general stepped down from his Trump administration post after the president was angering over Sessions recusing himself from the Russia investigation, which paved the wave for the special counsel probe led by former FBI Director Robert Mueller.



Sessions’ ties to Trump go back to the summer of 2015, when the then-senator appeared at a Trump rally in Mobile and donned the campaign’s iconic red “Make America Great Again” hats. Sessions endorsed Trump at a rally in February 2016.


Trump returned the favor by tapping Sessions as his attorney general, although the two had a strained relationship over the Russia investigation.


The president even went so far as mocking Sessions’ second-place finish in last week’s primary, tweeting: “This is what happens to someone who loyally gets appointed Attorney General of the United States & then doesn’t have the wisdom or courage to stare down & end the phony Russia Witch Hunt. Recuses himself on FIRST DAY in office, and the Mueller Scam begins!”


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2 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

It's an absolute tell that you're full of shit by being "more liberal" (whatever the fuck that really means) than Sanders but first having to settle on Warren after being for Harris


I dunno, it's believable. His dislike of Sanders is very clearly super fucking obviously personal rather than political.

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49 minutes ago, Anathema- said:

Hey guess what most people don't fill out a fucking web quiz to find the politician they should vote for. Like, you're all supposed to be politically savvy but absolutely refuse to grok that most people don't choose politicians based off checklists? Keep up.


y was ur first choice a cop doe

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8 hours ago, Anathema- said:

Hey guess what most people don't fill out a fucking web quiz to find the politician they should vote for. Like, you're all supposed to be politically savvy but absolutely refuse to grok that most people don't choose politicians based off checklists? Keep up.


7 hours ago, Jason said:


y was ur first choice a cop doe

Though being a member of the khive makes complete and total sense all things considered

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Just now, skillzdadirecta said:

Even if he wins, we'll be getting a non-stop barrage of everything he ISN'T doing that could have been so...


No doubt! And if he governs like many Democrats, it'll be well-deserved. The arguments occurring this primary season are nothing new.


But I'll be happier than a pig in slop to get better SCOTUS justices.

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