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Everything posted by elbobo

  1. I finished it a few days ago and generally liked it. I have no knowledge of the source material other than that it is obscenely long. My question is how dumb/naive is Luffy supposed to be? Best case he comes of with a childlike naivety other times I found myself wondering if the character was genuinely mentally handicapped
  2. Since Ukraine now has similar ranged missiles like the storm shadow it is probably seen as less of an issue. The US is just joining the party
  3. Starfield is really CPU dependent, don't upgrade your GPU first if you CPU isn't strong.
  4. Its crazy how good of a PPV AEW can put on with essentially zero build. This is a running theme with them it seems, like every other PPV I will be going in thinking "this doesn't look that great, the plots haven't been anything special" and then they knock it out of the park. This PPV had essentially one week to build to and it was banger after banger. Those meat chants during Hobbs vs Miro had me rolling.
  5. PC performance is borderline trash for how this game looks especially since it runs fine on an xbox 7800x3d and a 4090 only gets you 93 fps at 1080p, you should be getting that at a minimum at 4k. 4k ends up sub 60fps regardless of GPU
  6. One of the biggest what ifs in wrestling history is going to be what if Punk didn't decide to crowd dive and end up breaking his foot last year, seems like he completely spiraled after that
  7. based on the length of the trailer and the amount that appears to be going on this is going to 3+ hour movie isn't it
  8. My wife doesn't get them either. We can drink roughly the same amount of alcohol and I will be dying the next day and she will be perfectly fine
  9. Just hit 43 and I need to cut back on my drinking. I only drink on Friday and Saturdays but when I do I go to hard for my old ass. Even a good buzz gives me hangover the next day. If I get proper drunk the whole next day is going to be shot, too old both chronologically and experience-wise for this shit.
  10. I liked the musical one but only because my wife has gotten me into them over the last few years, she does theater on the side and she LOVED the episode. I think this is the one series other than Lower Decks that could have pulled it off since SNW is embracing the campiness of TOS to a large degree.
  11. So not competent enough to handle her own finances and responsibilities but competent enough to vote on laws effecting all of America, makes perfect sense.
  12. Yeah the tone of discussion changed overnight from "seems really unlikely" to "hold on maybe there is something here"
  13. yeah the procedure seems like something any decent chem lab in a university could do, this shouldn't be hard to verify or debunk
  14. Deserves to stick around. Don't dismiss it because it is a "kids" show there is a lot of proper Trek in there
  15. it would EASILY dwarf nuclear fusion, fusion would be used to produce electricity, room temp superconductors would be used in everything that uses electricity, it would be an absolute world changing piece of tech and would almost assuredly be used to make fusion power a reality.
  16. Everyone on the planet has a quality camera in their pocket nowadays and we seem to have less footage of UFOs then when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s
  17. Tried the demo last night too. Seems great and I bought the full version. I'll wait to dive in till it gets out of early access, my backlog of games is enormous.
  18. yep they are balancing for the handful of sreamers/obsessors that have spreadsheets of data they pour over to squeeze the most out of their build after putting in 100 hours into the game a week, all the while most players probably haven't even beat Lilith on WT1 yet
  19. The fact that she wasn't even nominated until the final season of BCS is the biggest snub I can think of in recent award show history
  20. I did get the legendary edition just couldn't remember what it was called when I was posting
  21. Marvel's Midnight Suns with season pass Life is Strange True Colors Two Point University Rogue Legacy 2
  22. 152 here in western NY. I went for a walk at lunch and felt it a bit
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