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Everything posted by elbobo

  1. 50% off is the the largest of any discount on my wish list, I miss the sales of old.
  2. I NEED to see the Cyberpunk demo, hopefully they show it at gamescon. The animation and camera work in TLOU2 is lightyears ahead of anyone else to the point where it looks like a least one if not two generational leaps. Overall this was kind of a meh E3, no real big surprises just some gameplay and trailers for a lot of games that we knew where coming. Sony went back to their WTF are they doing style of show with excessively long musical intros and taking an intermission. MS did it right with just game after game, that is how the conferences should be. SE show was completely unnecessary.
  3. Silicon Valley - Seasons 1-5 I binged this show over the few weeks and overall enjoyed it. Biggest issue is the constant resetting of the progress the company makes, seemingly every 5 episodes or so they are back to being broke and having no employees, hopefully with the events of season 5 this is finally over. Also it seems like almost all the good jokes after the first season are based around Jared or at least all the ones I laughed at, I find the character hilarious but they need to spread the humor around more. I hate Dinesh and not fully in the he is supposed to be kind of annoying way the writers intend but more the "ugh a Dinesh scene" when he comes up on the screen. I wonder if they will recast the Bachman role since Miller might be going to jail, the character did add a lot to the group scenes IMO. 7/10
  4. entertainment, PC, occasionally on current events
  5. it was Tom Servo, looked something like this. I can't remember exactly what picture I used.
  6. Good, I don't want them to MCU this universe and jam out 3 movies a year. One every two years is a good pace.
  7. Pacific Rim 2 Awful and I say this as someone that loved the first one warts and all. They went full anime for this one and it is a mess, gone are heavy feeling mechs from the previous film replaced with quick light ones piloted by kids of course. The plot and villain are just a mess and the climax is hot garbage. 3/10
  8. Figured it would be a good time to start this thread since we have a fresh start and there is so much TV out there now to watch with all the streaming options. @SFLUFAN can you sticky this and the movie thread when you get a chance Billions season 3 This is a consistently excellent series with extremely fun and interesting secondary and minor characters. It also has to have the geekiest writers of any non-geeky show around. This season had a Netrunner tournament, discussion about what Rush's best album is and a 2 minute dissertation on the movie Pi. 9/10
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