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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. I haven’t been hyped for an e3 since G4 stopped being a thing. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy it and watch all the conferences. But there was just something about a TV station running 24/7 video game coverage for 3 days that gave it this epic feel.
  2. I didn’t see a thread but if one exists feel free to merge it. Ive only watched the first episode so far but it was PHENOMENAL. Looks like it’s going to stick closer to the book than American Gods has so far. This show captures the vibe of book so so well, it’s really impressive. Can’t wait to watch the rest tomorrow.
  3. O M G that fatality is incredible. Words can’t describe How much I love that they use the actor from the movie. And chat chainsaw hint at the end ❤️❤️❤️
  4. Are there really enough people playing For Honor for them to keep releasing updates?
  5. Ugh they couldn’t just tweet out a list? I’m not watching that.
  6. Lol so they listened to the complaints about the first one...fixed them...and they’re still complaining? It’s a Godzilla movie, it’s supposed to be about the Monsters.
  7. Just started this today. Did you guys adjust the controls at all, everything feels a little loose.
  8. I’m cautiously optimistic. Let’s see if they pulled off making all the genres fun.
  9. Which can be said for a lot of his movies lol. You'd think by now they'd learn to just let him release the cut of the film he wants to.
  10. That burger looks like shit. The bun to meat ratio alone gives it a 0/10
  11. He was part of the group that was helping the kid who was helping Hurricane Carter. I feel like he has like 5 lines lol
  12. I loved Prometheus despite its flaws but hated Alien: Covenant. Not at all the story I wanted. Give me the story of when they reached the homeworld god damnit!
  13. Finished the Warlord Chronicles-10/10 Perfection. I really don’t know what else to say. The way the 3 books escalated the stakes. The way there wasn’t magic and yet by the 3rd book there sort of was. The way it was a historical fiction and yet the character traits of all the Arthurian characters still reminded true. I absolutely LOVED these books and I would absolutely die to see them realized in show form. The books are so densely packed and I think each book could easily be 2 eight episode seasons apiece. Amazing amazing amazing.
  14. It’s new and it’s different. I get that. But it isn’t better than all the WWE PPVs from the last 10 years lol. Come on now.
  15. Came in expecting you’d tried the Impossible Burger. I leave disgusted.
  16. In the preview it cuts off at “Aged...” I assumed the next word was “well” and I was ready to storm in here guns a blazing lol
  17. They were my favorite sandwich place and then they all just closed around me. They hadn’t gone down hill yet but I had heard they did in other places. I was stuck with only 72 Subways for 10 years until finally a Firehouse Subs opened up a month ago. Seriously, fuck Subway.
  18. The Hurricane???? He has a bit role in that. Come on how you gonna use that as an example 😂
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