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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Ok just finished. Some things I noticed. Jon doesn’t really sit around for very long. He jumps into the fight right after Danyrs. He goes white walkers as soon as he seems them. That ice storm I think blows him way out of the fight. There aren’t as many “overwhelmed” moments where u think a character is going to die as I thought there were the first time through. Melissandra’s actual purpose is to motivate Aria and remind her of her path. (I initially thought she was kinda useless) in fact it seems the Lord of Light was using his servants to enable Aria to succeed all along. Interesting. Theon’s last stand is phenomenal. As is Jorahs. In fact that entire sequence and the different shots with the music is incredible. After my initial viewing I thought the show was impressively anticlimactic. Upon rewatch I think it’s simply impressive. In fact I think there’s not much I would have changed. Every part of that episode sticks with me. Every part is memorable in some way. The more I think about it the more I loved it. I think if you remove head cannon expectations you can really appreciate the brilliance of the episode. Its kind of the opposite of Endgame. Which blew me away upon leaving the theater but the more time passes and the more I think about it the LESS impressive and LESS memorable I think it really was.
  2. Yeah I mean it’s def dark still, but I can follow everything that happened in the first 45 minutes with no problem.
  3. I did love that Viserion was “leaking” fire out of the holes in his neck. That was a pretty cool touch. And i get wanting to see Jon do more but I don’t know that “spoiled child” is the vibe I got lol. So I’m rewatching On Demand. The banding is cleaned up and it’s a much clearer picture. I bumped my settings a little and with a second viewing I’m follwoktn everything way more clearly than the first time. Already picking up on a lot I missed.
  4. I can buy that theory. But I also didn’t have a problem with Jon standing up and screaming at the dragon. I took it more as him accepting his fate and screaming definitely in the face of certain death. Better to go out sword in hand, facing your enemy than be killed hiding behind a wall. But i also buy in that Bran saw this future. I think he knew Theon needed to charge to buy Aria more time to get there. How close was Jon to Aria? Was he at the entrance to the wood? Otherwise him yelling Go would only make sense if there was some grand secret plan that relied on internal clocks to pull off, which seems like a stretch.
  5. Ill buy that, but only if Raptors are DLC and they can break out a fuck shit up.
  6. Has it been a week yet? I’m tired of clicking all these spoiler tags lol
  7. I dunno I thought that looked a lot better than I was expecting. My guess is that it will rely HEAVILY on how Carrey is featured. I
  8. I figured they wrote that in because they realized they are absolute garbage at writing villains so they figured “oh shit maybe we should keep Loki alive in our back pocket in case we need him.”
  9. And this time the Night King Walked into a completely overrun castle. Where, to his knowledge all of its heroes were pinned down or dead. He walked into a room with a cripple and a lone maybe above average warrior. Which he dispatched with incredible ease. You say he walked into a well prepared fortress? He didn’t walk in at the beginning of the fight, we walked in when it was mere moments from complete destruction. His actions in the final episode were 100% logical and consistent with how he acted previously throughout the show.
  10. Yeah the Wight heard the blood drop, not her. It was showing how quiet she was. Even quieter than a damn blood drop. And I don’t think she was screaming, she was making like an aggressive killing face but 100% don’t believe she screamed at all. You also get a sense of how fast she was moving and how close she got to the generals and they still didn’t see her.
  11. What a horribly unintelligent take you’ve got there captain 👍🏻
  12. Huh, I didn’t see any of them on horseback. Given that the Knights of the Vail numbered around 18k AND had heavy cavalry, they’d be featured more. Conversely Dany bought 8k Unsullied.
  13. About the Jon not doing anything. Remember he did see the Night King harpoon a dragon in mid air from like a mile away. So maybe their was some hesitance to get them up in the air till they knew where they were? Also where are the Knights of the Vale right now?
  14. Yeah GoT has never really been big on employing actual battle tactics. Its a tough jump when you finish watching something like The Last Kingdom and go right into GoT lol. They were the very best horsemen on the planet, and in theory, no infantry can withstand a heavy cavalry charge. But these guys weren't heavy cavalry, their horses had no armor and could be cut down fairly easily. Given the sheer massive size of the Unsullied forces the strategy would have been so sucker in the dead, have the the Unsullied in a shield wall. Then you probably go all William Wallace and get some kind of fire traps out in the fields so you could potentially cut the rushing zombie forces in half, at least for a time. Then you have the Dothraki outflank the zombies and hit them from the sides while the dragons pick apart the zombies stuck beyond the fire traps set in the field. Obviously the sheer massive amount of the zombies would over come all of that with the their "wave" attacks. But that would have been cool to see from a strategy stand point. All that being said, I did LOVE the sheer panic and confusion they were able to convey. Seeing main characters fighting in the back ground without actually being focused on. Not really knowing what was going on, who was a zombie and who was your own man. Not that I've ever been in a medieval battle but I'd imagine he captured it beautifully
  15. The next Spiderman takes place before Inifinity War right?
  16. OMG I'm so glad someone said something about how bad the image looked. I'm sitting there with my LGB7 thinking, this is what true black looks like? Didn't I buy this TV exactly for these kinds of dark cinematic moments? I had to get the panel replaced a few months ago due to a factory issue and it was so band I thought maybe it was fucked again lol. Reading it was on HBO's end is like a huge weight off my shoulders lol
  17. Given how cold/calculating Bran has become it wouldn’t surprise me if that was his true intention. If he can see all outcomes then he’d know Aria would need a few more seconds to get there
  18. There was no evidence the NK could raise people he wasn’t near. The previous time they saw it he was standing in and around the bodies he raised. Those armies were likely too big to fit inside the castle. Also they established many times that the Dothraki were unmatched on open ground. I think they stopped because they Dothraki were in their range. Then after that there was a lot of panic. What she did helped so not sure the issue. Doubt they were accounting for WWZ waves of zombies. No one had seen them do that before.
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