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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Agree with a lot of this. At least in the Star Wars "Debates" people were able to clarify where and what they wanted to story to be and who they wanted Luke to be. I haven't seen anyone in the GoT discussions be able to see where else the story should have gone or how it should have been done differently. Just "ThAtS OuT oF ChArAcTer!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  2. So you’re basing their ability to write and direct a successful Star Wars movie based solely on your negative opinion of the final season of GoT?
  3. I couldn’t make it all the way through that video. He accuses both sides of missing the point then proceeds to...miss several points. Also to say that foreshadowing events in a characters past are NOT character development?? Ok buddy 👍🏻
  4. The last demo they had they talked about how you’d get an island to be your home base that you could upgrade. They also mentioned you do have the ability to get off your ship and walk around. I don’t remember if they said exploring was part of it but you can get off sometimes.
  5. Yeah I’ve never showered before going in a pool. Ever. My parents had a big pool pool and I used to do landscaping as a summer job in college. Guess what I did the second I got home almost very day. Yep. I did usually shower after though. During the Blackouts throughout the northeast 15 years ago a bunch of friends came over after work because it was crazy hot and no one had running water. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I have in fact never peed in a pool or the ocean. That’s gross.
  6. Was she the little girl from Winterfell who wanted to stay and fight but jon(?) sent her to the Crypt instead?
  7. Mind. Blown. I assumed it was cause she was depressed about the Dragon. I def did not put 2 and 2 together.
  8. THey should have let Will Smith "Hamilton" the shit outta this story. Turn all the songs to raps. That could have been awesome.
  9. Nope nope nope. You are absolutely not allowed to have that opinion of gassing up a bike with how much you loved RDR 2.
  10. I liked the first one well enough so I’ll see this. Hated the song in the trailer and “sexy” Maleficent at the end? K.
  11. She didn’t hear a child died and lock the dragons up on her own. Her advisors helped convince her to do it.
  12. She would never do that though. THAT is way more a random departure of her character than what she did in destroying the city last episode.
  13. I tried to read them once. My god is it verbose just for the sake of it. I couldn't get through 100 pages. Someone should take all extra shit he crammed in there by trying to be Tolkien turn it into illustrations and give me a graphic novel version of the story. I'd read the shit out of that.
  14. With all the extra added minutes to each episode, how close are the total minutes of this season to a regular season? I feel like its probably not that much less? I think they needed another entire season to end this show they way we would have all liked. But, despite feeling a bit rushed at times, I'm loving it and feel like they're only inches away from achieving the impossible and sticking the landing when it comes to ending the show.
  15. Whelp, that pretty much summed up the last 25 pages of posts in two sentences. I think we're done here. We can all go home lol.
  16. Hes not being snobbish. And it's totally cool to not like where Jamies arc ended up. I'm not a fan of how useless Tyrion and Jon Snow have become. But to say that it's a bad arc implies that it was executed improperly and it wasn't. From a technical standpoint they created an extremely complex character with a lot of layers and a story that came full circle while constantly throwing back to foreshadowing from earlier events. Technically its a very good arc. But of course it's cool to not like it. I think that's probably where the disconnect was.
  17. But she was cruel in how she dealt with her enemies. There were plenty of examples of her being cruel. Her mind was constantly wandering to the "dark side" for back of a better term. Her advisers kept bringing her back. She wasn't killing everyone just for the happy go lucky sheer joy of it. She was killing them to send a message to the rest of the 7 kingdoms. I'm sure in her mind it was something like "the death of this city is a small sacrifice to bring peace to the 7 kingdoms for generations to come" or some psychotic equivalent. She realized she couldn't be loved(well she could be she no longer trusted her advisers to tell her that) and so she decided to rule through fear. Destroy the city, show everyone else in the world what she was capable of and bring peace through obedience. It's not out of nowhere. None of her arc is out of nowhere.
  18. And some people don’t actually know what good/bad writing is vs writing to their expectations 🤷🏻‍♂️
  19. It’s a little rushed but it’s not poorly written. And other than Arya surviving the city whose still alive simply because “plot armor”
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