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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Thats making an assumption that the Dragon would just sit there and got shot. The first dragon got shot out of the air by surprise. The second one saw it coming and dodged all the bolts. Not to mention the dragon was significantly further back than the small parlay party.
  2. I don’t disagree this season feels rushed. Even two more episodes would have gone a long way. But if they were Parlaying then there’s your reason she didn’t attack. Also killing Dany and 60 troops ends the war? Cause Jon wouldn’t have been pissed and continued the war?
  3. As far as the hiding goes then sure they could if they were behind a tall enough island and outcropping of land and knew the direction the dragons were going to fly straight from. As far as sniping them. If you have a general idea where they’re coming from and have a scout to tell you when they’re getting close you could probably pull it off. Not saying that’s all likely. Just that I can enough of a way it could be done.
  4. Especially when you realize you only get one life. You can’t waste it living it for someone else. You need to live it for yourself.
  5. Never been cheated on. Yes cheated on a girl. Don’t regret it at all because I’m married to woman I cheated with.
  6. Oh don’t get all pouty lol. Both @johnny and I have critiqued the show as well. So it seems you read through this thread with the same attention to detail you watch the show 😂
  7. I feel like you only watched the episode with it on in the back ground
  8. They made mention that Dany's army is now roughly the same size as Cersai's after the losses at the Battle of Winterfell. From the small amount of searching I did, Dany had(before the battle) 10k Northerners, 10K Knights of the Vale, 7-8K Unsullied, and some amount under 100k Dothraki. Cersai's Lannister army took a big hit from the dragons so less than 10K of them, 20K Golden Company and 30k Ironborn.
  9. Relax chief. Discussions have two sides. Despite how evil Cersai has been it’s not like she hasn’t had moments throughout the show that add depth and layers to her character. She isn’t one note. You could see that in that scene alone by not killing Tyrion. She’ll never have an easier opportunity than she did there. She also could have ambushed ALL of her enemies at the meeting last season but she honored the meeting then too. And executing a prisoner that was part of your terms isn’t the same thing as slaughtering opposing leaders under a white banner(or whatever we want to call it) Also does Dany really want Cersai to just step aside? Of course not. She wants to crush her. So why bring a show of force that might have a chance of actually force a surrender(no matter how small of a chance)
  10. So no one wants to consider that the reason Dany brought so few troops was because it was just a token negotiation? She even said she’d do it so it looked like she had tried every option. And if we’re going to nitpick medieval military tactics then shouldn’t we assume that Dany was there under some sort of white banner to attempt to discuss terms? Something even Cersai would honor by not just slaughtering them. Like Skillz said, if we’re going to nitpick then at least let’s do it smartly.
  11. Yes it was discussed. General consensus: it’s a comic book movie. Marvel movies are at their core “popcorn flicks” so you need to just let deeper stuff like that slide.
  12. Sheesh the posts in this thread have merged Star Wars Head canon posts with Wrestling “it’s still real to me damnit” posts. It’s.....a perfect nerd storm 😳
  13. Damn now that’s what I’m talking about. That felt like an old school episode. The dialogue was phenomenal, great character movement, surprises deaths. Let’s fucking go!
  14. Just came to post that Fullmetal Alchemist CRUSHED its series finale but I see someone beat me to it.
  15. Probably because they make shitty sandwiches with shitty ingredients and much better chains are popping up. Ever since Quiznos(i miss you so much) close 5 or 6 years ago the only Sub shops near me have been Subway. But there's finally a Firehouse Subs about to open in my town and I'm hoping they do so well that the JJ and JM might show up and put all the Subways out of buisiness. And yeah the smell of that bread is something else. I've literally walked into the one in the gas station on the way to work fully intending to get a sub but when I walk in the smell is so unappetizing that I end up just buying Pizza Rolls or something from the gas station instead. So gross.
  16. So I just wondered into the Krypton for the first time. Anyone have any advice for this place? Should I just be opening as much as I can before moving on?
  17. Just rewatched Kingdom of Heaven DC: still a 10/10 This is the pinnacle of the sword/sandal or medieval epic genre imo. There isn’t another one better.
  18. Well he’s not all the way wrong. Most people don’t know how to tune their TVs. And I rewatched it on demand and then again my DVR copy to compare. The compression is most certainly cleaned up but I don’t think they actually brightened it a ton. Def a little but not a crazy amount. I think the cleaning up of the compression clears things up so much and makes it easier to see so it adds to appearing brighter. My two viewings I liken to my viewing of theatrical Kingdom of Heaven and DC Kingdom of Heaven. That’s how much my opinion rose.
  19. Yeah I still play all the time. It’s my go to “not a lot of time to play” game. I stop playing for a few months here and there but I always get back into it. Easily one one of my favorite games of all time.
  20. Does reading this make anyone else’s head hurt? Also I’m down for a Willow tv show. Reminds me I should rewatch the movie.
  21. The more I’m removed from the emotion of seeing the movie and the more i think about it...the more average the movie becomes. I think after all is said and done it settles in at a 7/7.5. Another fun but ultimately forgettable Marvel movie that plays more into fab service then take any actual risk to be great. Not saying I didn’t enjoy it. I did. But I think I’d rank it in the middle of the second tier of Comic Book movies.
  22. Right. It could have been like that scene from the Pilot of The Walking Dead where the guy had to shoot his wife. But in general it seemed like they really weren’t going for those kind of feels. That episode could have very easily had as much waterworks as End Game
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