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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. I’m fascinated by the boards infatuation with the R rating as well as the apparent unicorn of the rating system, the “hard R”.
  2. I had a Moon Knight action figure as a kid because I thought he looked really cool. That’s all I know and have to contribute about any of these 3 heros lol
  3. Just rewatched the movie again for the first time in over 25 years. It holds up better than I thought it would. The practical effects are still phenomenal and the camera tricks to make it all blend are still really clean and clever. Henson really was a genius.
  4. You really quoting a post from 2 weeks ago? I mean if you’re gonna talk shit about him at least tag the man @skillzdadirecta Lots of people have lots of views, I agree with a good chunk of the things you listed off especially since you’ve taken them out of context and twisted them to fit your very very odd ant-skillz narrative. Honestly it’s crossed over into straight up weird and creepy. Find a hobby or get a pet or something my man. Not worth spending so much time worrying about what strangers on the internet think.
  5. Yes I was serious. She’s sounds like she’s exaggerating. Relax.
  6. What an odd and puzzling turn this thread has taken. I’m honestly speechless about that take lol
  7. I’m pretty over everything apple and their entire infrastructure. This will be an easy service to pass up.
  8. That looks awesome! Voice acting is just kinda ok. I think the models look pretty good, I feel like people think they look off just because they don't look like the MCU actors. Which unless they were getting all those actors to voice themselves in the game then I think they made the right choice going away from their look. Nothing worse than actor impersonators, its always so distracting.
  9. Watched two minutes before I threw my phone out the window so I didn’t have to listen to that streamer anymore.
  10. Huh, learn something new everyday. I always assumed it was some kind of negative term.
  11. I don’t know what Eurojank is but this looks really fun.
  12. Yeah I’m gonna disagree with this one. I’d wager a small fortune that over 50% of Americans think that Chinese Take Out is the same kind of food you find in China. Just like people think you can get Chicken Parm in Italy and Chicken Tiki Masala in India.
  13. Yeah I was really noticing last that last night. How the enemy AI is just tricky enough to make it that much harder. Despite basically just walking right at you, the way some of them dodge their heads at the last second made me miss plenty of times. The fact that the enemies can take friendly fire is great. The fact that you can shoot some enemies in their “legs” and they’ll. Trip and fall. All of that is 100% unexpected for me. Leveling is fun, the trait system is great. Everything is just so fun and clever.
  14. 2 hours is ton of time. You could crush for 30 minutes, take a whole hour to digest and still have 30 more minutes.
  15. I bought it, spent over 60 hours with it, and loved every second. It sucks that it couldn’t live up to its potential. But god damn did it have amazing gameplay. At the very least it was hands down a better game than that steaming pile of boring garbage RDR2.
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