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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. I’ve never actually finished the series. I’ve tried twice, got really into it, but somewhere around the fifth season I start to fizzle out.
  2. I think he’s just a huge movie nerd, so instead of a “GOTY Edition” or whatever, he puts out a Director’s Cut.
  3. It’s weird. As much as I loved the original LiS, I pretty much ignored the subsequent games. But this one has me considering dropping the full $60 to play it at launch, something I almost never do anymore.
  4. I was completely joking about the frozen peas, but I’m glad they made it in.
  5. I never worry about whether or not I’ll have sex.
  6. Don’t try to be all cute about it. Just say “I love my gangly sports son”
  7. Does he have any interest in playing? That’s really all that matters.
  8. I watched the Danish original a while ago. Good movie, probably didn't need to be remade, but I'll watch this.
  9. It’s like Pokémon. Blastoise developed those water cannons to fight the constantly raging wildfires in the Western Johto region.
  10. That might work for me. When it comes to falling asleep, I usually only listen to books I've already read (so LOTR fits). For the last few years I've mostly just been listening to the Harry Potter series on a (very slow) loop. 10-15 minutes is usually about all I need for an average night. When it really comes in handy are those shitty nights where I wake up at like 3 am and can't go back to sleep.
  11. Shoutout to his handful of appearances in Community. They should have used him more.
  12. Some jobs, you get days off for holidays. At my distribution center, you get extra days mandated. I can kinda get that for the big "food" holidays, but Labor Day?
  13. I don't have any shows that I use as pure background noise. For that I usually use podcasts, or when falling asleep I usually play an audiobook. I do have certain kinds of shows/movies that I have on while doing something like playing a game on my iPad. I usually have one sitcom or another in rotation at any given time for when I want to play some Hearthstone, for example. For most of the movies I watch, I want to put other devices away and focus on the movie as much as possible. But there are plenty of those kinda junky action movies that don't really deserve your fully attention, but are fine to half-watch while cleaning or cooking.
  14. It’s in the Deadline article above. Basically, Paramount is just pushing everything to next year, even Clifford the Big Red Dog!
  15. This thread was in my mind as I went grocery shopping after work. It's been years since I had a bag of Chex Mix, so I grabbed a bag of Traditional. While I was there, I also grabbed a bag of Gardetto's to compare. The first thing that surprised me was the price: identical! The Chex Mix has like .15oz more, but in my mind Gardetto's was always the "premium" option, so I was surprised they were so closely matched. Now, maybe my taste buds are weak, but to me they taste basically identical. The only noticeable different to me was the obvious one - only one has Chex. I like what the Chex adds to the mix, but a little goes a long way. So I mixed the two into a bigger bag, and I think that's just about perfect for me.
  16. I was a pretty big fan when they first started. Listened to the podcast every week, watched a good percent of their videos, was a paid member for a year or two. But I think it was around the time that they split into two coasts that I started to lose interest. I don’t know if that was the cause, or if it was a coincidence. I don’t really “follow” any gaming site any more. This place is enough.
  17. I forgot the larger context of the song, but that last line plays in my head every time I see Chex Mix.
  18. I recently started watching Kim’s Convenience, and there’s a line early in this movie that I’m guessing is targeted at people who know Simu Liu from that show.
  19. Well, these are all places I have a hard time imagining Wade relaxing with a nice frozen confection, so I guess it’s not surprising that he’s never heard of them.
  20. Or a theme park. I feel like those are the only places I've ever seen them.
  21. The ice cream of the future!
  22. Frozen bag of peas. Gotta have one of those on hand when dealing with your minor injuries.
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