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Everything posted by Spawn_of_Apathy

  1. I want a Switch. But I also want there to be more games I want.
  2. Do they know something nobody else does about the popularity and hype for this game that they think people will spend $400 on it?
  3. Probably the Xbox 360. So many great games, which can be said about many systems. The big difference maker is that while there were a bunch of great games to play SP the integrated online functionality gave way to a whole bunch of really fun co-op and MP experiences too. Mass Effect 1-3 Fable 2-3 COD4 Halo 3/ODST/Reach Forza 4 Oblivion Borderlands 2 Are just a handful of games I and my friends sunk a ton of time into. Overall last gen felt like it had more offerings that did not just entertain me, but had me waking up wanting to play them, and going to bed looking forward to playing them again. More so than this gen. Other systems in older gens may have had even more, but it was connecting with people online that really won me over.
  4. I am sure it is being written right now along with studio lawyers waiting for all this to resolve in some way. It will probably be funded and greenlit by the end of the month.
  5. The part that sticks out to me the most is a 92 year old's son had a girlfriend thought got into a physical struggle with the 92 year old.
  6. I doubt we are going to see anything that has already been covered in great detail, or would impact/retcon game cannon. IF it does make it through production and release I will check it out, but my expectations are not high.
  7. and we still cannot compare this administration and their supporters to Nazis because .... ?
  8. A poor June followed by a poor July. Yep GWG got nerfed due to Game Pass
  9. It might have been a civil war reference before GOT. The south being a bunch of traitors to the United States. A trend that continues today.
  10. To me the Red Hen incident is more comparable to the baker who refused making cakes for gay couples.
  11. Ninja Theory is an ok purchase, but they don't have any game in their catalogue that makes me think they will develop the next big IP for Xbox. Platinum Games, for example, would have been a much bigger purchase.
  12. I have been meaning to pick it up and play it. I like the art style.
  13. It is amazing the differences in philosophy when you're facing an uphill battle and when you're king of the hill.
  14. Those charts show Canada ahead of America. How does that make Americans "the most"? Second most, sure.
  15. Fprza Horizon 4 and either CODBlops 4 or BFV. That is probably it for full games. Despite my constant disappointment in D2 I will likely get the Forsaken DLC.
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