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Everything posted by Spawn_of_Apathy

  1. Fprza Horizon 4 and either CODBlops 4 or BFV. That is probably it for full games. Despite my constant disappointment in D2 I will likely get the Forsaken DLC.
  2. I did too, and thought "why". I would not mind battleborn seeing a resurgence in popularity. It was kind of fun.
  3. 1 with all the DLC is better. In the end if you were not a fan of D1, D2 will not win you over either. You may still find entertainment like you did with D1. I do not know how many people still play D1, so some activities may be a pain or impossible to do now. Vanilla D2 may be so cheap because there is currently $30 of DLC out now with another $40 DLC coming in Sept that will require all existing DLC. I think there is a trial of D2 you can download. Maybe try that first.
  4. I am sure telecom providers would be willing to sell the data to federal agencies if a warrant was too problematic to acquire. They probably already sell the data to travel and credit card companies.
  5. I remember not liking 12 due to the needlessly convoluted story. I rewatched it on Netflix recently and it still bugged me how much the plan required luck and coincidence rather than planning, and in the end it all ended up being pointless.
  6. They need to give the entire franchise to Dave Filoni to have sole control of the cannon.
  7. I share no love for White supremacists or white nationalists, but they cannot be denied a march, rally, or protest simply because what they stand for is repugnant.
  8. I have always had to pay sales tax for online purchases living in Texas. I thought this was already the case and the Texas legislature were greedy assholes.
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