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Everything posted by Spawn_of_Apathy

  1. I want to get back into the game. I also want to get my friends into the game, but without a proper co-op mode that doesnt also lead to us getting invaded every 3 minutes I dont see that happening.
  2. alright I’ll get into spoilers a bit. At least with the cartoon in full and the live action up through episode 2, which I also watched last night. Iroh was much better in episode 2. I loved how much personality they gave Momo. I’ll wait to see where they go with the relationship between Zuko and Zao. Everything around the Agni Kai felt important to Zuko’s personal journey and who Zao was a person and how the rest of the fire nation may look at Zuko, thus informing us more about his mental state and drive.
  3. I really love what they did for the first 90 seconds of the show. The first 20 minutes really set things up quite nicely. A great example of show, dont tell to set the tone. The rest of the first episode I have mixed feelings about. It really comes down to the acting. So often it felt like actors were just saying lines as if it was a table read. Though the actor playing Zuko was pretty good. Aang was mostly good. Katara was mostly bad. At times she seemed like her direction was “stand there as if nothing is going on” and her deliveries were so very very flat. And the woman playing Gran Gran, jfc that was a train wreck. Not only was it corny how they directed her scenes, but her delivery came across both hammy and flat at the same time. At no point did she sound or act like a real person. Uncle Iroh … I dont hate it, but he feels like his character is missing the heart and wisdom. He too feels flat. I will watch more. The faithfulness they have displayed so far has me willing to see how this goes. I won’t get into spoilers yet, but there are things in episode 1 where I thought this live action show did it better than the OG cartoon. And I LOVE the OG series. But there are things the OG series still did better just from an episode 1 series and world introduction kind of thing. In the same amount of time they both manage to tell the same story, but also not. This wasnt as goofy as the cartoon, but also wasnt as fun.
  4. Reminds me of an anime I saw called Gate. Some relm of middle earth like thunga came through a gate and attacked modern day Japan. Japan sent their a defense force through the gate and it went about as well as you might expect for an army of sword and bow wielding guys with chainmail to go against modern day automatic rifles, attack helicopters, and tanks.
  5. XESS does seem to produce a better moving image than FSR, hopefully this gives them a boon to improve even more.
  6. Maybe. So long as the scope is very limited and doesnt turn into the US supreme court is weighing in on whether IVF is any kind of right or not. Odds are a ruling would just be that the grievance is with the clinics who chose halt operations when they were not legally required to do so. what this makes me wonder and assume us that these clinics, despite performing medical procedures are not afforded the same legal definitions and protections as other healthcare workers, like surgeons or ER doctors. I dunno, maybe they are and in addition to their BS biblical arguments the lawyers also managed to prove medical negligence.
  7. Ubisoft with a self fulling prophecy that we are getting used to not owning Ubisoft games. “AAAA” lmao. Maybe they let its budget get that big, but the quality sure doesnt match.
  8. so upper management is is doing dumb shit like flying across the country for something that could have been an email, taking “work” lunches and dinners, all while failing to plan development work or changing a bunch of shit requiring more work, and then blaming everyone else or “uncontrollable” factors.
  9. So he’s working on become an even more rich insufferably immoral person. Got it. yeah I noticed he was gone when a topic I had people quoting him, but the actual replies were from “Guest”. So I DM’d somebody and asked what was up. I assumed he was migrating to Truth Social. j/k again.
  10. the only replacement for a legion of free play testers is a legion of play testers who are paying the dev for the privilege of helping the dev make a better game and get rich with. why would they go back to having to actually hire people to play their games or come up with game design improvements?
  11. The religious right do not deserve medical science. Any of it. Not to work around it, not to own stocks in it, not to save their life, and not to benefit from it in any way.
  12. Having more money in your bank account than somebody living paycheck to paycheck doesnt mean youre richer than they are if they are earning and spending 30x more money than you are. You can almost buy a honda civic, but theyre buying a second $5m home as vacation house to park their other ferrari.
  13. I suspect alot of this has to do with influencers/streamers that prefer to play on PC, and games also on PC have a longer viewing life than console exclusives.
  14. If nothing on the Switch has made you jump in by now Id say wait and just get a Switch 2 near release. I guess the question I have for you is; Is there something on the Switch you really want to get into or are you hoping you'll get a Switch and just find something to love?
  15. Nintendo could always release their games on PC and allow modding. That would give them a boost in software sales.
  16. For Sony it probably isnt helped by how much more expensive AAA gaming has become, needing bigger and bigger teams just to make 1 game. Even Sony’s first party output has slowed dramatically. @AbsolutSurgen makes a good point about many gamers just spending time in F2P games. But I also wonder if Sony put too many SW eggs into the live service basket and now the bubble has kind of burst. Especially where nobody wants to see their big single player studios making love service games. Years of work just abandoned. Time that could have been spent on the next billion dollar franchise.
  17. Nintendo’s shares falling because of a Switch 2 delay is entirely their fault for trying to milk the Switch waaaaaay beyond when they should have released a successor. They got greedy and bet they could keep it going longer than then they should. 2020 gave them a false sense of where the market was going to be in 2 years.
  18. Im starting to feel the grind in the upper 30s trying to get to a high enough level I can beat the next tower before time runs out. As I look ahead to the grind after that for the next tower I feel myself getting even more bored just thinking about it. Maybe part of that is because Ive already discovered the entire map. There no one island I cant hang around on and fight and catch wild Pals at the level I am currently. So other than the towers and a handful of alpha/boss Pals there’s nothing to really level up on. it’s clear they look at and study the rest of the gaming industry. This game was not made in a bubble/vacuum. I wish they took a few more cues from Elden Ring. I didnt realize until much later in Palworld how much map space is taken up by starter areas. Where roaming Pals are around lvl 4. But the area where the game starts you is plenty good enough. The first tower not so high level it feels out of reach. The game world draws your attention toward the path to the tower, but the surrounding area feels great to explore and get stronger. I never felt like retreating to the islands SW or NE of the game’s starting area. I feel like these areas either should be where the game truly wanted me to go when I was sub lvl 15 or should have been optional places for the latter levels (40+). Something I hope makes it into the game at some point too is Pals getting support movies. Buffs, debuffs, sleep, etc. some abilities can stun or slow an enemy briefly, but you’re trying for it. It’s more like a happy accident when it happens. breeding and building a more efficient base has been quite rewarding. I like the personality many of the Pals have. Theyre still a little dumb at times, probably not helped by how cramped one of my bases has become with lodging, manufacturing for all items, breeding pen, incubators, 2 ranching pens, and enough farming to keep everyone fed and the breeding going. I have another base that is prettymuch just a mining and logging operation as the location has like 8 respawning ore rocks and a bunch of trees. I can make 1 more base but Im not sure where to put it or what I want it to be. I really wish you could link the bases in some way so inventories were shared. That would make it easier to have specialized bases, since you do have a finite amount of space. Especially if it was a type of storage where I could move items from one container in a base to another container in a a different base. It would make uprooting a base easier too. Maybe a future update thing.
  19. From MS yes, but not Sony, yet. There are still games Sony hasnt even announced for PC, and who knows if it will even happen. Like Ghosts of Tsushima. Sony paid to keep Rise of the Ronin PS exclusive. Not their own title per se, but theres that mindset of locking titles to their platform. What more does PC stand to benefit? More titles that are currently exclusive to the Sony platform. The chances of them on PC are infinitely higher than them going to Xbox.
  20. you know, what he says is true about less and less games being exclusive to one platform. But that doesnt mean Sony titles on Xbox. PC will be the beneficiary of this. …but even in a future where every MS title and Sony title are also on PC, every Nintendo title will only be on Nintendo platforms.
  21. Are all the teams going to be similar yet legally different from actual NCAA teams?
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