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Everything posted by ShreddieMercury

  1. That Polygon article is excellent. It's essentially just pointing out how disheartening it is that instead of people rejecting the game's obnoxious and shitty messaging, they were endeared even more. Cyberpunk 2077 just screams "gamerz" in all of the most unsavory ways, and that works wonders apparently.
  2. I think R&C is really the next big one. It seems that 2021 will suffer from the remote development due to the pandemic, so I'm not sure that we can count on any big marquee exclusives, not to mention lots of other in-development games, for quite a while yet. It also sounds like God of War may be coming to PS4 as well, so it may be technically platform exclusive rather than console exclusive.
  3. Enjoy the Switch! Even with its quirks, it's one of my favorite systems I've ever owned. Super Mario Odyssey, Luigi's Mansion 3, Astral Chain, and Splatoon 2 are all best-of-the-best games, and I would put SMO and Luigi's Mansion 3 up there with the all-time great Nintendo games. If you didn't get any of the DLC on Wii U, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe includes both extra cups and 200cc mode, which was enough for me to purchase it again.
  4. Is 2 the best one? I have the first one and the third one for some reason, but skipped 2 and I think I've heard it's the best of the three.
  5. Agreed 100% on F-Zero and Advance Wars, though I'm not a fan of the other franchises. Still would have been cool though for those who were! I was going to say Pilot Wings but then I looked it up and I guess there was a Pilot Wings game on 3DS that I didn't know about. I only had a 3DS for a brief time, and though the games were awesome I realized that I just didn't personally enjoy playing games portably. It makes me sort of sad that Nintendo will probably continue the hybrid strategy into the distant future, because I really liked having a split between portable and home consoles. The Switch is amazing, but I think it fails to completely satisfy both camps - the original revision is probably just slightly too large to be a true portable device (like the DS & 3DS), while its concessions in power leave something to be desired in terms of docked performance. Even then, it has several of the best games I've ever played so I can't fault it too much!
  6. I'm not very tech-literate, but I feel like I really missed a step in this whole framerate conversation, because for as long as I can remember it's been about 4k/60fps and how 30fps gives gamers motion sickness and makes them throw up. But now it seems we've skipped that and gone straight to 120fps and VRR and 120hz. I can't keep up with what's required for people to enjoy games without thinking they're trash.
  7. Power Stone?? But not for another 4 years??? The melee system in TLOU 2 is unreal, but it happens very fast and like the first game it's not really a primary combat strategy. But the animations and the way they blend together is so advanced and unprecedented that the game feels like it's from 5 years into the future.
  8. I've never played any Souls games, save for Sekiro which I thought was bullshit. Is it possible that I would enjoy another one of these games? I understand the elevator pitch about these games, about how the precise nature of the combat forces mastery, and the rules of the world force you to be patient and intentional with play. I didn't get that with Sekiro. What I started to understand over time is that the game didn't only want you to master its mechanics and systems, you were forced to master each individual enemy and boss. So essentially it became starting at square one over and over each time you progress to a different area/arena. I think that's intentionally frustrating and bad game design, and I finally gave up after making it past the Seven Spears guy, realizing that nothing about it was fun for me in the slightest. That said, I still cannot resist the promise of amazing and specific combat and the dark and foreboding adventure that these games provide. Are these games just on their face not for me given what I described above, or is Sekiro truly an outlier?
  9. Ok looks like it's finally time for me to fucking step in up to make up for the lost users!! CONSIDER ME ACTIVATED. In all honesty, arguments on the internet are 99% ineffective, so while it sucks that people leave, often the best strategy is to just not engage. Almost everything is declarative in these argumentative posts, and the points are just made over and over again circuitously. It becomes obvious when someone is not going to listen/read actively and challenge their own assumptions about whatever information is presented, so in those cases I do think its best to purely disengage. While it really sucks to lose great posters, it's not Wade or anybody else's responsibility to react with infinite sensitivity to every perceived slight or disagreement unless it's really severe or violates the TOS, like in some other recent examples. The internet is bullshit, and I think we just have to recognize where our effort is best expended and where it's not, and that's an individual calculus.
  10. I voted PS3/360/Wii. Even though this generation has several games that I would call all-time greats, overall it was more of a refinement of game mechanics and visuals from previous generations, with some added quality of life improvements and easier access. Lots of games from the previous generation still feel so good to play that they could be mistaken for current-gen games were it not for the reduced visual quality, which says a lot I think.
  11. This is a bummer. US/Eurogamer are the only gaming sites that I read regularly. Maybe D1P needs to step in to fill the gap?? We have quite a few excellent games writers/thinkers on this board.
  12. I definitely understand that his mixes are a conscious artistic choice, but maybe when your choice is "give me an enchilada of sound", it's the wrong one.
  13. My wife is a telemetry nurse, and her floor is now used for ICU overflow with the hospital being at full capacity. Her hospital was not giving (or unable to procure for) their nurses the proper PPE equipment (N95) until September, instead relying on cloth masks that were sanitized with UV rays. We've essentially been restricting ourselves to seeing our parents outside on their porch maybe once or twice a month since March, with no other contact. It's absolutely infuriating to see people not taking this seriously, even as it's now worse in Colorado than it has been all year. The blatant disregard for other people's safety for the most trivial of reasons (eating at restaurants, social gatherings, etc.) has made me realize how little hope there is for us to tackle a crisis of any magnitude in this country. I don't know how the lack of a sweeping federal response to the pandemic can be seen as anything other than a humanitarian crime, but I suppose that's our failed state in action.
  14. Are backwards compatible Xbox and 360 games getting any optimization outside of auto-HDR? Still waiting to see what's up with my Microsoft store order. It has an estimated delivery of 12/22, but I paid for expedited shipping and I have a pending charge on my card. I don't mind waiting but it would be a nice surprise to get it sooner.
  15. I feel you. I was able to order one through the Microsoft Store last night, but the delivery date is 12/22. Who knows if they'll ship it sooner. I drove to two Walmarts this morning because they both listed that they had in-store stock, but then both said they were not selling them in-store. However, they are doing orders today starting at 12pm EST, and I'm guessing they'll allocate those shipments in the next few days.
  16. I think it mostly depends on the length of the game, but yeah I love replaying games, and my favorite games tend to be the ones that are the most replayable. Super Mario Galaxy is my favorite game and I play through most of it about once a year. Most Nintendo games tend to be replayable because they are for the most part focused on pure gameplay. Left 4 Dead is another one of my all-time favorites, precisely because it's so replayable and remains engaging even though it's very simple and the campaigns are short.
  17. Supposedly a few Series X/S bundles will be available online "sometime tonight". Lol. Xbox Series X/S Will Be Available To Buy Sometime Tonight At GameStop - GameSpot WWW.GAMESPOT.COM GameStop will have a "very limited number" of console bundles online and in stores. In other words, best of luck. They have also confirmed that they will have stock in-store tomorrow - @XxEvil AshxX I know you're trying to pick one up in person so that may be your best shot. I'm going to be checking throughout the evening to see if I can snag an online bundle. Otherwise I'll be jacked up on coffee tomorrow morning with every retailer's page open trying to snag one at 12pm EST. Wish me luck.
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