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Everything posted by number305

  1. I think Spiderman handled this the best with Miles. Have a new 00 movie with black lead... just don't have it be bond. I don't see what the drawbacks to that are.
  2. Glad we got this settled. So everyone is cool with a Blade remake staring James McAvoy
  3. My take does not fit this conversation much... but I would like to see Tom Hiddleston in the role.
  4. So honest question. Did Gunn grow, or did he clean up his act because he started getting bigger gigs in the movie business?
  5. How about tell new stories. They don't need another reboot. There are a million science fiction stories that aren't star wars or star trek. Lets put some of those on the big screen.
  6. The reason is awesome. She got negative backlash because she wasn't enough of a lesbian enough to play this lesbian character... even tho she is a lesbian. People are terrible.
  7. I'm surprised the farting on peoples face thing happened more than once. I cant fathom a work environment where people have such low self esteem that they wouldn't stand up to someone doing that to them. Sounds like a terrible culture.
  8. Disney also recently announced that the streaming service won't have any Star Wars movies that were released prior to 2019... (so none of em). Apparently they sold the streaming rights and don't get them back until 2024.
  9. Eh. I don't care a bunch. I have never watched the show. I just don't understand having two separate iterations of the same character going at the same time. I would hope that if someday Marvel wanted Daredevil or the Punisher to show up in a movie they would not recast.
  10. There would be a line around the block of directors wanting to work for Disney. The money is too great. Also (smart) actors can't half-ass performances. Everything that gets released is on film forever - and is also an audition for future roles. These actors would not put out sub-par work on purpose.
  11. It does need to be launched from the ea hub. I had not been in there since I got the X last fall so I had to download it, then all was good. Madden feels weird... But I think that every year. I'll get used to it in a week of play or so.
  12. This is insanity. We are just supposed to talk about games here and bitch. Not play them! I'll be finishing up Shadow of War. Maybe I'll go back and finish Hellblade too.
  13. Mad Max was a good looking movie, but honestly I don't love it. I do like Shape of water, and Alien. Two quick examples of female led movies I appreciate.
  14. I set one up about a year ago. Retro Pi works well. It is easy - just follow the instructions. You don't have to be particularly skilled with computers. If you run into any problems google it or ask on here and I'm sure someone can help. SNES games are dead easy. Same with Genesis, NES and other systems of that era. If you try to go into MAME arcade emulation you will start to run into some issues where you will need to get a little more technical.
  15. Ha. I'm glad they are making movies for you these days. Hope you are enjoying them. No one else is. I love good movies with women in predominant roles. I hate moves that start off with we have to do X (in this case have an all women cast) and then try to shoehorn a story around whatever decision X is.
  16. I was really looking forward to this. I even was defending it in a previous thread... but man. That is a bad promo shot. They went full Ghostbusters. Never go full Ghostbusters.
  17. @TomCatis right in this thread. We are working with moving goalposts. Which is fine because its natural. Most people are owners of the Sony platform so they will obviously want to rationalize their purchase. People on the MS side are rationalizing like hell too. the X1X is hands down the most powerful console right now. (PC will always be king). That should be the end of the thread. There is no arguing the specs. X1X is more powerful than the Pro and if you go to a third party like digital foundry they will give you several examples of games looking and playing better on the X1X. That does not mean the better games are on the Xbox. But this thread is about power... so there ya go.
  18. I think I agree with several other of you. When I started this game I was blown away. The graphics and the sound are good(sound work is excellent). However after forcing my way through a few puzzles - and looking one up online (when I looked it up I figured out I was staring right at what I needed to do... just couldn't really see it) I realized I wasn't having much fun and I stopped playing. The developer has a bright future. Looking forward to what comes next, but this game for me was a miss. I might continue playing at some point with a guide handy just to see the end.
  19. Maybe a great director could do something with it... but to me first person is usually terrible as a movie going experience. The only good uses I can think of that use it are from Terminator and Predator. Both those movies only use first person for a few seconds to show the unique vision of the antagonist.
  20. It will be interesting to see what takes its place when it is done. The last couple of seasons of Breaking Bad were about that way in popularity.
  21. I haven't seen this yet, but from a review I just read this is the first movie in the series that really is more of a sequel. Most of the other movies were not as connected - so it may benefit you to watch Rouge Nation first. These movies have typical action movie violence. Not much language. No nudity that I can remember. However this movie is 2 1/2 hours long. That would give me pause taking my kids. They might get bored... and depending on age may not understand the several plot twists that are always there in this series.
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