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Everything posted by number305

  1. Slavic does not mean white. Descriptions in the book where it says she is white... that kinda means she is white. However - Movies and TV shows (and video games) are their own separate things from books. They are really someone else version of a book - always with many changes. Some changes are better some are worse but they do not taint the original material. Separate mediums should be judged separately. I have no problem with gender/race swaps. Hopefully when it is done it is done to serve the story and not solely for sjw reasons.
  2. “There is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance, for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of anti-Semitic remark,” Mr. Gibson said in Tuesday’s statement. He continued, in part: “I want to apologize specifically to everyone in the Jewish community for the vitriolic and harmful words that I said to a law enforcement officer the night I was arrested on a D.U.I. charge. I am a public person, and when I say something, either articulated and thought out, or blurted out in a moment of insanity, my words carry weight in the public arena.” Mr. Gibson went on to say he wished “to take it one step further, and meet with Jewish leaders” for a “one-on-one discussion.” That is also from Gibson. I'm not trying to absolve anyone of guilt. I wouldn't want Gibson around my kids. My only point is that we don't really know what is in any of these peoples heart. It is easy to make a face for the camera. We should not assume we know what any of them are like, or what they do when the camera is not on.
  3. Interesting that we can be so sure that Gibson actually holds those views. What did he have - a couple of drunken outbursts during maybe the darkest part of his life when his relationship was falling apart and his career was crashing. As opposed to several years of posting pedophilia stuff on the internet. I think everyone needs to be careful about what they think of celebrities. We don't 'know' any of them and should not hold any up too high on a pedestal.
  4. I don't keep up with comics so in no way am I trying to start an argument which I am sure I would lose... However I remember a quote from Frank Miller that said something like Metropolis is New York in the daytime, and Gotham City is New York at night.
  5. Made me laugh that this Predator thread is right next to the Predator 2 thread. We should have a 'Sexual Predator vs. Aliens'.
  6. I plan on playing it alone. Just wait till it's cheap. The reviews say the game scales - puzzles change when you play single player. So they at least put some effort in to make it engaging for a single player experience.
  7. I really like the sniper elite games so I will get this eventually. It isn't long until black Friday... and I bet that this will be $20 then.
  8. Isn't the fact that Disney has made so much money off marvel movies - AND the fact that so many others (the mummy, DC) have tried to copy the connected universe idea enough to prove that people are following what is going on between these movies?
  9. I think it's obvious from this pic that Poe, Finn, and Chewy have gone to the dark side. I mean they are enslaving those poor animals.
  10. This show is super popular to dislike online, however I enjoyed watching it with my wife. It is of course silly and full of pop culture but it isn't supposed to be high brow.
  11. Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in. I guess I'm gonna download some DLC tonight.
  12. I finished it last night. Great game.
  13. Well I think there may be one or two ninja video games already in existence, but an ancient history Japan ninja Ass Creed game sounds kinda cool to me.
  14. Is it just my memory, or is this a massive graphics downgrade from last we saw this?
  15. You are right. Of course there are (probably many) people who understand nothing... but I can't believe they are the majority. I think most people know that there is going to be another Spiderman movie for instance. So most people know that somehow spiderman is coming back. You don't have to be a giant message board nerd to know that they are making more spiderman movies. The difference between DC and marvel is probably a little more tricky. My wife still has to ask about some of the secondary characters (Tell me again does Flash hang out with Superman or Ironman...)
  16. The other night I got killed on a pretty big fluke defending a fortress. It was a 'no chance' kill and it really kinda sucked. You have to take the fortress again. Ugh.
  17. I have beat the main part of Shadow of War. I'm in the Epilogue. Does that have an end or does it just cycle forever? Shadow of War was a pretty fun game. Lots of games these days forget the fun part.
  18. Well I think Cap is getting his shield back in the next movie.
  19. For me Hellblade is an exceptionally made game but it stopped being fun after a few hours (the audio/visuals and story seem to be great all the way through). I didn't enjoy the puzzles so I stopped playing.
  20. Okay fine. From my memory one of the best film like moments in a game I ever played was crossing over to mexico for the first time in RDR.
  21. Bad camera work is more fun to point out. Some of the worst camera work I ever remember fighting through was Shadowman on N64.
  22. If you say 'My cocaine' in your head it sounds just like Michael Caine saying 'Michael Caine'.
  23. Well the "internet" is pissed that the lesbian playing batgirl isn't lesbian enough... I don't think the internet is right in the head.
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