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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. I have Hue lights so I turn them on to 10% if I need to get up in the night.
  2. Yeah this is definitely a favorite from the new album too, along with "Won't Stand Down". The video is crazy though.
  3. I joined a book club and we're reading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
  4. Also, I picked up the new Muse album. Haven't listened to much of it yet but they released this single back in July that I've listened to quite a few times. Muse at their hardest:
  5. Have you had a chance to listen to it a few more times to pick some favorites? Besides the two I mentioned before, I also really like this one:
  6. Emblazon was tinkering with the CSS before, IIRC, but no idea where/how. Web development is not my thing.
  7. Nokra

    *stabs Nokra*

    Another important difference from the Pizza Friday thread: Best realized his mistake, deleted his inappropriate comment, his target didn't attack back and actually laughed it all off, everyone moved on, and AFAIK there hasn't been any further friction between them.
  8. Nokra

    *stabs Nokra*

    Your call, obviously, but FWIW I do at least like the idea of having some place to discuss general off-topic things when they don't quite fit on some other board. IMO, there are just a couple people who can't seem to get over past grievances (real or perceived) who occasionally make this an unpleasant board. I think changing the culture but keeping a general board would be good for building/strengthening the community, but I may not be thinking clearly due to blood loss from a vicious stabbing.
  9. Nokra

    *stabs Nokra*

    @Bacon When you posted that in the other thread, it legit made me laugh out loud for a solid 30 seconds, so thank you for that.
  10. Really sorry to hear this, @CastlevaniaNut18. Fingers crossed for successful treatment, and wishing strength for you and your family.
  11. My hesitation is based on nothing in particular with this series, just the general tendency of movies/series to rarely be as good as the books upon which they're based. I just saw an article that said Amazon has spent $465 million on the first season alone though, so it seems like they should at least have the resources they need. I'm OK with them taking some creative liberties, of course. The Silmarillion, which is the book that most closely deals with the events of the Second Age, is just over 360 pages, and it largely provides storytelling in only broad strokes. I just hope we don't get too much of the "let's appeal to kids with a shit-covered wizard" nonsense from the Hobbit movies... I know Jackson isn't involved, but.... that was heartbreaking for a nerd like me. Also, I wonder if we may finally get a film version of Tom Bombadil.
  12. Ideally this would be a felony that would prevent her from legally owning a gun ever again.
  13. Could we maybe change the color of links to reddit on the D1P Dark theme? It's damn near impossible to read them. For example, here's an image of what it looks like, from a post in this thread:
  14. I'd love to be pleasantly surprised, but I'm guessing it will not be true enough to the source material to make me happy. <----
  15. What exactly did they do to fix the difference in height? I went to an osteopath a couple years ago and they told me something similar but it wasn't entirely clear to me what the treatment was going to be, and then I left the country.
  16. Dang, that all sounds really stressful and annoying, but I'm glad it worked out in the end. Congrats on the "new" card!
  17. Just googled it and yeah it looks like they're serialized and tracked. So yeah... useless here.
  18. I've been listening to the latest Silversun Pickups album that just released yesterday (8/19/22). I generally love their music and had the chance to see them live here in Portland in Dec. 2019 and they were awesome. I think the new album may take a listen or two to pick favorites but there are a couple that stand out already: I always love it when Nikki sings and on this album she has her own song.
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