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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. And I went ahead and bought a dashcam for my car. Too many shitheads on the road.
  2. Like a boss. It continues to make me laugh (darkly) that people complaining about "snowflakes" have the most fragile egos that they can't get made fun of at a comedy show without feeling the need to resort to violence.
  3. I wouldn't expect high cinema from a Mario Bros. movie, so this looks pretty fun to me. It looks to me like the story they're trying to tell is that Mario is sort of thrown into the Mushroom Kingdom (from the real world? From some other world?), based on his behavior around the 1:35 mark in the trailer... so maybe over the course of the movie there will be some development of his character (and voice?) into more of what we have classically associated with Mario. Either way, it looks like pretty fun fan service, especially for kids (or the young at heart). Also, I love how expressive their faces are!
  4. A couple friends have used Imperfect Produce and had good experiences. They liked the variety of food they'd get, and often they'd receive veggies that they'd never cooked with before so they had to learn some new skills, which they enjoyed. What made you decide to go back to the grocery store? E.g. wanting to choose the veggies yourselves?
  5. I definitely lost some social skills in the pandemic, I hear you there. What have you been playing lately?
  6. It'd be great to see you around here (D1P, not necessarily The Shower ) more often!
  7. Have you tried it? I once had a burger that had peanut butter on it (Killer Burger, for anyone in the Portland area or near one of their Idaho or Washington locations) and it was surprisingly good, and they do include pickles. *prepares for shitstorm*
  8. I'm curious how many of you have updated to Windows 11 already. I got a notification that it's ready to be installed on my system but haven't made the leap yet. Any issues one should know about before upgrading?
  9. Most likely because the 12-year-olds of 2022 are no more intelligent than the 12-year-olds of yore.
  10. I'm curious how those who have physical books typically arrange them on their shelves. By size? By genre? By author? By purchase order? Completely randomly? When I moved into my apartment I just threw them on my bookshelves in a hurry and arranged them (mostly) by size, figuring I would put more thought into it later.... That was two years ago now. Below is the same pic I posted a few months ago... The other day I was searching for a specific book and found it to be kind of an annoying pain, so I was thinking it might finally be time to tackle this project soon. How do you arrange your books?
  11. "Virginia is a border state, but only when it is convenient to me. When it comes to things like climate change, "
  12. Did you ever try Blue Star? As far as chains go, I like it just as much or more than Voodoo. IMO, Voodoo is good but it's way too overhyped and the lines (especially at the downtown location) make a visit not worthwhile when there are equally good options that aren't going to require a 15-20 minute wait for a donut.
  13. I like how @Chris- gave you a for this, as if we all should know. I also have no idea who this is and as soon as I saw the first sentence of his Wikipedia entry that says "Urban Frank Meyer III (born July 10, 1964) is an American football coach.", this was my reaction: NSFW
  14. Just to torture myself, I've been continually looking around for one of these and the wait period is about 2-5 months if you're willing to pay $7500+ over MSRP or 1-1.5 years if at MSRP.
  15. My friends make fun of me for not sharing drinks or food with anyone other than a girlfriend, if I have one at that moment. I dunno, the idea of swapping spit with anyone else grosses me out.
  16. Went hiking this past weekend on Mt. Hood and got a couple good shots: The last one made me think of this:
  17. Those are both great ideas, thanks! Yeah, you're right, I'm in Portland so maybe I need to look significantly south (probably not east since I doubt they'd offer any EVs at all). Were you running into similar issues ("market adjustments", general availability) with the EV6? What's your favorite aspect of owning an EV? And your least favorite?
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