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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Yeah but... mah freedumbs. I'm on day four or so and it feels to me like I have a mild cold with maybe a tiny bit more tiredness. Yeah, science.
  2. https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-supremacists-from-patriot-front-detained-en-masse-near-idaho-pride-event Some are speculating that this was just a publicity stunt.
  3. I think once I recover, I will go back to wearing a mask. I'm not necessarily afraid of COVID itself (so far at least it has been very mild for me as I said, being vaxxed and boosted) but I'm more wanting to 1) avoid recurring infection and the subsequent down time and 2) avoid long-term consequences which are unknown at this point.
  4. It's so much better knowing that his name is "Cookie Mosher".
  5. Thanks, so far my symptoms have been pretty mild; slight loss of taste, some mild achiness, and a slight cough. My sister feels terrible that a couple people got sick at her wedding, but I've just been telling her that 1) we all know what the risks are these days and 2) everyone has had a pretty mild case so far.
  6. Yeah, it was foolish to let my guard down, I fully admit. For one weekend I wanted to pretend like COVID didn't exist, and now I'm paying for it.
  7. I have been, yeah. I was the only one at work that was still wearing one. I went to my sister's wedding this past weekend and didn't wear a mask because everyone was vaccinated and tested negative before. Just tested positive today.
  8. Whelp, just tested positive for COVID. I'm supposed to start my new job on Monday, so I guess that will be delayed.
  9. Yeah I was born in Iowa and grew up in Idaho, only leaving for Germany when I was about 25.
  10. What's my take? I get irrationally annoyed any time I have to hear about it.
  11. I think I've seen pictures of your game room, but I'd also be curious to see your library, if you're willing to share! I imagine it's huge, given how much you read and post about reading!
  12. This is kind of the way I'm leaning, especially since in the new job I'll actually have a bit of money to enjoy the neighborhood. And especially if I'm able to do a hybrid WFH/office thing, it may be pretty manageable. Agreed in principle... When I was living in Germany, I took the train all the time and got a ton of reading done. Here, the train/bus would make my commute go from 30 minutes to an hour or more each way and it isn't nearly as direct. Still, I might look into this as an occasional option. Thanks for the reminder!
  13. How much time do you all spend commuting per day, on average? I'm currently spending about an hour in the car five days per week. My lease is up in July and I'm tempted to move closer to work to win some time back, but I currently live in a cool neighborhood basically in downtown Portland and work is more or less in the burbs.
  14. Not quite what I'd hoped for when you said you'd be filming yourself laying pipe, but I'll take it.
  15. I really hate that they went with Hulu for this. I love Futurama, but I'll never subscribe to Hulu on principle.
  16. Before seeing this thread, I watched this special and laughed at quite a few things, found a few things lazy and uninteresting, but overall have the feeling that a lot of the outrage about his views on trans people is completely blown out of proportion. At the very beginning (and a couple times later) he specifically draws attention to the fact that he often will make horribly "wrong" jokes about things precisely because people know what the right thing is. I laughed at quite a few jokes that were pretty horrible on their face, because I recognized and appreciated the misdirection, irony, etc. As he points out himself, he jokes about all kinds of horrible things like rape, pedophilia, the Holocaust, etc. and yet what riles people up the most and what we hear about are the trans jokes. I don't know... From some of his previous standup work and shows like After Life, Derek, etc. it seems to me that he's pretty clearly a humanist in favor of all human (and animal) rights. He even explicitly says at one point in this special that he is pro-trans and of course trans rights are human rights. He just likes taking the piss out of everybody. But the clips of him saying he's pro-trans don't really draw in the views/clicks or generate 4-page threads.
  17. I have never played any of the Sniper Elite games, and just thought I would click through this video a bit to get a sense of what the games are all about, and I ended up watching all 40 minutes of it. You all are going to make me spend more money on games that I shouldn't.
  18. I'm currently reading Bittersweet: Howe Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole by Susan Cain. She's the author of Quiet (and the related TED Talk), which talked about the powers of introversion, a personal favorite non-fiction.
  19. Of course, an ammosexual would just say "that doesn't mean we should take sticks away from everyone though". To which I would say, "If enough kids are going around picking up sticks and hitting other kids, it absolutely does."
  20. I used to get a lot of compliments on how white my teeth were, and then I started drinking coffee. I think they're probably not as standout white as they were before, but overall pretty stain-free.
  21. In response to the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" line of bullshit argumentation, my uncle, a now-retired 6th grade teacher of 30 years, said "If you see a kid hitting another kid with a stick, you blame the kid and not the stick. But you still take the stick away."
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