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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Such certainty about something one couldn't possibly be certain of.
  2. IIRC though you're in Canada, correct? I'm in the US (Portland, OR). Maybe the import requirements are lower for Canada vs. the US, thus why your order shipped first? Knowing that they sent yours just makes me more anxious to get mine.
  3. Nokra


    I think we suggested you get a regular Switch OLED, right? Very glad to hear that the healing is continuing well! Keep on taking it easy and just get better!
  4. @silentbob Just curious, what was your order number? I'm 5950, so just wondering how closely grouped we actually are. From what I've seen on reddit, it looks like they're sequential.
  5. It's cute* watching you east coasters experiencing wildfires. *not actually cute, it's abysmal and I'm sorry you're dealing with it.
  6. Did you already post your setup for this 3D content? I mean, what device(s) and software you're running to make it happen? Sounds like maybe you're using an emulator and running Gamecube and Wii games off of your PC? Do you have a link to the post, if so, and if not would you mind sharing? I don't own any 3D movies, for example, and the Rokid Max site's only mention of 3D is "2D/3D Switching - Watch 3D movies wherever you like". I guess this is new-ish tech so it will probably be somewhat janky, but I'm excited to give it a try!
  7. That's awesome though, good news, thank you. Will definitely be interested in hearing your impressions when you get them. I also noticed in the email that they said we might be responsible for additional import fees. Here's hoping that isn't the case though. FYI, I moved our posts out of the Final Fantasy thread and into this one because I think this is probably where you meant to post, right? This is the thread where we'd previously discussed the Rokid glasses, anyway....
  8. Nothing yet. I added basically all of the accessories (wireless adapter, HDMI adapter, Rokid hub) and I'd read from others on Reddit that this may cause it to be shipped out a bit slower. @silentbob did you get any of these adapters with yours?
  9. Dang man, that sucks; I'm sorry you're going through that. What did your doctor think about it?
  10. I game just about every day. I'm still thoroughly addicted to Team Fortress 2 even after all these years so I play that almost every day, plus I semi-recently got a Steam Deck that has been helping me work my way through my backlog.
  11. @TUFKAK Avatar change is complete.
  12. If you can link to the picture you want, a mod can set your avatar for you. By which I mean, I'm volunteering.
  13. I'll have to read the full article after work to see if this is similarly applicable in North Carolina, but I know that at least in the county in which I grew up (rural Idaho), if someone goes to the ER and can't pay, it's on the county to pay. A lot of healthcare providers I knew growing up there were (understandably IMO) frustrated when 1) mental health care isn't properly funded and 2) the ER is treated as the default healthcare (i.e. only go to the ER rather than your primary doctor), because it means that everything gets more expensive and it often lands on the county to pay.
  14. gamer.tv is apoc, confirmed
  15. I believe he just wanted to unplug for a bit. AFAIK it wasn't anything personal or permanent, but maybe someone else can correct me if I'm mistaken.
  16. I'm curious: What industry/job did you start off at $45k and end up at $105k? I'm also curious what your side business is for an additional $30k/year. I also started off at $19/hour (i.e. about $40k/year) doing IT right out of school in 2019 because my resume wasn't great (no internships, had been a student for a long time so nothing beyond part-time student jobs either) and ended up getting a few raises and promotions to end at around $26.50/hour (i.e. $55k/year) but after two years of barely scraping by, I fortunately met the right person to help me get an interview for a proper job in tech and now I'm just over $100k/year plus benefits for an entry-level job here, and actually using my degrees to some extent. I feel very lucky. A colleague of mine is actually considering leaving our job in order to take a job in California with another semiconductor company that would possibly pay more like $120k/year, but I'm not sure that would be enough with the cost of living increase. He was looking at studio apartments there and they're $2000/month, whereas I'm paying more like $1400.
  17. Agreed. I also think it's fine if someone wants to create a thread called something like "Tears of the Kingdom [OPEN SPOILERS]" or similar and discuss things completely openly. Setting the thread title like that at least sets a clear expectation and people can decide whether to enter or not. But the default should be spoiler-free, IMO.
  18. Yeah, I think we need to keep this thread spoiler-free or at minimum spoilers-marked (using spoiler tags); the game has only been out for just over three weeks and there's so much content, people are playing at different rates, etc. that I don't think we're outside of that window by any reasonable stretch of the imagination. Please let me know if you strongly disagree.
  19. I deleted my account the other day. Just waiting for the 30-day retention period to expire and hoping it happens before the shit really hits the fan.
  20. I had recently ordered the Rokid Max glasses and was worried that maybe I backed the wrong horse if Apple was going to come out with a killer product. With a price tag of $3500, that fear is laid to rest.
  21. God that looks so bad. Could be fun to watch with friends and trash talk, I suppose.
  22. Conservative Un-woke Nazis Thirsting for Sex I like it.
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