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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. I think I've played this already. The Styx games were actually not too bad, and they didn't have a high-profile license to piggyback on.
  2. Havent played competitively in a while but i used to be able to hold my own in Battlefield Bad Company 2 and OG Ghost Recon quite well. Also used to really like Rainbow Six Vegas 2.
  3. Except for the fact that Druckmann himself totally has an agenda. Forced Amy Hennig out of ND and now claims to be a white knight for the feminine cause. Like, if he's so pro-women, why did he stage a coup and force out not only the best female writer, but one of the best writers in the biz, period? I haven't been paying attention to the leaks so much as I've been paying attention to his response of them, and he really seems to have his head up his ass.
  4. I actually do have drift on my Xbox Elite controller, but it's veeeery slight and only even registers on one or two games. I've barely used my Elite controller. The ironic thing is, I think it's due to the stiffness of the analog stick, and if I used it more, it would probably go away. By stiffness, I mean the controller doesn't actually "drift," it just doesn't go all the way back to the "neutral" dead zone position. I have to actually nudge it back with my thumb, in which case the drift stops. I've actually started using my elite controller more in order to see if my theory holds up. I've never had a drifting problem with any of my other Xbox controllers, on XBO or 360. If the problem was widespread in all Xbox first party controllers, there would be considerable backlash as there are tens of millions of those things out there. They're comparing it to the Switch controllers, which in my opinion doesn't really have a 1:1 comparison. With Xbox, if you don't like the controller, you have the option to go with third party controllers. With Nintendo you're pretty much stuck with their shitty joycons if you want to play handheld (and with their Switch lite, you don't have a choice period.)
  5. I voted for Odyssey as being the best, because it was more cohesive as a game. That said, I think the most fun was Syndicate. The combat in that game was excellent, and the brother/sister dynamic worked really well. Both characters were <gasp> likeable! The worst, in my opinion, is easily Assassin's Creed III. Not only did Connor have the personality of a wet log, but the combat and A.I. in that game was just broken. It was also stupid having to deal with the entire damn British army every time you raised an alarm. I went through the entire game without upgrading anything but his ax, and completely ignored anything on the homestead. I went through the trouble to do the Oak Island quest because it was the only thing that even remotely resembled AC, even if the artifact you get practically breaks the (already broken) game. I actually didn't like Origins all that much either. I found Bayek's and Connor's motivations and personalities to be almost exactly the same, which was stupid because Connor had been pretty much universally hated by everyone for years before Origins came out.
  6. I'm honestly disappointed a bit. Some of my fondest memories of E3 were the most cringey moments. What are we gonna do without an EA conference? I'm gonna feel like Don Rickles alone in a room with no one to roast.
  7. Well, Keighly had to out-do his three hour awards show somehow, why not a four-month E3? The guy's orgies must be legendary. EDIT: This might also be why some of the other major publishers have been pretty mum on what they have planned in lieu of E3. They're gonna sit back and let Geoff do all the work lol.
  8. Favorite dungeon: Forest Temple in OoT. Least favorite: Oh boy, where to start? Final Fantasy X had some pretty awful ones. Especially the sphere puzzles in the temples. I honestly haven't played a game with proper dungeons in a while. It seems to be a dying art, with MMO's being the only games that seem to have dedicated dungeons, as opposed to random Skyrim-esque holes in the ground that dont contain anything useful.
  9. The problem with EA's marketing. They couldve just said "We're taking an extra year to make sure the next Battlefield is as good as can be, taking full advantage of next-gen consoles." And everyone would be okay with that. Instead they spout some bs about install base. Thats true of every console launch. It never stopped them before.
  10. Hey give them a break, they're not used to communicating with their friends online.
  11. I could argue that they could make it cross-buy like Cyberpunk (where the next-gen version won't be available at launch, but you'll still get it later), thus taking advantage of the current-gen install base. But its EA and you cant expect that kind of forward-thinking, consumer-friendly move from them. Besides, it's probably a good thing theyre taking an extra year. I dont think anyone will miss it
  12. Fuck no. Since Ubisoft won't pull their head out of their ass and give us a new Splinter Cell, I'm really, really hoping that The Initiative's new project is a Perfect Dark reboot. I'm just praying it'll be a stealth action game like Splinter Cell and not a first person shooter. Or if it is a FPS I hope they at least emphasize stealth like in Deus Ex.
  13. I really hope they let you choose to play as a male or female again. Kassandra was way more interesting than Alexios. And hotter. I want a badass viking chick.
  14. They should've just done midget lucha libre, it would've been less cringey. This looks... disturbing.
  15. ModNation Racers was actually quite good. A PS5 version would be excellent. There is one indie project that looks promising, but i doubt it will ever actually release in a finished state.
  16. Dont forget their CEO's pocketing $12 million in bonus money. So that probably doesnt help either
  17. Depends on how much more of ND's dirty laundry they want dragged across the internet.
  18. Yeah he's probably one of the worst characters in the history of RE. To make it worse, they tried to play off some kind of emotional moment when he and Claire fly off in the plane, like all of a sudden Claire's gonna forget that the kid's a whiny douche. I'm having the exact same problem here, and it's a problem I've had in the past with this game. I get to the plane and just don't have the resources. It doesn't help that this game is frustratingly cheap. I think the last time I played through I had to scour the area for every single explosive arrow I could find, then just spam the shit out of it during the Tyrant fight. I think what's got me at the end of my rope with this game right now are the cheapshots. I wasted so many health items from either stun loops or getting slapped by a fucking bandersnatch (the thing with the long rubbery arm) literally the second I load into a room. On top of that are the respawning zombies. Respawning zombies aren't anything new, but they usually have a trigger event that usually only happens once. While wandering around, at least a few of the areas I went through had zombies respawn multiple times. This sucks because bullets and green herbs sure's shit don't. It was like Capcom forgot what made the previous games more of a strategy. There's not much strategy when you get to choose whether you're going to waste ammo, or waste health. It wouldn't be as big of a deal, if like I said, there weren't so many cheapshots. You WILL have to heal yourself, regardless of how good you are at avoiding monsters. There are areas in the game where one or more zombies are standing in a path that's just too narrow to avoid. You're either shooting them or taking a hit. I tried to refrain from killing zombies as much as I could, because it didn't matter, they'd respawn eventually anyway. The problem I had was that I was going through too many healing items trying to avoid them that I eventually had to start killing everything I came across or else I'd die. So then I was out of both ammo and healing items. I know it sounds like I'm complaining about every classic Resident Evil game, but this is literally the only game I've ever had this problem with. UPDATE: I read about an infinite green herb glitch you can do at the very beginning of the game, so I started a new file and gave it a try to see if it would work. It did, so I ran with it for a while. I was killing all the zombies with my knife to save on ammo (plus with the infinite herb, taking a few hits here and there wasn't a big deal.) I killed all the zombies in the graveyard, and the courtyard where you first met Steve. I then went to the room where you have to put all the metallic items in the security box, did the thing in there, and was on my way back to the cemetary to use the fire extinguisher. ALL of the zombies that I had killed were back, in both the courtyard and the graveyard. Less than five minutes after I had killed them. That's why this game can go fuck itself and I'm running the rest of the way with the infinite herb lol. I'm not even sorry.
  19. I'm starting to remember just how unforgiving Code Veronica can be. Lots of backtracking plus respawning monsters does not make for a swell time. I really don't want to have to restart this one but I fear I might have wasted too many resources wandering around trying to remember where everything goes. Right now I'm still playing as Claire trying to escape the island and all I need to do is get back to the plane. Then I'll finally be done with like, the first third of the game. Smh. I still have to play as Chris going through this area as well. If I can make it to Antarctica I might have a chance.
  20. Thanks for watching! Hope my rambling wasn't too annoying. It's really hard to say which is my favorite. It changes over the years. REmake has a special place because it's very nostalgic and I was a huge fan of RE back on PS1. The new RE2 and RE3 remakes are also great, of course, and RE4 is RE4. Hell, even Code Veronica was my favorite once upon a time. If it comes down to sheer number of playthroughs, the nod easily goes to RE4. I've played that game soooo many times. BUT, I have to say, if you want a good RE experience, don't overlook RE Revelations 2. It's actually really good, especially if RE5-RE7 aren't really your thing. It plays a lot closer to RE4 with updated controls. Out of all of the Mercenaries modes in all the RE games (that have them) I've put easily the most time into Rev 2's Mercs mode. It's actually really fun. My advice, play REmake on Easy, and use a guide if you get stuck on a puzzle. Some of them can be pretty obtuse, and they lean a lot on the gamer's recollection of the original and the understanding of how RE games work. For example, if you've never played an RE game before, you might not know to open the book you just picked up. You might be running around trying to figure out where to use a book when what you actually need is the medallion/key/whatever that is stuck inside the book.
  21. I don't let Nintendo store my CC info, so other than a handful of cheap indie games, they're not going to get much out of me.
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