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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. How is the single player? I know they patched in a SP campaign, but is the racing itself fun? I would probably never play it online, so I've been holding off on grabbing it.
  2. We hit the ceiling of sustainability for big AAA publishers. They tried to make it sustainable by nickle and diming us, and for the most part its not working aside from a select few. If they had a half brain theyd downscale to meet their sustainable income, but we all know they can't (won't) do that.
  3. They still include Driveclub in that graphic. Didnt they shut the servers down for that game? Might finally check out Nioh though.
  4. I didnt even like BotW. Zelda games have always been tightly directed adventures with the illusion of open world. Sure, you could run around and do things, but there was always that nudge to push the story forward. BotW took all that and threw it out the window and it bored the hell outta me.
  5. The PS5 very well could be more powerful, but I would give MS the benefit of the doubt when it comes to managing that power. Sony's got a brute force approach that works. MS has custom architecture experience that also works. At the end of the day, both consoles will give the devs plenty to work with to do what they want to do. I'm just hoping MS doesn't compromise the ease of development in exchange for some proprietary mumbo jumbo. They hit a sweet spot with the X so hopefully they'll keep that together. The easier both consoles are to develop for the more accessible it will be to the smaller devs as well.
  6. Right now, as i sit in a cabin with no tv (but excellent wifi), i am 100% interested. Wont give a shit once i get home though.
  7. There's a standalone Think Geek store at a local mall. My guess is it's going bye-bye.
  8. I cant honestly see it being worth it for them. Just sit back and let Sony/Microsoft handle the legwork. Its like money for nothing.
  9. Half the resolutions, twice the prices! Look on the bright side though, it'll only cost a little over ten cents per p.
  10. Tell me about it, that one guy in the pic had to chop off an entire leg just to get in there!
  11. My reaction: "Holy shit finally!" *boots up Switch and goes to eShop* "40 FUCKING DOLLARS???" Nope, nope, nope. Not for one old ass gameboy game and two snes ports.
  12. Stock 99 Firagas, 99 Thundagas, and 99 Blizzagas. Congrats, you win. Honestly, that's what made FF8 so fun. The fact that you could completely break it right off the bat. Oh, and the Muppet Babies storyline.
  13. That's probably why you're not as cranky as some of us. Honestly, it's pretty telling that the biggest and most memorable games this year were remakes of old games, ports of ones that already existed, and dlc to games that are already out. That's not a knock against Nintendo or Squeenix, it's a knock against the industry as a whole.
  14. Cabinet graffiti and cigarette burns were what gave arcades their character! If i get one of these i'm gonna have to tag it up and burn it. For old time's sake.
  15. From the bottom, just slightly edging out EA.
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