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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. The environments look great, but the character models look kinda shitty and all of the animations look like stock walk cycles and key-framed motion (as opposed to motion capture). That's not necessarily a bad thing, but in this day and age we're all used to having mo-capped animations, so manual animation tends to look janky and wooden. Which is why they all move like puppets. In short, it looks like what it is, a dude from 2002 trying to make a game in 2019 the way he did in 2002.
  2. I began the Knight's Quest trailer anticipating a character like Dirk the Daring... instead it was just another generic kid.
  3. So before I read the description, I watched the trailer. My first thought was that it looked like those old shitty iPod commercials. Then I saw it's coming to the Apple Arcade.
  4. Yeah the A.I. isn't up to the task on the harder difficulty settings. I'm playing on Experienced and right now I'm trying to get into a mine, and of course Jack is taking like, an hour to open the door. You have to hold off the swarm on a frozen river and I've probably died no less than 30 times. It's the most infuriating things I've put up with in a game in a very long time. Del's A.I. is not nearly good enough to cover my back and with the Scion's with rockets and those fucking exploding Juvies, it's real easy to have a good run come to an end instantly. I'm so angry... in my youth I probably would've broken the controller by now.
  5. I was torn between NFL 2K and Crazy Taxi. The guy at Funcoland sold me on Crazy Taxi. I remember going back that same evening and telling the guy he was full of shit and buying NFL 2K.
  6. I'm willing to bet it's analogous to Mr. X being controlled by a fifth player. The person hitting the buttons and levers is going to be a "dungeon master" because of course they're going to give us something nobody asked for.
  7. Because dual analogs are mainly used for shooters and Halo didn't set the standard until two years later, after the Dreamcast was already dead. In other words, we didn't complain because we hadn't gotten there yet.
  8. I don't even think they were ports.. wasn't the reason the thing was so expensive was because it was literally the same arcade board as in the cabinets? The only difference was instead of ROMs (remember, the Neo Geo arcades always had like, 5 or 6 games on them) being loaded onto the board, they were sold as individual cartridges?
  9. At least some good came of this demo. I'm 99% positive that if it weren't for P.T., Resident Evil 7 would've just been another hokey third-person action game.
  10. I was gonna reply that I had this game on Gamecube and it was kinda shit. Online multiplayer might actually make it fun. That is, of course, if you can find four other friend interested in playing an old Final Fantasy spin-off.
  11. I had a friend in my neighborhood that always claimed to have a Neo Geo, but we never got to actually see/play it. He claimed it was because it was so expensive and his brother wouldn't let anyone use it without him around. I'm still under the impression that he was full of shit.
  12. I'm not getting excited about this until I know if it's going to be more like Outbreak, or if it's gonna be another Operation Raccoon City. I would personally love an online RE in the style of Outbreak, especially now that it wouldn't be on PS2 over a DSL connection.
  13. I miss the sound it made when it was reading a disk, like it was either going to transform in to a sentient robot, or just explode. I don't miss the carpal tunnel controller. I DO miss the good version of Crazy Taxi, the good version of RE Code Veronica, the good version of Marvel vs Capcom 2, and the good version of Grandia II. It's a shame that these games all got inferior PS2 ports and those were the ones that got archived and re-released over the years. RE Code Veronica X is such a shit port, and it's the one we've been stuck with.
  14. In typical Kingdom Hearts fashion, that tells me absolutely nothing. I have a feeling that if I understood Japanese, it would still tell me nothing. Also, is that Aya Brea? Please tell me yes, because that would suddenly make everything awesome.
  15. They definitely got slammed. MS has released good games in the past, but not a game that's potentially GREAT.. that has a huge mp following... on a friday... on gamepass day one... which practically anyone can get for like, $1. It's pretty much the perfect storm.
  16. Hmm... 4 PM, Friday... a highly anticipated game that's practically free... Yep, the servers are down.
  17. I can't wait to see how horribly Stunt Trax FX held up. I actually really liked that game back in the day, but there's no way it doesnt look like hot garbage now. Hey, stupid question.. never actually tried, but, can you have the switch docked with player one being a switch controller and player two being the two joycons connected to that plastic mock controller it comes with? As opposed to both players using the joycons?
  18. Any word on the ETA for these SNES games today? I sure would like to play A Link to the Past for a bit before I head off to work.
  19. That's because most of the prominent gaming media channels are pro-Sony and Nintendo. It's not that they don't like Xbox, but big influencers like Kinda Funny Games, Jim Sterling, Angry Joe, etc. will mention an Xbox game in a passing comment, then talk for 20 minutes about Pokemon or some other shit. Granted, MS hasn't exactly set the world on fire with their exclusives, but even when they do release a solid title, Giant Bomb will be like "Oh, yeah, it's cool and stuff," then continue to rant and rave about some obscure indie PC game that nobody has ever heard of for the next hour. I guarantee a similar (or even lesser) title releasing on either of those two systems will garner more discussion and air-time than anything that releases on Xbox. I realize that makes me sound like a fanboy, but I don't care. I enjoy all my systems, I just game primarily on my Xbox and it's frustrating when I want to hear news or commentary about something coming to the system, but nobody wants to talk about it. I have to go to Xbox-centric sites or listen to Podcast Unlocked if I want any actual information.
  20. I missed out on the SNES Classic so I'm stoked about getting to play some SNES games tomorrow. Also, I gotta be honest... playing Divinity OS II on a tiny Switch screen sounds like torture.
  21. Half-Life 3 was already confirmed last month when I accidentally saw my father-in-law shirtless and learned that he has a third nipple.
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