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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. It's a hard line to walk. For people who play it every year, really all you need to say is what's new and if you liked the new stuff. (moving franchises sounds "new" (a feature that way older games had)) - But if someone has never played a madden game or it's been a long time like yourself then you have to write up everything. That being said Jeff Gerstmann said that barely anyone reads the reviews and those who do rarely go to the second page of a review (it looks like they did away with multipage reviews) In any case a five from gamespot lol
  2. You won't believe this method for getting RDR 2 running at 4K 60 on your PS5!
  3. Well to approve a patch it has to go through Microsoft so if Microsoft is putting out the patch it's already approved.
  4. He's an optimist. Remember when he said his Synchrotron project would be finished by November 2023?
  5. Went from party time to shit time Wordle 794 5/6* 🟦⬛🟦🟦⬛ 🟧🟧🟧⬛🟧 🟧🟧🟧⬛🟧 🟧🟧🟧⬛🟧 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧 Framed #529 🎥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ https://framed.wtf 🕹️ Gamedle: 22/08/2023 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟩⬜ > https://gamedle.wtf
  6. Something happened a week or so ago but also a separate issue. Anyone notice their windows takes like 5 minutes to restart or shut down? My computer just hangs for the longest time before it shuts down and I'm not sure why, and it's somewhat recently too. On top of that last week one time it didn't boot up and gave me a warning that the NVME drive was dying or on the verge of death or something. I had to go into bios and choose windows bootable drive or something, anyway the NVME was recognized and it booted up. It gave me the error one more time but now it boots up fine. Still takes a long time to shut down though.
  7. Give one of them your phone and point them to the boards and see what they write. We could have our next @unogueen
  8. I don't drink or do drugs because I have to go out of my way to do them and decide when to drink or smoke or whatever. Too much hassle. Drink water, you can drink it any time!
  9. [blu-ray] Blade of the Immortal: 8/10 I had heard the name Blade of the Immortal growing up but I never quite looked into it. It just so happens that Takashi Miike (sensing a pattern?) directed a live action adaptation of the manga and it's actually very good. If you're unfamiliar the film follows a runaway samurai named Manji who's been "cursed" by an old lady that gave him bloodworms which keep him alive. Without having read the manga the movie feels like it captures the feel of the manga (or just a manga in general) very well. It's got tons of gore and dismemberment, a signature Miike style but while some of his movies go a bit too over the top, I think this one is just the right balance. It's well directed, acted, packed full of action scenes and the cinematography isn't half bad either. The runtime is a bit long (2 hours and 20 minutes) so you may get worn out during what seems like non stop hack and slash but overall it's worth a watch and maybe one of Miike's more accessible films.
  10. I mean you were previously EVILfriedBacon, you kill Druids. You've got some work to do. Funny I google that name and this is the first thread that comes up I don't know if I can continue season 2 of Gunslinger Girl. | IGN Boards WWW.IGNBOARDS.COM It is almost like a different show. The colors are too bight, the characters look different, and the attitudes of most of the people seem different. Why is season 2 so different?
  11. They should hire a black voice actor and really shake things up. Sonic is black, we need a black Mario now.
  12. I was never great at History but I do remember learning about internment camps. We even had field trips to The Museum of Tolerance and stuff like that. So maybe where I'm from they really wanted to hammer the point home.
  13. I was under the impression you only keep getting better lives IF you did good in your previous life. If you were a piece of shit in your previous life you get reincarnated as a snail or something.
  14. Luckily for them those three games are against ECU, UNLV, and Bowling Green
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