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Everything posted by Dre801

  1. Halo for me. Solid games, I'll admit. The lore does nothing for me and Master Chief is a boring protagonist.
  2. I refuse to believe that the shipping PlayStation 5 will look like this, but if it does I'm still getting it.
  3. AssCreed Origins. Might pickup Control and get that going.
  4. Been blowing through John Sandford's "Prey" series. I'd read most of them, but took a break. Catching up on the most recent five or six books.
  5. Fear the Walking Dead (Season 5 episodes)- Have DVR’d this season and just started watching. I’m merely “hate watching “ now. The show peaked with Season 3 and the soft reboot that happened in Season 4 did this show no favors. I REALLY wish they'd ditch the whole thing with that chick and her fucking video cameras.
  6. Tomb Raider - Pretty OK as far as videogame derived films go. Alicia Vikander made a good Lara. Got in great shape for the role.
  7. It amazes me how excited people have been over a credit card. It does look nice. . .for a credit card.
  8. I enjoyed my time with it, but didn't finish it. Fatigued on it. Now I'm playing AssCreed Origins and will likely fatigue and not finish it as well
  9. Sunset Overdrive 2. PS5 exclusive.
  10. Not bad. Gears 4 bored the shit out of me, but hey, it's Gears for free.
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