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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Weren't there a bunch of rumors circulating about a potential Direct for the 13th someone last week?
  2. I'm sure many of those great financing deals are available to people with good credit. There are, at least, 7 million Americans here not eligible for favorable financing or even enough financing to afford them a new car without a significant down payment they may not have the money for.
  3. Not even pretending to just be against illegal immigrants here. No worries, though, because nobody will be held responsible and these people will never get their money back.
  4. His will states that his voice can't be used until 25 years after his death, so Disney still has another 21 years to go before they try to cash in on whatever recordings they have of him.
  5. That was always going to happen. They wanted someone with enough personality to carry the role themselves without needing or tryiing to copy what Williams did with the role, originally. It was a lose/lose for them.
  6. How about we don't have a movie about a female super hero that devolves into talk about the size of her butt or whether her feet are nice? Let's stick to the normal superhero stuff. Like if the costumes are ridiculous or if we'll get another villain we'll forget about ten minutes into the final credit scroll or any of the stuff that actually matters. This really isn't hard.
  7. I don't know if it was mentioned in the article, but it also looks like less than half of bitter Saints country tuned into the game than had in previous years. No doubt they certainly decided not to change their minds after hearing of the score or how dreadfully awful Maroon 5 was.
  8. I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it come up for streaming just yet, but it is on my list as soon as it is.
  9. I guess that could work...maybe. That would only make sense if they dropped active cooling, but I'm not really sure how much money a fan would actually save them. As it stands, I do believe the Switch is just underclocked for cooling and power consumption's sake. I guess we'll see what direction they won't up going in.
  10. I would love a smaller, portable only unit for kids. Give it more of a bag friendly design, too, with those pancake analog sticks the 3DS like had. There's no reason not to make it dockable, either. Just keep the USB-C on the bottom and let people figure it out on their own.
  11. I don't think he has a choice here and he'd kill his value if he tried to force the matter. He'd be worthless as a trade asset and New Orleans would be better off just letting him warm a bench until he got tired of potentially missing a season.
  12. And now the Pelicans are looking at just benching him for the rest of the season. They're also not fielding any trade requests. I'm just going to assume that means they're waiting until the off season to make a deal with Boston.
  13. That's because those games were short and adding a save system cost money on actual, physical hardware. Game length was inflated by just making them hard and require multiple playthroughs, and nobody complained because it was worse in arcades. I beat the first Zelda and the second quest without a strategy guide back in the 80s, but current me bitches about a hidden areas in Hollow Knight are hard to find.
  14. If you want to know how much your info is worth, look at the payouts to programs like Google Opinions Rewards. You get questions like, "Did you shop at Target? How did you pay?" Google values that answer at around twenty-five cents. They obviously are making something else in top of it, so it's certainly worth more than a quarter to them in aggregate. Most people have no idea how much all this data is worth.
  15. I guess that would depend on whether or not Google got permission or whether or not they were using the same enterprise cert they were using for internal testing. It seems pretty clear to me here that Faebook got one enterprise cert from Apple and used it for EVERYTHING. We don't yet know if that was the case for Google. On the face of it, this does feel like something Facebook would do without asking first, where as Google seems like the type of company that would have gotten the clearance ahead of time. Facebook is very much an act now, asking for forgiveness later type of company. EDIT: It also seems that Facebook let ANYBODY sign up. In Google's case, it's an invitation only service.
  16. Apple isn't going to keep Facebook from having an enterprise cert. They are very likely just going to reissue their cert thus killing off access to all the Facebook Research users. I doubt anything will happen to Google here as they've had their service running for years and have been pretty up front about it. I think the bigger issue Apple has with Facebook is that it sounds like Facebook was allowing minors to sign up for the program with a parental consent that may have just been a checkbox. Google only allows minors into the program if they're part of a family account and even then, any credits or giftcards don't go to the minor.
  17. There's a unique problem the Internet brings to people suffering from depression and isolation issues. It gives them a support group, but not of the healthy variety. Instead, it allows for like minded individuals to find each other and revel in their loneliness. The anonymity of the Internet allows an anorexic to find other anorexics to help egg them along their way to death. It gives depressed people a room full of other depressed individuals where they can all convince themselves it's the world at fault and there's no need to seek any sort of help. Then the anonymity allows people to treat others not like human beings and troll those unstable people along to self destruction...for the lulz. It's a very new thing. While this, of course, isn't causing mental illness. It certainly isn't helping those suffering. If you were suicidal just twenty years ago, you didn't worry about having hundreds of people ready and willing to tell you to kill yourself on the platform you most used to interact with your friends and family. That's not the case anymore.
  18. The Internet and simultaneously the best and worst time to happen to humans. On the one hand, I have the breadth of human knowledge on a slab of glass sitting in my pocket. On the other hand, it gave birth to this thing: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/01/23/an-instagram-troll-impersonated-parkland-shooter-harass-victims-families-friends-fbi-says/
  19. I was just about to post this as: Netflix: Check out this trailer for our Ted Bundy biopic, starring Zac Efron. Also Netflix: Stop calling Ted Bundy hot. Ted Bundy was always the charming serial killer guy, so this is really no surprise. Also, the thumbnail on their trailer isn't helping.
  20. The only game I can think of that really hit me is Starfox. I don't think it's a bad game by any stretch of the imagination. I just can't believe the framerate never bothered me when I first played it back in '93.
  21. Sounds like the Netflix one was produced to coincide with the release of the Hulu film as a straight up propaganda campaign and muddy up the waters there. Cool. That'll be a skip from me.
  22. Unless this is secretly a Jump Street crossover, staring Tatum and Hill, I really have no interest in this franchise being reboot again. Just follow up with the good cast from 2016 and give them better than a mediocre script. We've only ever had one good Ghostbusters movie. Every other one was pretty blah.
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