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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Saying criminals should be teleported to the future doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
  2. Are people really arguing that the DCEU movies are financial failures or that they're just bad movies? The MCU movies aren't exactly high art, but there's a considerable step up in quality from what DC has been pushing out the last decade. I love comic book movies, so I'd be all in for DC getting their act together. Their problem has been direction and DC doesn't really know what that means. Wonder Woman was a success so someone over there thought it means their movies shouldn't really be all that connected because that's what success looks like...maybe? Also, that list is ridiculous because of their number 1. Their number 1 is basically, after Snyder, they can't get any worse.
  3. I think there's an argument for the distinction. The issue that all super hero origin movies have is that you have to spend a not insignificant amount of time with the character pre-superhero while also providing their post-superhero persona enough time to embrace those powers and overcome whatever obstacle they're facing. Movies like Spider-Man and Black Panther never have to bother retreading that learning to be super phase. EvenThor, who starts the movie as a god, goes through his understanding power phase in his origin movie. It's a tried and true and often boring trope. Captain Marvel tried to get around this, but still wound up leaning into that same understanding their power trope. When a movie does manage that step entirely around the origin, just leaving the audience to understand that they've been super for a while; you end up with something closer to a sequel without the baggage of explaining their powers. All that said, I'm going with Black Panther as an origin since it still ends up leaning on that understanding power trope when he loses his strength and status. Spider-Man also tried really hard to skip that trope and ends up falling backwards into it by having Peter lose his cool Stark-made suit taking him down a notch. Guardians is really the only MCU movie that really managed to just toss origins out the window with no abandon.
  4. @Greatoneshere Going by your rankings, I'd put Captain Marvel right between Guardians 1 and Strange, but I also though Spider Man was better than Strange and just a hair below Guardians. Then again, I have a soft spot for Spider Man I have a hard time overlooking, so take that with whatever salt you want.I wouldn't put it bottom half, just merely right in the middle. At the very least, that still puts it ahead of nearly all MCU sequels since the only legitimately good part two in the Marvel Universe is Winter Soldier. My only real concern with Captain Marvel is how/if they plan to take her down a notch in End Game. They powered down Maximoff quite a bit after someone thought she was too strong for the MCU. Now we have someone that's near Superman levels and I have no idea how that's going to play going forward. That's nothing of a spoiler since she's punching spaceships in the trailers...also, she's always been that ridiculously strong. One other non-spoilery thing I want to mention. Watching the end of Captain Marvel and it dawned on me that Fury had no reason to reach out to Carol prior to Infinity Wars. The events of Avengers were resolved in what? A couple of in-movie hours? Age of Ultron was resolved in how long? A little bit longer? For a problem completely the fault of humans?
  5. Compared to the other origin movies, I'd rank it above Ant-Man, Dr Strange, Hulk, and Thor, but below Iron Man, Guardians, Captain America...and if we do include Spider-Man and Black Panther, I'd rank it behind those as well. That leaves it very middle of the pack for me.
  6. Hollywood studios trying to make easy money and not go for the hard gambles? That's unheard of in this industry. That said, I don't think it can be stressed that what Marvel has managed to pull off with the MCU is far from easy. They've pulled off a seemingly impossible feat that no other major studio has been able to replicate. That even their worst movies are still entertainingly mediocre is a miracle. That said, I enjoyed Captain Marvel. It was a fun movie and I have no real complaints. It's in the better half of the Marvel origin movies. There really isn't anything in the movie I'd call iconic, but it had a great twist that I wasn't at all expecting. I can't get mad at a Marvel film managing to surprise me. When does this hit streaming? I'd love to catch this again before End Game lands.
  7. He could have lied and claimed he said "Tim from Apple", but that wouldn't have been as ridiculous and if nothing else Trump is as ridiculous as he can be.
  8. I have a couple of nephews in the Labo age-range. They'd be pretty into this. Also, I love that Labo has been a thing for nearly a year and there are still gamer's butthurt over how they aren't good enough for serious gamers.
  9. Goya has already been doing the Mayo Ketchup thing for a while now. I think I might have a bottle of the unholy connection in my fridge at home.
  10. If it makes you feel better, I messed up and had the phone shipped to my house instead of my office. Now, I get to see it delivered and then have to wait until I get home.
  11. It's cool. They'll get a paid vacation and tax payers will cover any costs the city incurs.
  12. It'll be Jamie who kills Cersei and then he'll kill himself in grief. Tyrion will find their bodies and very nearly drink himself to death.
  13. T-Mobile says my S10 will be delivered tomorrow as well, so Sprint isn't the only one shipping phones early.
  14. Thanks for the reminder. I had pre-ordered the phone, but I completely forgot about buying a case for it.
  15. Just go with the manga's title and call it All You Need is Kill.
  16. Now I'm just imagining this conversation between him and his graphic designer. Inslee: That's perfect Designer: It's not done yet Inslee: No, it's perfect Designer: I have nothing but text up. What are you even looking at? Inslee: That. It's perfect Designer: That's just Photoshop's color wheel Inslee: Yeah, it's perfect
  17. The only interesting story here would be a prequel with Blunt, but I doubt we'd get it.
  18. There was, with Samuel L Jackson. Had anyone seen it? It didn't look good at all. I wasn't at all a fan of the anime movie, so I had no interest in watching this adaption that also looked awful.
  19. The police are claiming to have worked this case for months and have video evidence on multiple men having sex in this spa. So to answer your question, yes; they watched men have sex in this spa they suspected was holding women against their will and forced into prostitution for months on hidden cameras the women were not aware of.
  20. Better question is lasting appeal. Ant-Man 2 was completely forgettable. How was Captain Marvel in that regard? Am I just going to forget everything that happened the second I leave the theater like I did with Ant-Man 2, GotG2, Dark World... Well, every second Marvel movie minus Winter Soldier. Marvel really is bad at immediate sequels, aren't they?
  21. There's only so much Nintendo can tweak the core gameplay mechanics without messing with the competitive scene, but an easy change would be just that. Skip animations or just make everything run like 50% faster. The problem with Gamefreak is that they know they can't mess with the battle engine, but they've convinced themselves that means they can't mess with anything. As more of the game gets revealed, I really hope they get creative with more of the game and take some risks.
  22. Here's my solution for wild Pokemon. Just get rid of the bringing them close to death mechanic. It would make battles far less tedious if you could just one hit KO weaker Pokemon and then throw a pokeball at them. Also, give us the option to skip battle animations. Do that in combination with good level scaling on a per area basis and you could get a pretty good challenge. Also, getting rid of random battles is a must. It was a mechanic that existed only to save on memory. There's no need for it anymore.
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