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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Ok new rule, you can post your favorite local places, but you have to include photos because otherwise it's pointless (since most of us don't live near each other). Luciano's: Caliente: Aiello's: Michigan & Trumbull: Badamo's:
  2. Real talk, try using an everything bagel as a burger bun. It's damn tasty.
  3. I'm not going to bother listing local places, because none of you care. Vocelli Pizza is a regional chain that's pretty good, though.
  4. I don’t mind food snobbery in and of itself, I just think it’s silly when people are snobbish about food that isn’t sophisticated. Like, don’t tell me I shouldn’t put ketchup on a hot dog - it’s a tube of discarded meat scraps. It’s nowhere near the realm of sophistication that we should be drawing lines in the sand about what is or isn’t a ‘good’ way to eat it. I feel the same way about pizza; you can definitely improve the quality and/or make something interesting, but you’d have a hard time convincing me that chain pizza is so far removed from the median to be worth such strong opinions.
  5. IPAs are good (especially hazy), but they are overplayed; the problem isn't the beer itself, it's that every microbrewery insists on making 75% of their taps some sort of IPA.
  6. There are many things one could critique TLJ for; the writing or performance of Rose is not one of them.
  7. Damn, wish I could spring for this right now. I'm pining for the moment OLEDs get to the $1,200ish range.
  8. My main card is my Amazon Visa, which I use for 99% of my purchases and pay off every month; I then have a PNC credit card that I use for large purchases that I pay off over time. That system works pretty well.
  9. I don't know what is legal in PA, but the only club I've been to had alcohol, fully nude stage dances, and the dancers touched patrons (and patrons could touch back during private dances if the girl allowed). I think the girls were also allowed to do fully nude private dances if they wanted.
  10. I'd still overlook it. In my opinion, pants that are too tight are much less egregious than pants that are too baggy. What else can you tell us? How fat or skinny is the tie? Is it shiny or matte? Is it patterned? Does he have on a tie clip? Are his belt and shoes the same color? What color is is shirt?
  11. It depends; if they are otherwise sharply dressed, I would be willing to look past it. However if they are otherwise dressed like a fucking dweeb, I will 100% judge them on it.
  12. Asking a Puerto Rican if they are an American citizen is up there with demanding government stays out of Medicare.
  13. If you want to make a thread about bougie pizza, feel free! Proletariat pizza is the standard.
  14. As always, it's worth pointing out that basically all chain pizza is fine, and y'all need to temper the hyperbole when talking about food that is served in a cardboard box.
  15. The Qataris are not letting Neymar and Mbappe slip away.
  16. “Some disabled persons rely on the flexibility of plastic straws.” Riley: “Buy long-lasting metal straws you rubes.”
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