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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. My man, we're talking about the type of stuff that gets delivered to your door at 1AM in a cardboard box. Who the fuck gets basil on their pizza in that context?
  2. I vomit in my mouth a little bit anytime someone thanks Trump and in the same breath praises women.
  3. And those are the same thing in this instance. If you have equally qualified candidates, and you select the minority over the straight white man for the sake of representation, you are simultaneously being more inclusive while dismissing the latter on the basis of his gender and race.
  4. You literally just posted that SilentWorld's thinking on a more inclusive SCOTUS was racist.
  5. You said the notion that the Supreme Court should be more inclusive is racist; it's only racist if the assertion is that race should supersede qualification. If there are qualified minority or female candidates, there's nothing racist or sexist about preferring their nomination for the sake of a more inclusive Supreme Court. And there are, doubtlessly, qualified minority and female candidates.
  6. Your argument hinges on the notion that there are no qualified minority/female candidates, and if that's the case, how do you know that to be a fact?
  7. Or, better yet, push for a trans actor to get a non-trans role. Because while the under-representation of trans actors is a problem, I think it would be just as big of a problem if trans actors were perpetually typecast for trans roles.
  8. Yeah, navigate a sensitive air-tight container through a narrow, winding cave path flooded with water. What could go wrong?
  9. How long before morons on social media brag about hoarding plastic straws?
  10. The President of the United States was caught on tape joking and/or bragging about sexual assault, there are openly white supremicst rallies in American cities, and people are being filmed telling Hispanics they hate them ‘because they’re Mexican’. But yeah you’re right, this shit is beyond the pale. Truly the height of uncivilized discourse.
  11. Oh Christ that did not look good.
  12. I don’t like this, the Croats look gassed. Modric is barely staying on his feet.
  13. Stardew Valley would be good for that.
  14. Taxes for social programs are bad, but losing your job because of tariffs is good.
  15. I only got to the first Pursuer fight in my DS2 playthrough (I've only played up to Lost Bastille), but it was easy since I knew the cheese method. Bed of Chaos can indeed fuck right off though; I had to summon just so it wouldn't spam that fucking sweeping attack which makes it impossible to get to its weak points.
  16. Maybe people have come around, but on the old board there was plenty of, 'Men get it just as bad' and 'It's just talk on the internet, get over it' arguments being thrown around.
  17. Given what happened to Alison Rapp, I'm reflexively skeptical any time a woman is scrutinized by gaming communities. Regardless of whether or not it was justified in this instance, let's not pretend like women in gaming don't face a distinct and disproportionate amount of toxicity.
  18. I absolutely lost it at the cutaway to the duct.
  19. Like: Sausage Pepperoni Spinach Garlic Red Pepper Flakes Hate: Olives Onion (I normally love onion, but for some reason I hate it on pizza) Mushrooms I'm indifferent toward peppers on pizza.
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