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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. No? One of the studies used a natural sweetener as a variable, but the conclusion wasn't painted in a 'artificial vs natural' kind of way. If responding to an annoying post (and not even holding a grudge, since outsida and I have since exchanged pleasant posts) is getting 'overly emotional', your username must be in the dictionary next to 'histrionic'.
  2. That if people are turned off to artificial sweeteners, they will continue to drink sugary drinks. That's a false dilemma.
  3. Or, maybe they will drink water. Interesting you would bemoan 'faulty evidence', then immediately resort to a logical fallacy. In any case, that's not the point. The point is that it's wholly silly, not to mention grating, that a comment I made about a mundane decision elicited a rebuke about scientific rigor. Save the proselytizing for when I talk about not vaccinating my child or something. The unopened Diet Mountain Dews in my fridge aren't exactly worth a treatise on the fidelity of methodologies. The speed and willingness with which you enter conversations to tell someone they're mad will never cease to be amusing.
  4. Oh my bad, I didn't realize I'm not allowed to make relatively mundane and minute personal choices if there aren't randomized control trials to support those decisions. Shit! Think of all the precious little diet sodas I've neglected to drink.
  5. I'm an asymmetrical kind of guy.
  6. I've never had anal sex; butt play is fun though.
  7. Brioche. Smiling Banana Leaf. Their Pad See Ew is fucking incredible. Ki Pollo and El Burro are up there too.
  8. Mildly. But ultimately I know my quality transcends a number.
  9. Don't be afraid to get weird with it.
  10. Except that's just focusing on liver function; your metabolism isn't just a function of your liver. https://news.yale.edu/2017/08/10/sweet-taste-not-just-calories-dictates-metabolic-response https://www.endocrine.org/news-room/current-press-releases/low-calorie-sweeteners-promote-fat-accumulation-in-human-fat https://cen.acs.org/biological-chemistry/biochemistry/Artificial-sweetener-triggers-metabolic-changes/96/i18
  11. I used to be crazy addicted to Diet Mountain Dew, but after reading more about how bad diet soda is for your metabolism, I've more or less given up soda entirely.
  12. Soda is poison liquified capitalism to subsume and dominate the masses.
  13. Find out where all the Coke executives live, burn down their homes, then let the proletariat build on the land.
  14. That's how I perceive it. Case in point, just look at how Bernie and Trump talked about the TPP:
  15. Because even though free trade benefits everyone, the benefits are most visible for businesses and the ruling class, both of which are considered villainous by progressives in the US.
  16. A bullet in the head of every capitalist pig.
  17. My goal is to look like Xherdan Shaqiri. Going to need about 10 pounds of muscle and probably 5%ish BF reduction.
  18. I don't visit the local libraries very often (parking in gentrifying neighborhoods is a pain in the ass), but they are incredibly dope. I'm all about public libraries.
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