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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. How are leftist political goals fulfilled without liberals? I'm genuinely curious how you see the DSA and/or their platform achieving prominence while bypassing the majority of the Democratic Party.
  2. I have a hard time understanding what some of you want...The #Resistance is dumb and useless, establishment Democrats are dumb and useless, anything and anyone that doesn't fit some narrow and ill-defined template is dumb and useless. You can talk about how annoying 'hopeful people' are all you want, but to me unyielding cynicism is far more grating (and ultimately self-defeating). At a certain point you simply have to get out of the way, because jeering only goes so far.
  3. I don’t doubt that Avanatti is a smart guy and would be a better President than Trump...But neither one of those are particularly difficult hurdles to clear, and neither one means that a person is inherently ‘qualified’ to be President. Being better than the current President means nothing when the current President is so wildly unqualified. If any one of you really gives a shit about ‘restoring the honor of the Presidency’ or whatever, you should laugh people out of the room if they suggest Michael Avanatti or Mark Cuban or whoever.
  4. The fact you guys are even having this argument proves that Trump has lowered the bar for candidates as opposed to raising it, and if our response to Trump’s incompetence is, ‘Hey, this lawyer guy is pretty fucking smart, he could be President!’ then let’s just burn everything down now.
  5. I would advise against playing with only a GM and one character; most of the fun with D&D comes from playing off of other characters in situations, and you'd lose that in essentially a solo campaign. Also, I'd advise you to check out some of the non-d20 based games as well, like Dungeon World. D&D can be fun, but it can also be an insane slog with how many rules you have to constantly look up and internalize. Other systems can be more forgiving and freeing in that regard.
  6. I can't handle mayo, the way it looks makes me gag. Which is odd, because I love semen.
  7. Hold up, are you seriously asking why a group of white guys are indignant about being reproached for less-than ideal behavior? *breathes in*
  8. and existential dread.
  9. drowns pussy nightly
  10. time, @stepee ejaculated
  11. I don't think they are mutually exclusive; a film like Get Out can have a place in both categories (granted that type of nuance is giving the Academy far too much credit, but I'm speaking hypothetically). And you're right that it is mostly outside the hands of the creatives, but that's the case for almost any Oscar these days given how often studios launch campaigns and actively lobby for votes. Maybe instead of a category with an award, it's a group of films honored at the ceremonies. In fact, maybe that helps de-stigmatize films like Star Wars and Black Panther by having them acknowledged beyond stuff like SFX and sound mixing and crap like that, and ultimately leads to more Oscar nods. In any case, I think acknowledging the cultural impact of blockbusters is only a good thing, whatever form it may take.
  12. I agree, but I also think there is a case to be made for recognizing the cultural impact of any given film. Take 'Get Out' for example...Its individual elements were definitely worthy of praise, but beyond that (and its overall quality) it generated a tremendous amount of attention and tangibly impacted American culture (ranging from minor things like memes to major discussions about racial problems in Hollywood). Given that streaming and VOD are challenging theaters, I think there is merit to an award the recognizes when a film generate hype while it is in theaters.
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