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Everything posted by Moa

  1. Eh, Doom 2016 ran like garbage on my old 670 machine, which handles most games of the time relatively well. That said, I don't think there is any reason to be concerned about the performance of Doom Eternal if you have a computer that can handle other modern games.
  2. Good, the people who made this show great aren't going anywhere, let them work on something new rather than shoehorn in another season of a finished show.
  3. I finally won! 37 hours of words was a big ask but this game is truly fantastic. I felt like the latter third of the game was a little rushed, but perhaps it's just because I was so meandering in accomplishing anything early on. I'm glad that the game rewards you for your investments in various divergent story lines and nothing felt like a dead end.
  4. I do think the drug and alcohol angle is a little weak, there is simply too little incentive to use them and it is too easy for you, the player, to exercise control. I haven't used drugs or alcohol in my playthrough yet but I am saving some bottles that I hope will play into the endgame, although only time will tell. It's possible that it's totally valid to be blasted, but I dont feel like the game has communicated any incentive to do so.
  5. Thus far my habits haven't changed other than that I collect my weekly fortnite subsidized free games from Epic and now have about 50 games to not play. I haven't jumped on board gamepass yet and continue to buy MS games as they appeal to me, and I don't regret the decision. The only MS game I've bought recently has been Forza Horizon 4, which I play sporadically and would be unhappy to have to pay a subscription for but also unhappy to not be able to jump on whenever I please. To wade into the Epic debate, I don't love client exclusive games, but I also think the EGS is a net positive simply because they're willing to put the money forward to bring formerly console exclusive games to the PC. I don't mind having to use a non-steam client to boot up Afterparty or Goose Game if it means that I can also play Tetris Effect, a game that certainly would not be on PC right now if not for Epic.
  6. I like Jeff a lot and would like to see more of him, but honestly I think to fill the Dan void they'll need more than one person.
  7. He's the dumber Forrest Gump of nerds and he has to fulfill his destiny.
  8. Not really, the Witcher 3 was so much more ambitious than the first two that CDPR knew pretty well that it would have a large audience of people who hadn't played a Witcher game and they do a good job of on-boarding you.
  9. Imagine having so little to be proud of that you tweet about other people not really beating NES games.
  10. It's kind of a rock and a hard place. The Nilfgaardian accents in the game were not great, and I feel like putting on a germanic-english hybrid accent for the show would've been distracting and bad, so I'm glad they didn't try too hard. Given what I know about Nilfgaard from the games, the show, and my brief wiki surfing I hope they do a good job with Ehmyr. I do think they've done a decent job of portraying Nilfgaard as ruthless and antagonistic but not necessarily evil. Their armor sucks though.
  11. Despite my very negative initial impression, I think this show manages to be more than the sum of its parts. It's very clear that the pieces are there for the show to improve and be something truly special. Henry Cavill really makes for a fantastic Geralt. "Fuck."
  12. It is somewhat surprising, but the game has been out since 2015 and each year there is more and more reason to pick it up. I bet it has one of the most steadily growing install bases of any game. Ubisoft has put a tremendous amount of work dragging the game back from a broken and controversial (Ubisoft downgrade!) launch to make it one of the best multiplayer shooters on the market.
  13. 10 Celeste 9 Rainbow Six Siege 8 Night in the Woods 7 Hotline Miami 6 DOOM 5 What Remains of Edith Finch 4 The Witcher 3 3 Kentucky Route Zero 2 Outer Wilds 1 Life is Strange
  14. So I finally beat this game, and it was fantastic as hell. It's the type of game that is hard to talk about because it is so unique. It took me 18 meandering hours until I manage to roll credits. This is probably my favorite game this year, although I'm still working through Disco Elysium, but I think this is about as close to perfection as I've experienced in a game. Every aspect of this game reinforces everything else in the game. I've typed and deleted a few too many paragraphs describing how brilliant this game is, but who needs to read all that.
  15. I am finishing Outer Wilds dammit! I think I'm one or two steps from the end but am completely blanking on what to do.
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