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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. yeah absolutely and now I can tell you I’d it’s running at 30 or if it’s running at something better. I’m just saying that before I consistently ran into 60, I had a tough time with it.
  2. I think a lot of it is exposure. I couldn’t consistently tell you a game was running at 30 or 60 for a while when 60 was kind of rare. But once I played most games at 60 I started to really notice when they weren’t. I am just not super perceptive at that stuff.
  3. I think you need to put your foot down and demand a replacement model. From either the retailer you got it from or Sony themselves. There’s no reason you have to put up with a defective unit when it’s under warranty. You spent hundreds of dollars on that machine, you’re entitled to one that works. Keep complaining to customer service (respectfully) until they agree to replace it.
  4. I guess the argument could be made with the pandemic slowing down development there’s a chance it’s pretty barren the next few years and by the time the library is fleshed out they might actually be close to an upgrade.
  5. If you’ve got the money and the gumption, what’s the difference between now and in two years or so? Won’t be a price drop on the thing. You can certainly argue early adopters are beta testing it, but again if you had always planned to get one not much is gonna change if you want the first version of it eventually. Plus it really does run old games really well.
  6. I'm playing it mostly solo with friends hopping in here and there. Personally I love it, but it's one of those games - minecraft or what have you. If you don't like the monotony of going out, grabbing shit, coming back, crafting, going out again by yourself it won't be your bag.
  7. This is not the exact same team but two of the guys made that GBA game. I don’t have nostalgia for streets of rage and I’m always tempted to get that because it looks so good. If this thing turns out well it will be an instant purchase for me.
  8. It’s such a fun game, once you hit a certain point there’s just so much to do.
  9. It didn’t work as well as you hoped or you just didn’t enjoy it? I have run into a few issues with steam - like it’ll randomly disable pad support when I boot a game sometimes and I have to relaunch. And the one time I played around with the Witcher it had a delay that was unpleasant. However I’ve been playing Rogue Legacy on it and not exaggerating it works as if the game is installed on my phone. And it’s kinda weird but I play ESO from my PS5 on it and it works really well. I wanna try control on it but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.
  10. I recently got a backbone and have been really impressed with the steam and PS5 streaming to my phone - but only on a local connection.
  11. I do not get the appeal to game pass on the switch. Hey you wanna play all those games you like with trash framerate / resolution / input lag?
  12. Twitter honestly gives me a decent picture of what’s going on since I follow most of the writers whose work I tend to enjoy. I do visit polygon on a regular basis and I don’t know why I pick them over anyone else other than I find their site aesthetically pleasing. Back in the day IGN was like a go-to daily site for me but those days are long gone. When I go there now it seems they are trying to do too much for my taste (pop culture and whatnot). So those and I listen to the bombast, beast cast and waypoint radio when they have Austin and Rob both on.
  13. I’m playing this as well - love everything about it except the gunplay so far, but once you unlock a few abilities it gets better. Obviously the game oozes style and good works building. Also playing Valheim with a little Animal Crossing, ESO, and Rogue Legacy 2 mixed in.
  14. Well again, have you dropped your switch several times onto a hard surface? I suggest you experiment a little before casting doubt on my claims.
  15. I’ve been playing, it’s a blast. I like how the building actually requires you to follow general laws of physics as opposed to minecraft.
  16. @MeatAndPotatoes I was gonna comment on how clean it is like in the cool way but I am too late
  17. Let’s just say there have been a few mishaps.
  18. I hope they release at $300 but I’m guessing $400. I need a new switch, mine sounds like a jet engine when it boots, I think one of the fans is busted.
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